WNB July 2, 2013
- This is way past due.
Why Did The Trayvon Martin Funeral Director Lie? – How Does He Connect to Scheme Team?
... it should also be noted this is the same autopsy Trayvon Family Attorney
Benjamin Crump filed previous court orders (March 6th-7th) to keep out of
public review. Crump filed filed injunctions to seal school records,
attendance records, disciplinary records, and law enforcement contact
records as well as the autopsy.
We have outlined the lies, falsehoods and specific manipulations by various
parties associated with the false narrative. For this update, against the
backdrop of the autopsy discovery, we will revisit the lies by Trayvon
Family Funeral Director Richard Kurtz, and show the agenda driven intent.
- Any lie will suffice. It's all about using the minorities to further the
communist/elitist agenda.
Explains why the Marines' YouTube channel blocked me, as if I didn't already
know. And I still call them ragheads because I have negative respect for
their culture.
If you think millions of sheeple in this country couldn't easily be
convinced to kill millions of people you're in fantasy land. Time to grow
The other end of this stick is blind pacifism, which our domestic blood
enemies have been very successful in instilling in the libertarian,
conservative, rightwing, whatever movements
‘Smart gun’ releases in 2013 will pose threats to gun rights
That the "Only Ones" are exempt is an interesting, but probably moot point,
because no one seriously thinks a police union would allow such mandates to
be imposed on their troops anyway.
The dilemma facing private gun owners is what to do to keep it from being
imposed on them. The Luddites pretty much demonstrated that technology
cannot be stopped, it can only be controlled, and if a manufacturer wants to
make “smart guns” and a consumer wants to buy them, why should anyone have
authority to interfere?
GOA says charges dropped against Jared Marcum
With this victory behind them, the Marcum family is now considering legal
action against the school district. GOA will be watching these efforts
closely and will keep you updated.
In similar news, GOA is working with a Congressman in Washington to cut-off
federal funds to any school district that imposes a zero-tolerance policy
that punishes (e.g., suspends) children for wearing shirts containing a
pro-gun message ... or for playing cops-and-robbers during recess … or for
turning their pop tarts into “weapons” … or extending their fingers to
resemble a gun, etc.
- Sue them until they can't pay their commie teachers.
I jus' voted for him 'cause he's black
We still let them vote?
Obama’s gun policy and supporters favor jihadists over patriots
And that makes a Rasmussen poll published last week all the more
enlightening, when it reports “Half of all voters consider radical Muslims
the bigger terrorist threat facing the nation, but supporters of President
Obama consider the Tea Party to be as big a danger … Among those who
Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical
In a way, bias, ignorance and blinders notwithstanding, they’re probably
right to feel that way if the question is who poses the greatest impediment
to so-called “progressives” and their agenda.
- It's hard for me to accept that so many brain dead morons in this country
still think our biggest enemies are hiding in a cave on the other side of
the world.
ATF uses fake drugs, big bucks to snare suspects
In many cases, the records show the ATF accomplished precisely what it set
out to do, arresting men outfitted with heavy weapons and body armor, and
linked to repeated, and sometimes bloody, crimes. In the process, however,
the agency also scooped up small-time drug dealers and even people with no
criminal records at all, including Army Rangers. It has offered would-be
robbers the chance to score millions of dollars of cocaine for a few hours
of work. In at least one case, the ATF had to supply its supposed armed
robbers with a gun.
The stings are the latest and perhaps clearest reflection of a broad shift
by federal law enforcement away from solving crimes in favor of
investigating people the government thinks are criminals. Such tactics are
common in law enforcement's efforts to prevent terrorist attacks, but they
are also becoming a staple of its fight against everyday street crime.
- To the trash with a badge you're a criminal if you don't go along with
their evil laws. Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.
Zeus now whistles in a different octave
Secret to Prism program: even bigger data seizure
Deep in the oceans, hundreds of cables carry much of the world's phone and
Internet traffic. Since at least the early 1970s, the NSA has been tapping
foreign cables. It doesn't need permission. That's its job.
But Internet data doesn't care about borders. Send an email from Pakistan to
Afghanistan and it might pass through a mail server in the United States,
the same computer that handles messages to and from Americans. The NSA is
prohibited from spying on Americans or anyone inside the United States.
That's the FBI's job and it requires a warrant.
Facebook said it received between 9,000 and 10,000 requests for data from all government agencies in the second half of last year. The social media company said fewer than 19,000 users were targeted.
Any company in the communications business can expect a visit, said Mike Janke, CEO of Silent Circle, a company that advertises software for secure, encrypted conversations. The government is eager to find easy ways around security.
Prism, as its name suggests, helps narrow and focus the stream. If
eavesdroppers spot a suspicious email among the torrent of data pouring into
the United States, analysts can use information from Internet companies to
pinpoint the user.
With Prism, the government gets a user's entire email inbox. Every email,
including contacts with American citizens, becomes government property.
In that way, Prism helps justify specific, potentially personal searches.
But it's the broader operation on the Internet fiber optics cables that
actually captures the data, experts agree.
"I'm much more frightened and concerned about real-time monitoring on the
Internet backbone," said Wolf Ruzicka, CEO of EastBanc Technologies, a
Washington software company. "I cannot think of anything, outside of a
face-to-face conversation, that they could not have access to."
Years after decrying Bush for it, Obama said Americans did have to make
tough choices in the name of safety.
"You can't have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy
and zero inconvenience," the president said.
- Only a complete moron or a lying piece of statist shit expects 100 percent
security anywhere. The government has clearly become the enemy. If you're
too stupid to see that you don't belong in this country.
Thoughtlessness kills
But the "Liberal"(commie) trash would rather the entire family be disarmed
so they can be robbed, raped, tortured and murdered with no way to fight
back. No comparison.
CCRKA to bloody Baltimore: "How's that new gun control thing working?"
Weeks after Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley signed one of the strictest gun
control laws in the nation, a bloodbath continues in Baltimore where June
ended with dozens of shootings, prompting the Citizens Committee for the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms to ask gun control proponents what they really
“Maryland lawmakers passed fingerprinting and licensing to prevent criminals
from getting guns and thus reduce gun violence,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan
Gottlieb. “Evidently, criminals didn’t get the message.”
- Leave them alone. The number of "Liberal"(commie) citiots and gang bangers
is declining. That's a good thing.
U.S. Park Police can't account for "hundreds" of guns
Although the National Park Service (NPS) Handbook requires agencies under
NPS control, including USPP, to acquire only those firearms needed for
law-enforcement purposes, OIG “discovered more than 1,400 extra weapons,”
including “477 military-style automatic and semiautomatic rifles” and some
that “fulfilled no operational need” — all this for an agency with just 640
USPP’s inventory controls are “incomplete and poorly managed,” wrote OIG.
Inventories are conducted on a semiannual basis, but no one verifies that
the contents of the submitted inventory forms are accurate. USPP could not
supply a current weapons inventory to OIG because it was unable to access an
Interior Department database. The current USPP firearms custodian maintains
his own inventory document and is trying to bring it up to date, but given
“numerous errors on past official inventory records,” he “had no idea how
many firearms USPP possessed as of the date of our interview,” said the
- Oh that's hilarious. Somebody call chuckie schemer and bloomerhead.
Traitor or champion of freedom?
Posted this for the second half of the vid. See the link to this commie Brit
newswhore's article below. Remember what Hitler said: "The truth is the best
propaganda." And don't miss alt. versions below of what Snowden's real
purpose may be.
NW gun activists debate possible NSA gun data collection
Signed by Oregon’s Ron Wyden and Washington’s Patty Murray and Maria
Cantwell, the letter is a bipartisan product from 26 senators to National
Intelligence Director James Clapper. Considering the paragraph under the
focus of gun owners, it is surprising to see the names of three “F”-rated
Democrats on that list. Here is what the letter says, in part:
Furthermore, we are troubled by the possibility of this bulk collection
authority being applied to other categories of records. The PATRIOT Act’s
business records authority is very broad in its scope. It can be used to
collect information on credit card purchases, pharmacy records, library
records, firearm sales records, financial information, and a range of other
sensitive subjects. And the bulk collection authority could potentially be
used to supersede bans on maintaining gun owner databases, or laws
protecting the privacy of medical records, financial records, and records of
book and movie purchases. These other types of bulk collection could clearly
have a significant impact on Americans’ privacy and liberties as well.
Latest NSA leak details PRISM's bigger picture
This data copying and snatching would prove that the named seven technology
companies were not in fact handing data over to the NSA, voluntarily or
forcibly, without an appropriate warrant.
The named seven companies — AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google (and YouTube),
Microsoft (and Skype), Paltalk, and Yahoo — scrambled immediately after the
first disclosure to counter the claims mistakenly made by some that they
gave the NSA "direct access" to their systems.
- So now we can go back to blindly trusting them. OKaaaayyyy....
Psychology of control
In a recent study orchestrated by the CDC and carried out by the Institute
of Medicine and National Research Council, it was found that individuals
involved in violent crimes who defended themselves using techniques other
than carrying a gun were more likely to be injured when compared to those
who were carrying a concealed firearm.
All-in-all, the Obama ordered report ended up finding more pros than cons in
regards to the right to an open or concealed weapon. The report also reminds
us of the numerous causes of gun deaths, citing that most gun deaths are at
the hands of those who used a gun for their suicide — not homicide. The
report highlights the poor state of America’s suffering mental health. The
report states that suicide by guns outweighs the amount of deaths caused by
violent crimes by 61%.
Good news – Charges dropped against teen who wore NRA t-shirt to school
Jared Marcum, 14, was charged with obstruction following the April 18
incident after police who were called to Logan Middle School school said he
refused to stop talking. The case generated national headlines, as Marcum’s
family and attorney, Ben White, claimed the demand that he remove the NRA
shirt violated his right to freedom of speech. On Thursday, Logan County
Circuit Judge Eric O’Briant signed an order dismissing the charge.
Yet another attack
In a free country there's no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be
GOA says Thank You for Tying up the Capitol Hill Phone Lines on the Anti-gun Amnesty Bill
At first blush, the final tally might seem like an overwhelming loss for our
side, but the fact is, it represents the proverbial “kiss of death” for
Chuck Schumer’s anti-gun, amnesty forces.
Senator Schumer & Co. fell far short of the goal they set for passing the
amnesty bill -- a goal they HAD TO ACHIEVE if they were going to have ANY
momentum at all in the House.
- What a sad shell game. Why haven't we executed them for treason yet? There are no men in this country, that's why.
Texas teen makes violent joke during video game, is jailed for months
The statements “lol” and “jk” — meaning “laughing out loud” and “just
kidding” — indicate that Justin’s statement was entirely sarcastic, said his
But a Canadian woman who saw the post looked up Carter’s Austin address,
determined that it was near an elementary school, and called the police.
Carter was arrested one month later, and has been in jail ever since. He
recently celebrated his 19th birthday behind bars.
Authorities charged him with making a terrorist threat. If convicted, he
will face eight years in prison.
- Strike another one up for the mindless pacified brain dead cows of the
world. May she be shot into a ditch by the government she so slavishly
Iraq war vet kills himself after being ordered to commit "War crimes"
Thus, I am left with basically nothing. Too trapped in a war to be at peace,
too damaged to be at war. Abandoned by those who would take the easy route,
and a liability to those who stick it out—and thus deserve better. So you
see, not only am I better off dead, but the world is better without me in
This is what brought me to my actual final mission. Not suicide, but a mercy
killing. I know how to kill, and I know how to do it so that there is no
pain whatsoever. It was quick, and I did not suffer. And above all, now I am
free. I feel no more pain. I have no more nightmares or flashbacks or
hallucinations. I am no longer constantly depressed or afraid or worried
- One wonders what kind of mind control or drugs may have been applied to
these men to cause so many suicides?
What does John Hagee really want?
Now think this through: these warmongering evangelicals beat the war drums;
they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these
“holy” wars; they work tirelessly to elect pro-war politicians; and they
twist Old Testament Scripture to fit these modern crusades. Then, the
politicians whom the warmongers helped elect send the US military to invade,
bomb, and kill hundreds of thousands of people, the vast majority of whom
are innocent people. After which, these same warmonger-preachers get up in
their pulpits and cry and weep about how we need to send missionaries to
preach the Gospel to the same people they just got done trying to
Exactly who is it that the missionaries are supposed to reach? The ones
lucky enough to escape death and destruction from US bombers and drone
attacks, I guess. And exactly what is the message our missionaries are
supposed to deliver? “I’m from America, and I’m here to tell you about the
love of God.” Oh, that is going to play really well with the loved ones of
those family members we just destroyed.
- All religion is based on fear of the unknown among the masses and the
desire for manipulation among the elites.
Your right and your duty
I've seen so much stuff like this before. It's gonna have to get a lot worse before it gets better. The upper middle class will have to figure out there ain't no more corn in the trough.
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?
The FBI wants a new law that will make it easier to wiretap the Internet.
Although its claim is that the new law will only maintain the status quo,
it's really much worse than that. This law will result in less-secure
Internet products and create a foreign industry in more-secure alternatives.
It will impose costly burdens on affected companies. It will assist
totalitarian governments in spying on their own citizens. And it won't do
much to hinder actual criminals and terrorists.
As the FBI sees it, the problem is that people are moving away from
traditional communication systems like telephones onto computer systems like
Skype. Eavesdropping on telephones used to be easy. The FBI would call the
phone company, which would bring agents into a switching room and allow them
to literally tap the wires with a pair of alligator clips and a tape
recorder. In the 1990s, the government forced phone companies to provide an
analogous capability on digital switches; but today, more and more
communications happens over the Internet.
SAF, CCRKBA file FOI request for all Bloomy-MAIG records
SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb took the action after
press revelations that the city server was being used to host the MAIG
website, and it is being administered by city employees. He is also alarmed
at reports that a special counsel in Bloomberg’s office was sent to Nevada
to lobby for a gun control law on behalf of the anti-gun MAIG group.
“The public has a right to know what’s been going on between Bloomberg, the
city and MAIG,” Gottlieb explained in a press release. “Gun control is
Bloomberg’s pet peeve, and he’s been pushing an anti-gun agenda since
sending so-called private investigators on a sting operation to gun shops
all over the country, which got him in trouble with the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.”
- Our goal should be that some day anyone can walk into the New Yawk City
mayor's office with any kind of Second Amendment weapon(equal to that
carried by any soldier or Marine) and the "Liberal"(commie) trash won't be
able to do a damn thing about it but whimper for mercy, which they won't
More serious manner
Commies admitting their propaganda 'spectacularly wrong?': The limits of panic
In the early 1970s, the flush of technological optimism was over, the
Vietnam War was a disaster, societies were in turmoil, and economies were
stagnating. Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring had raised fears about
pollution and launched the modern environmental movement; Paul Ehrlich’s
1968 title The Population Bomb said it all. The first Earth Day, in 1970,
was deeply pessimistic.
The genius of The Limits to Growth was to fuse these worries with fears of
running out of stuff. We were doomed, because too many people would consume
too much. Even if our ingenuity bought us some time, we would end up killing
the planet and ourselves with pollution. The only hope was to stop economic
growth itself, cut consumption, recycle, and force people to have fewer
children, stabilizing society at a significantly poorer level.
- Does this mean they'll soon stop lying about 'global warming?' Don't hold
your carbon credits.
House votes unanimously to ban funding for UN gun grab
Representative Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) offered an amendment to the NDAA (HR 1960)
that would prohibit federal funding for the implementation of the United
Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) for one year.
Remarkably, the House unanimously passed Kelly’s amendment, and it was
included in the final passage of the NDAA. Subsequently, Kelly voted in
favor of the NDAA.
- So close, yet so damn far.
Look around, it's already here
Colorado civil rights body rule 6-year-old boy can use girls restroom
Michael Silverman of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund, which
filed the complaint on behalf of the family, was predictably pleased with
the ruling against the common-sense actions of the school officials,
declaring that it “sends a loud and clear message that transgender students
may not be targeted for discrimination and that they must be treated equally
in school.”
Silverman noted that the decision by the Colorado discrimination authorities
“is the first ruling in the nation that holds that transgender students be
allowed to use bathrooms that match who they are.” He claimed that there are
“thousands of families like the Mathises who are feeling relieved and
vindicated that the commission ruled that Coy is a girl just like any other
GCHQ revelations: mastery of the internet will mean mastery of everyone
Britain and the US have boasted of their democratic virtues for generations
and they also gave the internet to the world – the Americans providing the
network and the British the idea. But now the two countries are rapidly
perfecting a surveillance system that will allow them to capture and analyse
a large quantity of international traffic consisting of emails, texts, phone
calls, internet searches, chat, photographs, blogposts, videos and the many
uses of Google.
The system is currently vacuuming signals from up to 200 fibre- optic cables
at the physical points of entry into the country, and will eventually allow
for the shift that will occur in internet traffic with the continued rise of
Asia. Mastering the Internet treats the rights of billions of foreign web
users, the possible menace to the privacy of British and American citizens
and the duties of their legislators with equal contempt. After Iraq and the
banking crash, the world may come to see MTI as further evidence of a
heedless delinquency in two of the world's oldest democracies.
Ban guns, knives, hammers and nails
Please let me see that trash during "Liberal"(commie) season.
How to identify CIA limited hangout op
The operations of secret intelligence agencies aiming at the manipulation of
public opinion generally involve a combination of cynical deception with the
pathetic gullibility of the targeted populations.
There is ample reason to believe that the case of Edward Joseph Snowden fits
into this pattern. We are likely dealing here with a limited hangout
operation, in which carefully selected and falsified documents and other
materials are deliberately revealed by an insider who pretends to be a
fugitive rebelling against the excesses of some oppressive or dangerous
government agency.
Snowden polarizes patriots and prostitutes
The "tell" is the publicity, especially in The Guardian, and other
Rothschild house organs like Democracy Now. There have been many leaks about
NSA spying over the years. Why did this one get so much attention?
The Illuminati bankers work both sides against the middle. Daniel Ellsberg
is a good example. The bankers got the US into Vietnam; and then they
attacked US policy when Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York
The Illuminati purpose : Degrade and discredit the US and alienate youth
from their government. Snowden's unwitting role is to increase alienation,
division and polarization in US society as in the 1960's. In other words,
they have turned up the heat. Think cooking frogs in a pot.
Like slaves and robots
Nameless thugs indeed. How much longer until we all come back with much more
than a shotgun?
Firm: Facebook's shadow profiles are 'frightening' dossiers on everyone
Standing on its policy, Facebook is refusing to allow users to have control
over their own personal information.
Facebook policy in this area is that your data is not yours; it belongs to
your friends, and by its rules your friends - or merely peple you know -
have more control over your data than you do.
Packet Storm praised Facebook for acting swiftly to patch the bug.
The security company emphasized that it is not Facebook security that is
broken, but instead it is Facebook policy that is broken, and their
disclosure is not meant to cast a negative light on the company.
Packet Storm remarked, "It was clear that Facebook attacked the disclosure
flaw properly, but concerns still remain about the fact that dossiers are
being built on everyone possible."
NSA instigates security measures to hamper future whistleblowers
There is something ironic about exposing spying in order to be charged with
espionage. However, as reported by The New York Times, the situation plunges
deeper than including only one individual. Not only has Snowden left an
enraged, sleep-deprived government in his wake, but he may be the cause of
future headaches for the next generation of IT staff.
The situation between Snowden and the National Security Agency has placed
scrutiny on information technology and system administrators worldwide.
These IT staff are required to keep systems functional and working smoothly,
and so often have unrestricted access to every part of a network.
Fresh charges
It's all distraction. We need to focus on taking our country and governments
back so we can figure out who to hang.
Study says self-defense gun use is effective
The report comes from the Institute of Medicine and National Research
Council for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on order from
President Barack Obama. According to the report on Page 15, “Defensive uses
of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number
remains disputed.” Estimates range from 500,000 to 3 million such uses
On the following page, the report also notes, “Studies that directly
assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in
which a gun was “used“ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or
threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among
gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective
- The crime argument is a red herring. Even if 'gun control' could be proven
to reduce crime it would still be evil. It's about
our right to kill
those who would enslave us. That means
we must have the same
or better weaponry as carried by the common infantry soldier or Marine.
Stop Common Core in your state
Common Core’s subpar English Language Arts (ELA) standards are intended to
remove the great British and American literary works of William Shakespeare,
John Bunyan, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, T.S. Eliot, and C.S. Lewis from
school curricula. These literary classics will be replaced with simple
brochures, restaurant menus, technical manuals, and government pamphlets
about the environment and sustainability from the Environmental Protection
The purpose of literature will no longer be to expand children’s creative
thinking and vocabulary skills but rather to make them practical components
of a managed world economy and labor market. As a result of the poor quality
of Common Core’s ELA standards, Dr. Sandra Stotsky of the University of
Arkansas, who served on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to
sign off on them.
Blatant lies in the face of reality
The Marxist mutt has sold more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought
Smile! FBI scanning drivers license images
(Make sure you go watch the vid. It won't embed here. If it doesn't enrage you you're too stupid to breathe on your own.)
EPIC also is suing the FBI to learn more about its development of a vast
biometric identification database. It references the “Next Generation
Identification” system, which reportedly aggregates fingerprints, DNA
profiles, iris scans, palm prints, voice identification profiles,
photographs and other identifying information.
“The FBI will use facial recognition to match images in the database against
facial images obtained from CCTV and elsewhere,” the organization explained,
noting there are an estimated 30 million cameras recording Americans
- That CEO needs to be put on the list for the war crimes trails. I'll
happily shoot it into a ditch if no one else volunteers.
Driver's licenses have always been about the state being able to find us
when it thinks we owe it money or time. 'Safety' is the excuse.
The upside is we can use this system to hunt down our natural born traitors.
NSA has total access via Microsoft Windows
The NSA plays a prominent role in deliberations over whether such products
can be exported. It routinely turns down any requests above a megabyte level
that exceeds NSA’s technical capacity to decrypt it. That’s been the
standard for years for NSA, as well as the departments of Defense, Commerce
and State.
Computer security specialists say the Windows software driver used for
security and encryption functions contains unusual features the give NSA the
backdoor access.
- They're closing the loopholes one by one. The government has become the
Kentucky makes Russia Today
As always, the drug war continues because the right people profit from it.
In 2010, Daniel Glowacki was thrown out of class for objecting to activities
surrounding an 'Anti-bullying Day.' His teacher made him leave the classroom
after Glowacki stated he didn't accept gays because of his religious
A judge sided with Glowacki, saying he was protected by the First Amendment.
- That's the bottom line, they want to force us to lie about their
disgusting behavior.
Cancer-Killing Dandelion Tea Receives $157,000 for Further Research
Continuing research that began in 2009, Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the University of Windsor, and his research team are finding that dandelion root extract is turning out to be a very aggressive natural remedy for cancer cells associated with Leukemia. The extract of dandelion root has been shown to cause chronic monocytic myeloid cells to commit suicide. Due to this initial success, the team has recently been issued a $157,500 grant (totaling $217,000 overall) to discover how this natural remedy can treat Leukemia altogether.
- And to think of all the money the average idiot wastes on herbicides just
to keep them out of their manicured lawns. The human race is insane.
The greatest holocaust
If the mainstream is telling you to ignore someone because they're 'bad,' or 'racist' or 'can't win,' guess what, that's probably the person you should be paying the most attention to.
In a free country there's no such thing as a group whose
motives cannot be questioned.
Events, alerts, actions and groups you should be involved with:
- 28th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference
- July 4 Open Carry march on Washington - Which has apparently now been canceled and moved to every state capital?
- Gun Owners of America Alerts page
- Tell the NRA it's time to stop playing games and demand a repeal of all gun laws.
- Take Back Kentucky monthly meetings
- The John Birch Society says "Stop Agenda 21"
- The John Birch Society stop a Con-Con(Constitutional Convention)
- Do you know who your Kentucky legislator is?
legislator email addresses
You fight as you train
Candidates worth voting for:
Paul Broun for U.S. Senate endorsed by Gun Owners of America
Know any?
Email bbright(at)willowtown.com
Something to make you feel better, or not.
Part of me wants to hope he paid all those sheeple to
act stupidly. The other part wants commiefornia to slide into the ocean very
Commie/NWO site of the week: Hope Not Hate
Commie of the week: Lily Montagu
Patriot site of the week: US Observer
Word(or phrase) for the times: Dialectic
Quote for the times:
"Fraud, falsehood, trickery, and deceit in national affairs are the signs of
decadence in States and precede convulsions or paralysis. To bully the weak
and crouch to the strong, is the policy of nations governed by small
mediocrity. The tricks of the canvass for office are re-enacted in Senates.
The Executive becomes the dispenser of patronage, chiefly to the most
unworthy; and men are bribed with offices instead of money, to the greater
ruin of the Commonwealth. The Divine in human nature disappears, and
interest, greed, and selfishness takes its place. That is a sad and true
allegory which represents the companions of Ulysses changed by the
enchantments of Circe into swine." -
Albert Pike in "Morals
and Dogma," Chapter 3.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.