New Yawk City!
Sounds more like diverse tyranny.
Herbal medicines banned as EU directive comes into force
Patients have lost access to hundreds of herbal medicines today, after
European regulations came into force.
Sales of all herbal remedies, except for a small number of popular products
for 'mild' illness such as echinacea for colds and St John's Wort for
depression have been banned.
For the first time traditional products must be licensed or prescribed by a
registered herbal practitioner.
--- And the mega-pharma corporations will do the same here if they can.
National Debt Set to Skyrocket
In the past, wars and the Great Depression contributed
to rapid but temporary increases in the national debt. Over the next few
decades, runaway spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will
drive the debt to unsustainable levels.
How many gallons...
...can we squeeze out of the average "Liberal"(commie) or eco-commie?
New Study Points to Truth About Mexican Cartels' Guns
The Woodrow Wilson International Center, which previously accepted as fact
that incredible numbers of newly purchased firearms were being smuggled from
the U.S. to Mexico, has just released a report showing that the numbers have
been incredibly exaggerated. The revelation shifts the blame for Mexico’s
drug cartel problem away from America’s “lax” gun laws, and squarely in the
direction of Mexican officials and Central American weapons smugglers.
According to the report, Mexican President Felipe Calderon "[S]aid Mexico
had seized about 90,000 arms . . . . [B]ut ATF now reports that tens of
thousands of the trace requests are duplicates. In some cases, ATF has
received information on the same firearm up to five times as Mexican police,
a crime lab, the military, and the Attorney General’s office all write down
information on the same firearm, and the individual in the Attorney
General’s office in Mexico City submits trace requests on all of them. Of
the remaining firearms, the Mexican government has also failed to sometimes
include basic information about the firearms such as the manufacture’s
serial number or the import number on many [of] these firearms.”
Devvy Kidd: Timing Is Everything
May I point out a few things?
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our
number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." September 13,
2001, President George Bush
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's
not that important. It's not our priority." March 13, 2002, President George
June 18, 2006: FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to
We need some 'wild west justice' applied to our domestic enemies
'Justice' handed out by the 'just-us' system, full of "Liberal"(commie) and
republicrat black robed shysters? What a hoot.
Alciada can continue it's course with or without the head raghead, dead or
not-so dead.
We need to bring the troops home and let them kill our real enemies, white
elitist "Liberals"(commies) and republicrats and their plutocrat masters.
Don't understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes page first.
What’s the Impact of Illegal Work on Social Security? Lines at Social Security Offices at the Border
Here’s something hard to believe, but true. Our government is paying Social
Security benefits to thousands of Mexicans who don’t live in this country,
or were never entitled to benefits based on their own work record. A new
report from the Social Security Office of Inspector General details the
growing problem of thousands of Mexicans who routinely visit the United
States once a month to establish a claim to Social Security benefits.
Who are these beneficiaries? The Inspector General’s report refers to these
beneficiaries as dependents and survivors of other Social Security
beneficiaries and subject to the Social Security Alien Nonpayment Provision
(ANP) law. The ANP forbids payment of retirement, survivor and disability
benefits when non-citizens have been outside the United States for more than
6 months. But as is so often the case with Social Security law, there are
several exceptions; for example, if the non-citizen is from a foreign
country that has its own social insurance system and meets certain
conditions. Mexico is on the list of countries that meet the conditions of
the exception.
--- One wonders if they provide them mileage...
EPA burn ban starts in Oldham County
The Environmental Protection Agency has designated Oldham as an area where
burning is prohibited until Sept. 30 because of Oldham's high pollution
levels, Nuss said. Grilling and small recreational campfires will be
allowed, he said.
Residents can be cited if they violate the ordinance. Penalties range from
$50 to $1,000, but fines can be up to $25,000 if the EPA gets involved, Nuss
--- We need to show up at the EPA and burn them to the ground...
One sided insanity...
Amerika didn't 'quarantine' communism. We have a commie NWO hack in the now
red house.
Most Christians believe it's OK that their god will burn the vast majority
of humans who ever lived alive in fire forever, which shows we're all still
living in the dark ages. Religious Jews and idiot christians think the 'jews'
are god's chosen people. Can't think of anything more racist than that.
Good video otherwise. But you need to show all sides, or rather the insanity
of all sides.
Demonstrators Detained During "Liberal"ville May Day Rally
Two people were cited Sunday for possession of
graffiti materials and desecration of venerated objects after downtown
Louisville buildings became the target of graffiti.
Several Kentucky labor groups gathered Sunday for a May Day rally calling
for workers' rights.
--- Yeah they're a bunch of commies but they recruit
so well because of the failure of 'conservatives' and Libertarians to
address real issues, such as how the major corporations and even small
businesses often treat their employees like jackasses and expect them to put
up with it. And it's only going to get worse. Being free means being free
24/7 and not being treated like a slave or jackass just to 'earn' a 'living'
or existence as it is in most cases.
Suit against PC renter raises privacy questions
You didn't pay your bill. We need our computer back.
And here's a picture of you typing away on it, the computer rental company
told a client as it tried to repossess the machine.
Those allegations appear in a federal lawsuit alleging that the firm,
Atlanta-based Aaron's Inc., loaded computers with spyware to track renters'
keystrokes, make screenshots and even take webcam images of them using the
devices at home. The suit filed by a Wyoming couple Tuesday raises anew
questions of how invasive custodians of technology should be in protecting
their equipment.
Someone needs to tell the Nazis...
...that it's a public place and they should be videotaped and photographed
while they're enforcing the NWO.
Ten States Where Pensions Are Running Out Of Money
The state of Kentucky’s extremely underfunded pension account, coupled with
its recent poor contributions to that account, place it as the worst-off
state for pension funding. Kentucky only has 58% of its pension costs
funded, the fourth-lowest percentage in the country. In 2009, the state
contributed 58% of what was recommended for the fund by state actuaries, the
third-lowest percentage in the country. Furthermore, Kentucky, which is one
of the few state’s with 2010 pension data, paid only 54% of its pension
liabilities last year. Two financial rating agencies, Moody’s and Fitch,
recently downgraded the state’s bond rating due to its underfunded pension
So what exactly is the Navy's 'secret' Seal Team 6?
The news today is riddled with references to the Navy’s elite “SEAL Team 6,”
the team being hailed for killing Osama bin Laden. But what exactly is SEAL
Team 6? For most people it’s the stuff of Tom Clancy and Brad Thor novels.
But in the spy and military world, it is an elite black ops fighting group
shrouded in secrets that reports to the president himself.
“Officially, the team’s name is classified and not available to the public,”
Business Insider writer Robert W. Johnson reports, “technically there is no
team 6. A Tier-One counter-terrorism force similar to the Army’s elusive
Delta group, Team 6′s mission rarely make it to paper much less the
Our real enemies....
...are still right here.
Why Aren’t Democrats Angry that Obama Got the Wrong Guy?
President Barack Obama directed Navy Seals to capture or kill Osama bin
Laden in Pakistan on Sunday. Do most in his political party believe that the
president got the wrong guy?
When Scripps Howard asked, “How likely is it that people in the federal
government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the
attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle
East?,” more than fifty percent of Democrats answered “very likely” or
“somewhat likely” in 2006. A May 2007 Rasmussen poll found that 35 percent
of Democrats believed George W. Bush had advance knowledge of the 9/11
attacks. An August 2007 Zogby poll reported that 43 percent of Democrats
believed that Bush either caused or allowed 9/11 to happen.
--- A major problem with demoncrats and republicrats is arrogance. Anyone
refusing to play their single party game with the good guy white hat and bad
guy black hat mentality is snubbed.
Orgs. like frontpage and faux news are steam valves for repbulicrats who
refuse to see the evil in their own leadership.
And there are older 'professionals'(whatever that is supposed to prove) who
still have their heads up their asses because removing it might cost them
their careers, mortgages, 401Ks, etc. which shows where their real loyalties
Action Alert: Vote Coming on Radical Left-Wing Ideologue to Federal Bench
Obama’s latest nominee for a U.S. District Court post is John McConnell, a
Providence, Rhode Island trial lawyer. In terms of being an activist for the
far left, McConnell is right in line with Obama’s Supreme Court
picks—Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
It comes as no surprise that leading gun control proponents in the Senate
support McConnell: he has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to
liberal, anti-gun candidates over the years, including Obama and Rhode
Island’s two senators.
A dangerous world...
There's a 'part two'
to this...
- Take Back Kentucky monthly meetings - Now working to repeal the 17th Amendment to the u.S. Constitution and bring hemp to Kentucky farmers
Candidates worth voting for...
- John T. Kemper for state auditor
- Addia Wuchner for state auditor
Galbraith for governor
Latest commie site I've ran across: DrStrangelove666's Channel
Word(or phrase) for the times: Sewer Socialism
Quote for the times:
“Washington, because of its prominence as a military center, became a mecca for whores. The local provost marshal in 1862 reported the existence in the capital of 450 houses of ill fame, and the next year the Washington Star estimated after a vice survey that prostitutes in the capital area numbered no less than 7,500. This figure did not include mistresses whom some of the better-situated soldiers and officers maintained in such circumstances as to prevent their being counted.” – Bill Irvin Wiley, in his book ‘The Life of Billy Yank' p. 257(Which just goes to show the more things change, the more they stay the same.)
Click here for next oldest blog.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.