It's impossible to cover it all, but I try to cover enough to keep us all 'well beyond rage.' For older blogs see links below...
We knew it was coming...
...though many have existed in denial. What will you do? How many will you
Military officials ignored Cheney’s 9/11 shoot-down order
Newly published audio this week reveals that Vice
President Dick Cheney's infamous Sept. 11, 2001 order to shoot down rogue
civilian aircraft was ignored by military officials, who instead ordered
pilots to only identify suspect aircraft.
That revelation is one of many in newly released audio recordings compiled
by investigators for the 9/11 Commission, published this week by The Rutgers
Law Review. Featuring voices from employees at the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and
American Airlines, the newly released multimedia provides a glimpse at the
chaos that emerged as the attack progressed.
Dan Riehl: It Will Take a Sarah Palin [Not a Rick Perry] To Re-Vitalize The Conservative Movement
Sarah Palin is the true outsider. Beholden to no one. A fresh voice and a true Reagan Conservative. Someone who’s record proves she doesn’t just talk a good game, she puts her words into action. She’s been a Reagan Conservative throughout her 20 year career.
--- My comments(which of course were 'moderated' out of existance):
This propaganda piece only proves one thing: Most elections are decided by
intellectual laziness.
Oh look, she's on a horse, isn't she cute. Get her a hello kitty sweater
with a bear gun on it and the idiot hunters who think the Second Amendment
has a 'sporting purpose' will vote for her.
Did Reagan get rid of the IRS, the fed, the gun laws, did he really do
anything for Liberty? Do you care or does the fact that he made you 'feel
good' only matter?
All this crap proves nothing. What's she done in the past to show what
she'll do in the future? Need to read
this and
this and
This is not rocket science. What the assholes say right before or during a
campaign means nothing. Their records, affiliations, bills supported and
voted for are all that matter. The rest is candy for the brain-dead masses
who stupidly keep voting the same kind of assholes into power and then whine
when nothing 'changes.'
Beauty and brains, see it is possible:
She's not running for office yet though, as far as I know. Not that she will
learn to value nor work for Liberty. If she does run for office she'll have
to stand on her record, not her looks.
Report On Man Who Faces Life Sentence for Recording Cops
For the crime of recording police during a citation and taking a tape recorder into the courtroom, 41-year old mechanic Michael Allison faces a life sentence in prison. The state of Illinois has charged Allison with five counts of wiretapping, each punishable by four to 15 years in prison.
--- Any Nazi who tries to enforce such should be shot down on sight...
Any place that's open to the public... can have and use a camera. Or at least that's what I was taught in
journalism school. The police state and many corporate assholes would love
to change that.
Court Rules Citizens Can Record Police
Following a number of incidents in which individuals were arrested for
videotaping police officers, a federal appellate court has ruled that
filming government officials while on duty is protected by the First
Amendment as most of the arrestees have claimed.
Police departments across the U.S. have long asserted that citizens don’t
have the right to videotape officers while they conduct official duties. The
issue has become especially heated in the last few years because a growing
number of law-abiding citizens have gotten booked for taping officers at
Law enforcement... a hoax. It's about revenue enhancement, for everyone but us.
Al Gore Likens Global Warming Doubters to Racists
Former vice president Al Gore recently compared
climate change doubters to racists.
Gore, speaking with former advertising executive and Climate Reality Project
collaborator Alex Bogusky on a UStream interview this past week, said one
day climate change doubters will be looked at like racists. He urged people
who support curbs to greenhouse gasses to change the minds of these
--- 'Racist' has always been one of the commies'
favorite key terms and phrases.
All around us, there are imminent and ominous threats
to the future of American Liberty. None, however, is more grave than the
demolition of free enterprise by those who would replace it with the
authoritarian rule of Democratic Socialism envisioned by Barack Hussein
Obama and his leftist comrades.
Rancorous political debate is currently focused on competing solutions for
our failing domestic economy and the collapse of our esteemed standing among
the nations of the world.
--- The most horrifying thing is that so many are still asking the question
and so many more don't even know there is a question. It will take that tiny
minority doing what will be required.
Who to trust?
Only the stupid are still asking that question.
Audit: Fed gave $16 trillion in emergency loans
The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans to U.S.
and foreign financial institutions between Dec. 1, 2007 and July 21, 2010,
according to figures produced by the government's first-ever audit of the
central bank.
Last year, the gross domestic product of the entire U.S. economy was $14.5
Of the $16.1 trillion loaned out, $3.08 trillion went to financial
institutions in the U.K., Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium, the
Government Accountability Office's (GAO) analysis shows.
--- Here's the GAO report
on the Fed. Go to page 131.
Top CIA Official: Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush’s Controversial Programs
As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama pledged “a
top to bottom review of the threats we face and our abilities to confront
them.” He promised a sweeping overhaul of the Bush administration’s war on
terror, which he criticized for compromising American values.
But FRONTLINE has learned from a former high-ranking CIA official that even
before he took office, Obama’s team “signaled” they had no intention of
rolling back secret programs begun under the Bush administration.
Only an idiot would be surprised...
U.S. Household Incomes: A 42-Year Perspective
Among the many subtle details evident in these charts, one that especially
caught my attention was the fact that the bottom quintile has grown faster
than the third and fourth quintiles. This curious fact is not apparent in
the dollar charts above.
Also not evident in the dollar charts is the grim reality that (in real
terms) households in the bottom quintile earned less in 2009 than they did
in 1989 — twenty years earlier.
--- At the end of the day workers in rural areas are making 8 - 12 bucks an
hour and gas is $3.50 a gallon. Even many urban and suburban employees(not
associates, I hate that word) have long commutes. NAFTA sent what few 'good'
blue-collar jobs were here out of the country. That wasn't by accident. They
want a population of desperate workers who will do or say anything to get or
keep a job(just over broke).
Pat Buchanan: Bush "Broke The United States As A Superpower"
The United States -- the United States is in virtual headlong retreat from
the world. We're coming out of all these places. We are bankrupt as a
nation. We cannot balance our budget. The great blunder was made by George
W. Bush when he had the whole country and the world behind him and he went
up to Congress and declared 'now we're going after an axis of evil; Iraq,
Iran and North Korea.' We are plunging into that part of the world instead
of fighting al-Qaeda and handling it the way he should have. As a
consequence of that, I think he broke the Republican party and frankly, he
broke the United States as a superpower.
I'm from the government...
...and I'm here to enslave your children.
Fed manipulations in the crosshairs
It turns out that under the guise of “stabilizing” the economy, the Federal Reserve banking cartel had set in motion a series of actions that would eventually transfer trillions to the bankers at taxpayers’ expense, all while decimating the investments of countless average Americans like Pitts. The Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) estimated the potential total cost of the combined crisis bailouts at $23.7 trillion, or more than $75,000 per person in the United States.
--- Read all of this one...
Antelope Valley, CA Private Property Confiscation – U.N. Agenda 21
As in my previous blog, “Most Crucial Battle Since our Founding Fathers,” we told you of plans being made in our cities, counties, states, and the nation to implement U.N. Agenda 21. The Plans are very disturbing. Yesterday for the first time I saw a video of U.N. Agenda 21 actually being implemented in Antelope Valley, California. SHOCKING doesn’t begin to describe what the video exposed. The poor residents of that area are literally having their private property taken from them. They have been hounded by the county of Los Angeles under the auspicious of improving the land.
--- Why aren't we killing them?
Brit shop owners say police abandoned them during riots
Shop owners who protected their businesses from looters during the deadly
riots that rocked Britain this month are complaining that police guarded
posh stores in central London and left them to fend for themselves.
Turkish shopkeepers and families in the north London borough of Hackney
armed themselves with sticks and chased looters away from their properties.
--- Or as we say in Amerika: "Dial
911 and Die." Ask your "Liberal"(commie) so-called friends what they
think of disarming you so you can't defend your own property, mostly against
Muslim Brotherhood would ban bikinis and alcohol in Egypt
Despite widespread media assertions that the Egyptian revolution was intended to bring about a democratic rule, there is increasing evidence to the contrary. The Muslim Brotherhood is urging officials to consider a ban — which would particularly target tourists — on skimpy bikinis and alcohol in the streets, regulations which closely resemble Sharia law.
--- Yet they move by the thousands to Europe where nude or topless
sunbathing is the norm.
Some patriot movement history...
a text version of this classic.
David Williams has voted to double pension
While supporting scaled-back pension benefits for new state workers, Senate
President David Williams has voted for legislation that has doubled his own
state pension — to nearly $44,000 a year.
Five times since 2000, Williams and other legislators have cast votes that
increased their pensions, either by boosting their pay — on which benefits
are based in part — or by directly enhancing their retirement plans.
Is martial law constitutional?
Martial Law is the suspension of the Constitution under the declaration of
an eminent danger, disaster, emergency, rebellion, insurrection, invasion,
time of war, etc. During such time the Bill of Rights is suspended, and the
Courts and the Congress or State Legislatures may also be suspended, as well
as any state office (even a governor) or federal office which opposes the
declaration as well. NOTHING in the Constitution grants officers of federal
or state government this power.
The line needs to be etched in stone...
...and deeply enough to carry the blood away.
This romantic, flowery, mythological crap is what’s given rise to all of
these adventures in foreign policy, adventures in nation building,
adventures in eradicating racism, and adventures in eradicating Americanism,
and adventures in eradicating our devotion to our God and what have you, and
every other thing that we’ve undertaken here, and they’ll never end,
eradicating poverty and what have you. All of it is what M.E. Bradford, the
great historian, called – it was a “teleocratic shift.” And if you don’t
know what that is, it’s hard for me to explain that in a radio show. You
have to study a little bit of Greek history.
Some Kentucky Agencies Pay for Employee Exercise Breaks
Personnel Cabinet spokeswoman Crystal Pryor says the "wellness breaks" are
cost effective because they result in "reduced absenteeism, increased
productivity, higher employee morale and lower health care costs for the
Kentucky Employees' Health Plan, the state's self-funded insurance program."
Pryor noted a Harvard University study published last year that found that
"medical costs fall about $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs,
and absentee day costs fall by about $2.73 for every dollar spent."
--- Well, that's better than paying them to find new ways to screw up our
lives and our Liberty. Studies also show that a post-lunch stress nap can do
wonders but somehow the management of the last place I went to waste my time
in exchange for money didn't agree...
How so many societies...
...have just failed. You have to watch all four frames...
--- I agreed with him till the end. There's nothing new about 'super
heroes.' Just look at the mythologies of the past, many of which many still
cling too. Look at the hero stories, including modern movies. Billions think
the world will soon end because that's what they've been taught all their
lives and some magical god is going to show up and save them. So it's OK to
sit on their asses and do nothing, much less think. But human history shows
they don't need religion nor fluoride in the water.
Events and groups you should be involved with:
- KET Debate - 2011 State Treasurer's race
- Second Amendment March Kentucky Gun Rights Rally(This is good but we really need an April 19 event)
- Kentucky Freedom Liberty Conference
A little more patriot movement history:
Candidates worth voting for:
- John T. Kemper for state auditor
- Gatewood Galbraith for governor
- Ken Moellman for Kentucky State Treasurer - So he can eliminate the office!
- Bill Johnson for Kentucky Secretary of State
- James Comer for
Agriculture Commissioner
Latest commie/NWO site I've ran across: Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
Word(or phrase) for the times: cultural Marxism
Quote for the times:
"We deal now, not with things of this world alone, but
with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the
universe…. Of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister
forces of some other planetary galaxy; of such dreams and fantasies as to
make life the most exciting of all times. And through all this welter of
change and development your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable.
It is to win our wars." — Speech of General Douglas MacArthur to West Point
cadets, May 12, 1962
Click here for next oldest blog.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.