On what your definition of a 'fall' is. How much longer until someone who
witnesses such doesn't bother with a camera but simply splatters the Nazis'
brains and then walks away?
Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011
The President will have the sole power to appoint people to positions of his
choosing within our government.
While all of America is distracted and focused on the death of Osama bin
Laden, our President and his minions have been fast at work laying the
groundwork for S. 679: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining
Act of 2011 to speed through the Senate and then make its way into the House
and then to the President to sign. Yes, the other hand is quickly forming
into a dictatorial fist that is about to smash our Constitution.
--- It's time to ditch Mitch and the rest of the republicrats.
Mitch McConnell snubs Rand Paul
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is again
on the wrong side of conservatives and tea party activists.
In case you don’t remember, there recent was a grassroots push to have Sen.
Jim DeMint (R-SC) fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of Sen. John
Ensign (R-NV) on the Senate Finance Committee. But McConnell chose to put
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), who intially did not want the appointment, on the
committee over DeMint. According to McConnell, the decision was based on
In this country...
...the 'terrorists' wear black suits and badges and work for the government
or the worship the government and wear expensive suits and call themselves
"Liberals"(commies) and progressives and republicans. See the links below.
A Tucson, Ariz., SWAT team defends shooting an Iraq War veteran 60 times
during a drug raid, although it declines to say whether it found any drugs
in the house and has had to retract its claim that the veteran shot first.
And the Pima County sheriff, whose team conducted the raid, scolded the
media for "questioning the legality" of the shooting.
Jose Guerena, 26, died the morning of May 5. He was asleep in his Tucson
home after working a night shift at the Asarco copper mine when his wife,
Vanessa, saw the armed SWAT team outside her youngest son's bedroom window.
--- We need a militia force to deal with such evil...
Ex-Marine's lawyer opens up about SWAT, questions Sheriff
The same day the Pima County Sheriff's Department issued a letter blasting
the media's coverage of the SWAT shooting death of Jose Guerena, the Guerena
family's attorney is demanding even more answers from authorities.
The May 5 shooting lasted only ten seconds. SWAT burst into a Tucson man's
home on a drug search warrant, fired more than 70 rounds, and left the Iraq
and Afghanistan war veteran lying on the floor, fighting for his life.
Guerena's wife, Vanessa, emerged from the closet she was hiding in with her
young son and called for help. She was left alone in the house with her
dying husband for about ten minutes after the shooting.
...is all about 'revenue enhancement.'
I know that the outcomes are pre-arranged because I attended many of these
"stakeholder" meetings. My perspective always included addressing the
consequence of the planned program on private property and individual
autonomy. Without exception an attempt was made by the paid "facilitators"
to disregard comments like mine. After realizing that a pattern existed
within these councils, some of us learned how to expose the "change agents"
objectives, despite being massively outnumbered by other people getting paid
to attend the meetings.
For instance, the HCP "consensus" was drawn from "stakeholders" including
the Federal Department of the Interior, the Resource Conservation District,
the State Department of Natural Resources, the County Planning Department,
the Sierra Club, the Native Plant Society, Congressman Sam Farr's Office,
insurance industry representatives, the county Fire Chiefs, Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGO's), and local "environmental" activists. This council was
defeated because the proponents could not stand up to the exposure of their
irrationality by a small group of reasoned citizens. Why did so many people
fight so hard to destroy citizen lifestyles at the risk of catastrophic fire
in order to pursue a nonsensical land management policy?
The (misnamed) Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA) is a huge
Northwest American land grab. It is being pushed through Congress as HR 980.
This bill proposes that 24 million MORE acres of land (about 38,000 square
miles) in five northwestern states be given over to the Wildland’s Project
which will ultimately mean that human presence on the land is drastically
Currently, many use the land’s resources for jobs and recreation. Also of
great importance is that this land grab includes private property.
--- After conquering, one must occupy. Let them try to occupy their
I can understand someone not wanting to be woke up at 4 am by their
neighbor's rooster but this rest of this is chicken scratch...
With a shocking altercation between Philadelphia police and a 25-year-old IT
worker putting the spotlight back on open-carry gun laws, local authorities
are warning gun owners that they will be "inconvenienced" if they carry
unconcealed handguns in the city.
Lt. Raymond Evers, a spokesman for the city police, told FoxNews.com that
gun owners who open carry, which is legal in the city, may be asked to lay
on the ground until officers feel safe while they check permits.
--- To protect and to serve huh? How does this enhance revenue? One can
understand they want to go home at night. If they keep acting like Nazis
they won't be. They won't even be safe in their own homes. See the older
links below.
"For the past seven hours, Senator Paul has been
holding the Senate floor, keeping Reid and his allies from rushing this bill
through the Senate without debate or amendments."
Please give Senator Paul's office a call at
202-224-4343 to thank him for standing up for the American people and the
Afterward, please give both of your senators another
call through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
...and this is with 'representation.' Which shows they ain't representing
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice upped the ante in a high-stakes
political game of chicken. Lobbying against pending legislation in the Texas
legislature which would criminalize any searches conducted without probable
cause, U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy sent a letter to a few high-ranking
members of Texas’ government warning against promoting the bill and
threatening a complete closure of all flights to and from the state.
“If HR [sic] 1937 were enacted, the federal government would likely seek
an emergency stay of the statute,” Murphy wrote. “Unless or until such a
stay were granted, TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or
series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of passengers and
--- This is why we need the militias, of by and for the people, armed with
their own weapons equal to the common infantry soldier and kept in their
homes, and the 'national' guard brought back under the states' control, with
their weapons kept in their homes, not in a federal armory.
Oil speculators charged with price manipulation
Federal regulators charged five oil speculators Tuesday with manipulating
the price of crude and making a $50 million profit from the scheme.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission alleges the speculators bought
enormous amounts of actual crude oil for sale in Cushing, Okla, during the
early months of 2008.
--- Hang 'em high.
Mark Twain was right about the school board
Families facing $4 mil. in fines for selling bunnies
Almost nine months after a Missouri dairy was ordered to stop selling cheese made from raw milk, I share details of another hare-raising story from the Show-Me State: John Dollarhite and his wife Judy of tiny Nixa, Mo., have been told by the USDA that, by Monday, they must pay a fine exceeding $90,000. If they don’t pay that fine, they could face additional fines of almost $4 million. Why? Because they sold more than $500 worth of bunnies — $4,600 worth to be exact — in a single calendar year.
--- When enough videos of these Nazis being hung from trees and light poles
is put on YouTube then this will stop.
Supreme courts affirm the police state
Failing regimes respond in their death throes by engaging in perpetual wars,
debasing their currency and clamping down on the freedoms of their people.
As the power elites try to hold on to their last vestiges of control, they
enslave their subjects through the tyranny of a police state.
We live in a country that once threw off the shackles of tyranny. Our
Founders chose not to tolerate a police state that allowed armed soldiers of
the crown to enter homes at will, ransack, pillage and abuse. They
understood such practices violated hundreds of years of law that established
that a man’s home was his castle and not subject to invasion by the regime.
--- My posted comments:
Regardless of what this ruling really means we have already been living
under tyranny for decades, since 1865.
It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse and to start organizing
the military force we must have to make the black-suited Nazis who enforce
the NWO feel unsafe in their own homes and offices for that is the only
thing they will pay attention to.
They will happily pry your gun from your cold dead hands if you sit home and
wait your turn as they hope you do and they will murder your family pet and
your children on the way through the door.
Don’t understand? Start
Can you say 'irony?'
This sign shows that ignorance is still with us. Because of a 'law' that
forbade citizens from having weapons LEOs of that time had
an excuse to gun their victims down when they had been found guilty of
no crime.
Man who clashed with cops over legal gun was also armed with audio recorder
MARK FIORINO'S story has three elements that tend to
get people worked up - gun rights, Philly police and YouTube.
On a mild February afternoon, Fiorino, 25, decided to walk to an AutoZone on
Frankford Avenue in Northeast Philly with the .40-caliber Glock he legally
owns holstered in plain view on his left hip. His stroll ended when someone
called out from behind: "Yo, Junior, what are you doing?"
Fiorino wheeled and saw Sgt. Michael Dougherty aiming a handgun at him.
--- Can you say "Ignorance based arrogance" boys and girls? Too bad all cops
aren't required to have a citizen with a video camera accompany them at all
times. After all, they're working on our dime, at revenue enhancement. See
the video below, watch them protect their interests.
IN Sheriff: If We Need to Conduct RANDOM HOUSE to HOUSE Searches We Will
According to Newton County Sheriff, Don Hartman Sr., random house to house searches are now possible and could be helpful following the Barnes v. STATE of INDIANA Supreme Court ruling issued on May 12th, 2011. When asked three separate times due to the astounding callousness as it relates to trampling the inherent natural rights of Americans, he emphatically indicated that he would use random house to house checks, adding he felt people will welcome random searches if it means capturing a criminal.
--- One would hope this sheriff is being sarcastic to make a point about
tyranny and the recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling. But one shouldn't count
on it.
Last week, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee rejected an amendment by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), which proposed to allow the Attorney General to disapprove the NICS check of a person who has been placed on the FBI's secret "terrorist watchlist." Similar legislation has been introduced by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.).
--- Eventually everything will be 'black market' like the former Soviet
Union and many third world countries because no one will 'allowed' to own or
sell whatever the govt. deems inappropriate.
Have you herd about the Sheeple Quiz? Although most NaturalNews readers will easily beat it, it's a fun quiz to find out how smart (or gullible) your friends really are. So let 'em take the Sheeple Quiz! And then you'll know whether they're independent thinkers or just zombie-minded sheeple like the rest of the flock.
--- Have to disagree slightly on the one about fluoride. I don't think they
needed it. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.
Tomorrow there will be 2 meetings in the state. One is the normally
scheduled TBK meeting in E-Town, click here for details. We plan to discuss
the Primary Results and where we go from here. We still have 3 good
candidates on the ballot in November. Comer for Ag Commissioner, Kemper for
State Auditor and Johnson for SOS. We must get them elected and not have
what happened in the Primary to Phil happen to them in the General Election.
And many wonder why so many others prefer to be on welfare or a disability
check if they can get it. The work ethic is really a slave ethic and it
along with most religions were designed or manipulated to keep the
slaves/subjects/serfs happily enriching their masters.
To clarify the last few paragraphs for some: Liberty means liberty
everywhere. It means not being treated like a jackass at your
job(just over broke)
or like a slave by your banksters or by your governments.
This is by far the most spectacular waterfall I've seen
in Kentucky, either in person or in a photograph. Of course Cumberland Falls
is much larger and in a class by itself. This is Van Hook Falls on the Van
Hook Branch of Cane Creek which flows into the Rockcastle River. Click on
the thumbnail for a larger look. A couple of my camping compatriots are in
the middle photo, to give you some idea of the height of this waterfall. For
more waterfall and landscape pix go
Candidates worth voting for:
- John T. Kemper for state auditor
Galbraith for governor
Latest commie/NWO site I've ran across: Fabian Society
Word(or phrase) for the times: fabian
Quote for the times:
"Far from failing in its intended task, our educational
system is in fact succeeding magnificently, because its aim is to keep the
American people thoughtless enough to go on supporting the system." -
Richard Mitchell, Source: The Underground Grammarian
Click here for next oldest blog.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.