Duck, cover and...
be distracted.
Richie Farmer turning out to be defense liability
Kentucky state Senate President David Williams (R), also known as the “Bully
from Burkseville,” was running for governor. He brought on Farmer, the
state’s agriculture commissioner and popular former basketball star at the
University of Kentucky, to run for lieutenant governor on his ticket. (In
Kentucky, the governor and lieutenant governor run as a ticket.)
But with the GOP primary approaching on May 17, it’s Farmer who’s attracting
all the negative attention from the press.
--- It's really sad that many Kentuckians are so stupid they'll vote for
someone based on their career as a college athlete.
Hezbollah Terrorist Group Setting Up Operations Near Border
A terrorist organization whose home base is in the Middle East has
established another home base across the border in Mexico.
"They are recognized by many experts as the 'A' team of Muslim terrorist
organizations," a former U.S. intelligence agent told 10News.
Who can make war...
...against the Beast?
CNN Poll: Ron Paul Stands Best Chance Against Obama
“Ron Paul cannot get elected” President, declared Donald Trump at this
year’s Conservative Political Action Conference. Trump, who has never run
for office, let alone won an election, may want to reconsider his parroting
of this common refrain: A new CNN poll finds that, of all the Republicans
being discussed as potential presidential candidates, the longtime Texas
congressman has the greatest chance of beating Barack Obama, while The
Donald comes in dead last.
In a hypothetical match-up between Paul and Obama, Obama beats Paul by only
seven percentage points (52 to 45 percent). Meanwhile, Obama bests former
Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee by eight points, former Massachusetts
Governor Mitt Romney by 11 points, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
by 17 points, former Alaska Governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah
Palin by 19 points, and Trump by a whopping 22 points. (The poll, by the
way, was taken April 29 – May 1 and completed before Obama’s announcement of
Osama bin Laden’s death. It has a margin of error of plus or minus three
percentage points.)
NRA's 'Outrage of the week' - Daley wants 'security detail' after retirement
According to a recent Chicago Sun-Times online story, the extremely anti-gun
Daley has requested at least three around-the-clock bodyguards because he is
concerned about "serious safety threats." As a result, the Chicago Police
Department contacted the Secret Service to determine whether such security
was necessary, the story reports.
We've often reported Mayor Daley's anti-gun, anti-self-defense record. His
long history of relentlessly attacking and depriving Chicagoans of their
Second Amendment and self-defense rights is well documented and speaks for
itself. Daley hates guns and he doesn't want "ordinary" citizens to have
them. He thinks his "gun-free" city is plenty safe for the average citizen.
But apparently not for him, as he feels he has a right to protection that
all other residents of Chicago don't deserve. That's not only the height of
arrogance and hypocrisy, that's outrageous.
In the image of tyranny...
In America, we don't have a free market -- we have a government-saturated economy in which oil companies and other corporations have a cozy relationship with politicians and bureaucrats. That's wrong, but even that can't explain the recent run-up in prices. Oil companies today are no more greedy or clever than they have been all along.
--- This may be so, but we can live without onions. Until someone comes up
with a real alternative to the internal combustion engine our economy cannot
live without affordable gasoline. I don't think this country can stand 4 and
5 buck a gallon gas for very long. I know I can't. Somebody needs to be
pulling an answer out of their back pocket and fast.
Rep. McCarthy introducing national gun control legislation following Sen. Schumer’s lead
A House bill that could drastically overhaul the nation’s gun control laws
and strengthen federal power over states’ handling of individuals’
background checks is expected to be introduced today by New York Rep.
Carolyn McCarthy, The Daily Caller has learned.
McCarthy is expected to drop the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 — a
near-identical companion to that of fellow New Yorker Chuck Schumer’s Senate
bill — according to sources familiar with the legislation.
--- McCarthy and Schemer should both have long ago been dragged from the
Capital building, given a quick treason trial, and executed. Tolerating such
evil is what's gotten us in the mess we're in.
Shut down the BATF Nazis, repeal GCA '68 and the NFA
Shut down the BATF Nazis, repeal GCA '68 and the NFA. Arrest all
employees of the BATF, try them for treason. Try those involved in the Mt.
Carmel and Weaver family murders for murder. Divide up all their retirement
funds among their victims.
More Than 1,300 Guns Were Bought Illegally by Suspect Buyers Under ATF's 'Gunrunner' Program
It is the closest thing to a smoking gun congressional investigators have in
their probe of Project Gunrunner -- a program that was intended to stop the
flow of guns to criminals in Mexico but instead allowed those guns to be
smuggled to Mexico instead.
An internal memo from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives shows that U.S. officials allowed criminals to buy 1,318 guns
worth nearly $1 million, even after they suspected the buyers were working
for Mexican drug cartels, and that the agency's effort to stop the guns had
"yielded little or no results."
--- See my comments above. This evil must be dealt with. All they do is to
increase the perceived 'need' for gun control thus the need for their
Holder: "I Frankly Don't Know"
According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the
Project Gunrunner program was intended to stop the alleged flow of guns to
criminals in Mexico. That didn't happen. Instead, the program may have
facilitated the illegal smuggling of thousands of those guns, some of which
actually turned up at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in
December 2010.
As the probe into Project Gunrunner heats up, the House Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committee want to
determine if high-ranking officials in the Department of Justice knew about
and approved Project Gunrunner. To that end, this week, U.S. Attorney
General Eric Holder was called to testify before both committees.
--- The only question I care about is whether the same Representatives who
seem to care so much about all this understand the necessity of doing what I
wrote above.
Remember what Hitler said...
..."The truth is the best propaganda."
Paleo Fitness: The workout that time forgot
Erwan Le Corre seems to defy gravity—and not just because he's French.
I'm standing close by as the 39-year-old movement coach—shirtless, barefoot,
and built like Mikhail Baryshnikov—hops up and grasps a wooden bar lashed
eight feet off the ground between two stout maple trees. Le Corre dangles
calmly from both arms for a moment before swinging one leg up to the side,
hooking it over the beam, and—swoooop—crouching on top of it and looking
down at us. The move is so swift and catlike that I'm not quite sure how he
did it. A few minutes later, I attempt the same thing, legs scissoring
awkwardly until my arms give out and I hit the dirt with a thud, kicking up
a cloud of dust.
--- I'm no where near the athlete this guy is but for years I've tried to do
a variety of things, not to the extent I should have probably. Doing the
same thing every day, running, biking, swimming, whatever, is too boring for
me. I try to do different things with different seasons, including cutting
“Seven in 10 Support Increased Offshore Drilling for Oil and Natural Gas”
Increasing American energy production will help create new jobs and address
rising gas prices – and Americans know it. With the House prepared to vote
on legislation to boost offshore energy production, a recent CNN survey
shows “[s]even in 10 support increased offshore drilling for oil and natural
More altered reality...
This is another issue we need to reserve for after we take our country back.
Then we can deal with the guilty parties appropriately. But then most of
them are guilty of treason simply because they are commie NWO hacks who have
taken an oath to defend the Bill of Rights, which they break daily.
Kentuckians for the Right to Bear Arms endorses Phil Moffett
Kentuckians for the right to bear arms (KRBA) has announced they are
endorsing Phil Moffett in the upcoming gubernatorial election. KRBA is the
leading gun rights group in Kentucky and the Moffett campaign is proud to
announce their support.
KRBA, like Phil Moffett, understands the importance of the Second Amendment
and the wisdom in our Founding Fathers including it in our Bill of Rights.
The founders understood that the Second Amendment is about much more than
hunting, it is the last line of defense of the people against a tyrannical
government. In this era of political and economic uncertainty it is
important that the voters of Kentucky join KRBA and elect a governor who
will never compromise on our Second Amendment rights.
Feds accused of 'coercion,' 'union bullying'
A U.S. senator, a labor consultant, and nine attorneys general are ripping
the National Labor Relations Board for filing a complaint against Boeing
over its new facility in South Carolina.
Boeing plans to open its newest 787 airliner assembly plant this summer in
South Carolina, which is one of almost two dozen "right-to-work" states. The
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) filed the complaint, claiming the
aircraft manufacturer participated in unfair labor practices by threatening
to open new, non-union facilities.
--- 'Right to work' also means they can treat you like a jackass and fire
you at will. We could eliminate the need for unions with a national law
requiring these mega corporations to pay their workers, all of them, from
janitors to CEOs, a real fair share of their profits.
They gave us the 'paperz' while our boys were over seas fighting those who issued papers...
The commies("Liberals") want the illegal's up here so they can get them to
vote commie.
By the same token fences work both ways. So the NWO profits either way.
We need to concentrate on taking our country back and that will take more than a few election cycles. It's time to stop hunkering down for the
apocalypse and start thinking Normandy.
After the death of Osama bin Laden, we're continuing to hear the old Bush
administration mantra of "Americans are safer, but not yet safe." Now,
security experts are suggesting checkpoints may be necessary outside of
"soft" targets - your churches, schools, shopping centers, etc.
Buy a gun, learn to use it...
Mexico trade pact costs U.S. nearly 700,000 jobs
Business with Mexico since adoption of the North American Free Trade
Agreement has cost the U.S. 682,900 jobs over 16 years, according to a
report released Tuesday by the Economic Policy Institute. An estimated
10,700 were in Orange County.
The institute, which advocates on behalf of low- and moderate-income
workers, says California had the most jobs lost to trade with Mexico. From
1994 to 2010, an estimated 86,500 jobs in California fell victim to the
trade agreement.
Three out of five of the jobs cut nationwide — 415,000 — were in
--- It's not so much the jobs, it's the higher paying jobs. The elites want
us all on one low standard global wage. They want a global workforce that is
desperate enough to do or say anything to get or keep a job(just over
broke). The day after Klinton signed NAFTA and the demoncratic congress
voted it through, 30 million of us should have gone to the district of
commie criminals and hung the lot of them.
Frankfort politicians Steve Beshear and David Williams really hope you
believe they have not only balanced the budget, but that there will be a $64
million surplus by the end of June.
Have you forgotten Beshear and Williams just borrowed twice that amount from
the 2012 budget to make the current budget appear balanced?
Beshear and Williams have combined to add nearly $3 billion in bonded debt
to the state's books over the past three years. Neither of them has any
credibility in claiming to have cut spending or to have balanced anything.
Kentucky also got $3.47 billion in Obama stimulus funds since 2009.
Conservative Tea Party Republican candidate Phil Moffett supports honest
budgeting and truly shrinking state government so we can get ourselves out
of debt and restore prosperity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The last
three years presented as good an opportunity as we have ever had to get
government spending under control, but Williams and Beshear didn't get it
The problem is right here...
in our own governments.
In light of the string of the blatant falsehoods being
announced by the U.S. government these days (FDA, DHS, White House, etc.)
it's interesting that so many people still believe whatever they are told by
"official" sources. It brings up the question of the functioning of their
brains: How could a person swallow official information so gullibly and so
completely without even asking commonsense questions about the reliability
or factual basis of that information?
These people, it turns out, are operating from what I called The Gullible
Mind. It is a psychological processing malfunction that filters out
information based on its source rather than its integrity. People who
operate from The Gullible Mind tend to have misplaced trust in governments,
institutions, mainstream news networks, doctors, scientists or anyone who
wears the garb of apparent authority.
Another lost generation?
But not everyone who watches video games does a school
shooting, does drugs or puts a gun to their own head. Of course it's not the
evil inanimate guns, it's the evil ignorant commies in the school and
entertainment systems, and a general lack of guidance.
- Take Back Kentucky monthly meetings - Now working to repeal the 17th Amendment to the u.S. Constitution and bring hemp to Kentucky farmers
The Secret to Donald Trump’s Hair
Trump isn’t fooling anyone with that hairdo. That’s not
his real hairline, he just blow-dried it forward and then combed it
backward. Surprisingly, his hair started out kind of normal in the 1980s. It
appeared to be hair sprayed into a pouf, but that was to be expected in the
decade in which everything went big. But as the real estate mogul aged, he
tried to will himself younger with his hair. It got blonder and blonder
until it went yellow. Then it turned into — well, whatever it is that it is
Candidates worth voting for...
- John T. Kemper for state auditor
- Addia Wuchner for state auditor
Galbraith for governor
Latest commie/NWO site I've ran across: coffepartyusa
Word(or phrase) for the times: monopoly on violence
Quote for the times:
"Half of what you are taught as medical students will in
ten years have been shown to be wrong, and the trouble is, none of your
teachers knows which half." -
C. Sydney Burwell (1893-1967), British Medical Journal 2, 113, 1956
Click here for next oldest blog.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.