Autopen, not Obama, signs Patriot Act extension into law
The president used an autopen--a machine devised to assist celebrities and
lawmakers in generating mass facsimiles of their actual signatures. The
president resorted to its use in this case since he was traveling in Europe,
and the provisions of the Patriot Act would have otherwise expired at
midnight, as White House spokesman Nick Shapiro told ABC's politics blog The
Note prior to the bill's passage Thursday.
"Failure to sign this legislation poses a significant risk to U.S. national
security. As long as Congress approves the extension, the president will
direct the use of the autopen to sign it," Shapiro said in a statement.
--- An auto pen for an auto-bot prez. doing what it's elitist masters
prescribe without a complaint, so that we will all learn how to be
U.S. sees surge in Hispanic, Asian populations
New findings from the Census Bureau show that Asians and Hispanics are the
nation's fastest-expanding large minority groups, and shed light on which
states are seeing most population growth from the groups.
A range of countries of origin are behind the influx of both Asians and
--- The commies and their elite masters want them here so they can use their
ignorance of our history to 'change' this country.
Liberty, what an addiction to have.
NRA sells out Second Amendment on Patriot Act
The NRA sold out the Second Amendment during the Patriot Act fight,
criticizing Senator Rand Paul's amendment to exempt gun purchases from
search provisions of the Patriot Act in e-mails to Congress while sitting on
information showing the need for Paul's amendment. The information shows
that the FBI and the federal government's Joint Terrorism Task Force have
already begun trolling the records of law-abiding gun owners, using the
excuse of terrorism surveillance.
The NRA published information May 27 — the day after the vote — indicating
that Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was right in warning that Patriot Act provisions
threatened law-abiding gun owners. In fact, the NRA proved that Patriot Act
surveillance of law-abiding gun owners as terrorists was already occurring.
--- No surprise that the "No Rights that aren't Allowed' group would do
this... Time to join Gun Owners of America.
New car purchases starting in June will have a mandatory black box installed
Beginning in June of 2011, all new cars manufactured
and sold in the United States will be required to have a mandated black box
device installed, which can be used to monitor several different physical
and technical data points.
On May 24th, a report on the new regulatations to be implemented by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) next month expands
the program that in February was just in a consideration phase.
But the rich...
...will happily eat us. Or allow us to be treated like jackasses at our
jobs. They want us desperate so we will do or say anything or put up with
anything to get or keep a job.
Feds mum on pastors' speech code challenge
Hundreds of Christian pastors across the United States have knowingly spoken
out from their pulpits about political candidates and have gotten virtually
no response from the Internal Revenue Service, whose job it is to enforce
the 1954 Johnson Amendment banning such speech from pulpits.
Have they intimidated the IRS? Or is there just a delay between the comments
and the response?
Doesn't matter, according to officials with the Alliance Defense Fund, which
is running the Pulpit Project to restore the Constitution's speech rights to
Gold, silver becoming legal currency in more states
A weak dollar, mounting inflationary fears and skyrocketing gold and silver
prices are prompting some states to convert precious metals into currencies.
Utah is now allowing gold and silver coins to be used as legal tender, and
others may follow suit.
South Carolina lawmakers are proposing a bill that would do just that based
in part on concern that present monetary policies may be undermining the
national economy.
Mother Jones...
Is a long-time commie rag. Keep them on your list for "Liberal" season.
Rand Paul takes another principled stand
It's upsetting to the "go along to get along" crowd in Washington DC when a
freshman senator uses the rules of the Senate to stand up for his
principles, so much so in fact they resort to acting like Chicken Little.
But Rand Paul is undaunted by their feigned panic when it comes to doing
what he believes is right.
According to the Left Wing Media parroting the squeals of Harry Reid, if
Rand Paul succeeds in blocking the renewal of certain parts of the Patriot
Act (scheduled to expire tonight) well, who knows what kind of evil will
spring forth! Why, according to these people terrorists might just pop up
anywhere and take over America.
--- My comments:
Our biggest enemies are right here, not hiding in some cave, shack or
raghead mansion on the other side of the world. The 'terrorists' draw govt.
paychecks and look forward to govt. pensions while their victims rot in
prison or in the ground.
It's time to wake up and stop all this ridiculous blind patriotic
It will take more than a few election cycles to fix this mess if it can be
fixed. It's time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse and to start
thinking Normandy.
Don't understand? Start
And the newswhores aren't 'left wing.' They're communists who draw paychecks
from corporate conglomerates. Think about what that really means.
If the financial system was a "house of cards" before the crisis, the
situation is worse today because back then investors had "some sense the
numbers being given in annual reports and quarterly filings were accurate,"
Rosner says. "Now we know the government seems to be [complicit] in allowing
them to fudge those numbers."
A time bomb on a slow fuse.
Senate rejects efforts to protect gun records from BATF Nazis
The Senate, by an overwhelming 85-10 vote, tabled an amendment by Senator
Rand Paul which would have protected 4473’s and other gun records from
blanket searches by the ATF under the PATRIOT Act.
A mere 24 hours earlier, Democratic Leader Harry Reid went through
parliamentary convolutions in order to prevent a vote on the Paul 4473
amendment, fearing that a vote on his language would have devastating
implications for his Democrats running for reelection.
But Reid had some important allies in the Republican leadership. Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell and his second-in-command, retiring Senator Jon Kyl
(R-AZ), used their “Republican whip” apparatus to mischaracterize the Paul
amendment and try to force Republicans to vote against it by spreading
misinformation and lies.
Gun Ownership Skyrockets, While Violent Crime Drops…Again
This week, the FBI estimated that the number of violent crimes decreased 5.5
percent from 2009 to 2010, including a 4.4 percent decrease in the number of
murders. Because the U.S. population increased during the period, the
figures imply that the total violent crime per capita rate and the murder
rate decreased more than six percent and five percent, respectively. Based
upon the preliminary data, it appears that violent crime fell to a 37-year
low and murder fell to a 47-year low. The FBI will report final figures for
2010 later this year.
We’re repeating ourselves, but, as has been the case for quite a while, the
decrease in crime coincided with an increase in the number of privately
owned guns—particularly handguns and detachable magazine semi-automatic
rifles. For example, Americans bought over 400,000 AR-15s in 2009, and
trends in AR-15 sales over the last few years suggest a similar number for
--- And the patriot/conservative/libertarian/tea party community still lacks
the resolve to use them to do
what will be required.
If Jefferson was here...
...he'd spit on us and turn his back because we aren't watering the tree of
Liberty. I can't watch stuff like this. I just want to kill them, the
mindless badged zombies who just do what they're told.
It will take more than a few election cycles to fix this mess if it can be
fixed. It's time to stop dancing around the real issue and to stop hunkering
down for the apocalypse. It's time to start thinking Normandy. Don't
understand? Start here.
If gas prices go up further, blame Canada
The Canadian oil industry, with the strong backing of Prime Minister Stephen
Harper's government, wants to build a pipeline to move crude oil from
Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico.
The firms involved have asked the U.S. State Department to approve this
project, even as they've told Canadian government officials how the pipeline
can be used to add at least $4 billion to the U.S. fuel bill.
North Carolina church fined $100 per branch for excessive tree pruning
Every two to three years, Eddie Sales trims and prunes the crape myrtles at
his church, Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church.
But this year, the city of Charlotte cited the church for improperly pruning
its trees.
The church was fined $100 per branch cut for excessive pruning, bringing the
violation to $4,000.
The submissive...
...have been surviving to breed for a very long time. The footage of the man
with the sunglasses comes from an old John Carpenter flick titled 'They
Via email: Louisville wholesale food vendor targeted by Kentucky food Nazis
Hello friends of liberty!
Below is an email from John Moody, founder of the Whole Life Food Buying
Club in Louisville Kentucky. Members purchase food (over two hundred
familes) that is grown and produced by Kentucky farmers.
Today the private club was visited by the State Health Department and their
milk was embargoed.
If you are not aware of
what happened to the Amish family in Pennsylvania this year, or
the Wisconsin farm last year, please see the link below.
We can not allow this to continue in Kentucky! Please join us in the fight!
Contact me or John Moody if your group will participate in a press
Date: Friday, May 27, 2011, 10:14 PM
As you know, we were "visited" by the county health department today. We
were served a cease and desist order. The private property of our members
was put under "quarantine."
And we are not going to idly take it... but we can't do it alone. We are
organizing a PRESS CONFERENCE in Louisville, and I need all the help of all
the freedom loving people we can get. All of the people who are tired of
being told what to do in every single area of their life (and people who are
tired of just a few areas...)
We are going to preemptively strike at the heart of the matter and get the
attention of KY - and I need your help. I need you to contact and pass this
along to any liberty minded folk you know who may be able to attend and help
publicize what is happening, grounds like TBK and C4L and all in between.
I need help mobilizing hundreds of people to attend this rally. I need your
prayers and support and counsel as we stand together and say "no more!" to
overreaching, endless gov't in our lives, down to our very dinner plates. I
need your help to let elected officials all over the state know that we are
not okay with the gov't thinking THEY can decide what we eat and feed our
We have a plan. We have a lot of support already moving in the right
direction and growing... but we need each and every one of you.
Please help, and with your help, hopefully we can have a story to share...
with each other, with our kids and nephews and nieces and grandchildren,
that when the time came, we didn't shirk, we didn't fear, we didn't walk
away, but we stood up for what was right and did what was needed to protect
our families and our freedoms.
John Moody
Whole Life Services
Video proves Marine killed by Arizona SWAT Nazis never fired his weapon
U.S. Marine Jose Guerena never fired on the SWAT team that killed him in a botched drug raid. Guerena was killed on May 5 when the SWAT team stormed his house near Tucson, Arizona, believing it was a center for drug smuggling. The team shot at him 70 times. A total of 22 of the bullets hit him.
When an ambulance arrived, said family attorney Chris Scileppi, the SWAT
team wouldn't allow paramedics inside for an hour and a quarter to attend to
Officials say the delay was due to the SWAT team not knowing if it was safe
to enter the house. "They still don't know how many shooters are inside, how
many guns are inside and they still have to assume that they will be
ambushed if they walk in this house," said a spokesman.
--- So the brave SWAT Nazis who always run in packs and will happily murder
you or your family for the NWO or the 'drug war' can't muster the courage to
re-enter a house they should have already cleared and escort medical help to
their victims who might survive to be witnesses against them. Figures
Thales Day - The birthday of reason
The story of how the scientist-philosopher Thales came to predict a solar eclipse in 585 B.C. is an inspiring lesson in the triumph of rational, independent thinking. Lovers of reason should celebrate accordingly!
Thales’s eclipse meant that every man could be his own scientist and
philosopher. A distinction started to be made between religion, which tells
you what to think, and philosophy, which teaches you how to think.
Is Proposed San Francisco Circumcision Ban Constitutional?
As of 2005, about 56% of newborn American boys, and about 31% of American boys in the Western states, were circumcised. (In the Midwest, the fraction was nearly 75%.) Since Jews and Muslims — the two groups that generally circumcise for religious reasons — make up about 3% or so of the population, it seems that over 90% of all circumcisions are not religiously motivated. The fraction might be lower in San Francisco proper (I know of no statistics limited to that city), but I suspect that even in San Francisco, the great majority of circumcisions aren’t religiously motivated.
--- I've never been upset that I was circumcised, unless I start thinking
about the blind ignorance that probably went into the decision that A: The
'bible' commands it or that B: everyone else does it. That in itself is
Gee, it's really strange... people who earn 8 - 12 bucks an hour and less can't go to the gas
station and 'speculate' on how much a gallon of gas is really worth to them,
or more importantly, what they can really afford to pay and still have
something that could be called a life.
Kentucky Attny. General thinks Marathon has engaged in price gouging
...I remain concerned that Marathon's dominance of the wholesale gasoline market in Kentucky allows a distortion of our gas prices. In certain areas of the Commonwealth, it actually has a 100 percent monopoly on wholesale supply. In the long term, we must address this problem, and I am turning over evidence we have developed to the U.S. Department of Justice's recently formed gas task force that is charged with investigating illegal activity in the oil and gas markets.
--- Our economy is based on oil. Millions of the working poor cannot pay 4-5
bucks a gallon for gas. As far as I'm concerned $2 a gallon is too high.
It's incredible that we allowed the "Liberal" garbage(eco-commies) and the
assholes who own, run and profit from the oil companies and those who
'speculate' on such a crucial product to screw up our fuel supply so badly.
No Emancipation of the Wage Slaves
The chattel slave [in the South] had to be fed and clothed and taken care of
in sickness and in health. When he got too old to work he had to be provided
for. Some States made it illegal for slaves to work on Sundays under pain of
a fine of five pounds. The average work day was about eleven hours [and] The
slave was given a holiday between Christmas and New Year’s. Louisiana
prescribed by law that every slave had to be given a minimum of 200 pounds
of pork a year.
The New England white wage slave wasn’t nearly as expensive and a lot more
efficient. He represented no capital outlay. He worked for starvation wages.
Laborers in the North in 1860 were earning 60 cents a day, and a day was
often 14 to 16 hours.
Congressman On Recent Flight: TSA Patted Down Child, Little Old Lady; Ignored Man In Arab Garb
What a concept...
Eighth graders hold mock trial: Jefferson Davis found not guilty
Resounding applause came when St. Rose Elementary eighth graders found
Jefferson Davis not guilty of treason in the school’s annual mock trial
event Monday at the Belmar municipal courthouse on Main Street.
Three member prosecution and defense attorneys argued whether or not the
Confederate States of America president’s actions violated constitutional
--- Gee, their anti-Southron
indoctrination must not have taken hold.
Mark Twain on Bible teaching and religious practice
The Christian Bible is a drug store. Its contents remain the same; but the
medical practice changes. For eighteen hundred years these changes were
slight - scarcely noticeable. The practice was allopathic - allopathic in
its rudest and crudest form. The dull and ignorant physician day and night,
and all the days and all the nights, drenched his patient with vast and
hideous doses of the most repulsive drugs to be found in the store’s stock;
he bled him, cupped him, purged him, puked him, salivated him, never gave
his system a chance to rally, nor nature a chance to help. He kept him
religion sick for eighteen centuries, and allowed him not a well day during
all that time. The stock in the store was made up of about equal portions of
baleful and debilitating poisons, and healing and comforting medicines; but
the practice of the time confined the physician to the use of the former; by
consequence, he could only damage his patient, and that is what he did.
FEMA has lots of coffins...
...and they may very well be needed.
Candidates worth voting for:
- John T. Kemper for state auditor
Galbraith for governor
From email hell:
Who knows when this really happened. Like a lot of email folklore or
whatever it's probably made the rounds several times. While it is funny
the bottom line to this is Marines, indeed all members of the military,
have one primary purpose, to kill our enemies and destroy their
resources though all branches of the military try to be PC and involve
their members in this sort of public relations activity(for the dense,
Toys for Tots, not the 'fall' the shoplifter was subjected to). We don't
need Law Enforcement Agencies participating in this type of activity no
matter how much our baser selves may think it's appropriate. Don't
understand? See the last blog.
Latest commie/NWO site I've ran across:
Word(or phrase) for the times: southron
Quote for the times:
“But after all this sacrifice of valuable life and money
we are no nearer the goal… than we were at the first booming of Sumter’s
guns. You can judge how we feel here in the 86th Illinois when I tell you
that only 8 men Co. K approve of the policy and proclamation of Mr. Lincoln.
Many are deserting 23 men from one Company in this brigade have deserted.” –
A Yankee letter written from Nashville, Tenn. On Feb. 3, 1863. Quoted in
‘The Life of Billy Yank’ by Bell Irvin Wiley
Click here for next oldest blog.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.