"Ideas are more powerful than guns.
We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
- Josef
May 2, 2009
I despise the insurance companies
but what this witch is advocating is far worse.
If we don't open "Liberal"(commie)
season soon we have no future.
Don't understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare. Think
globally fight locally. Aim small miss small.
(This also posted on
May 1, 2009
The 'far left,' the amerikan
communist insurgency, instigated all this.
Don't understand? Start here:
Post 2, a reply:
Hey John, "Liberal" season is
coming. Hope to see ya' then.
We must develop a 'NO TOLERANCE'
policy for the "Liberal" garbage, for make no mistake, they already have one
for us.
Don't understand? Start here:
April 21, 2009
Celente: “America lives in a fascist state”
Resistance209 Says:
April 20th, 2009 at 8:43 pm
For those who fear the Elites will win. They will
not. True, we can’t possibly hope to win in head to head battle, but if the
past has taught us anything, guerrilla warfare works. Communist revolution
in China, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. In those last 3 wars we were deeply
disappointed in how “the world’s most powerful military” was defeated by
farmers with Ak-47s and RPGs. In america, we have Ar-15 and much more
powerful weapons and tactics, but dont’ be fooled into thinking you can take
them face to face. Win over your local people, build up a small unit, wreak
havoc on any fascist government institution in your area. If you fear
fighting in any form, drive an ambulance, bring food, provide shelter,
espionage, sabotage, anything to benefit the whole of the revolution. We
must stop bickering on this website, we’re all we have, set aside our petty
differences. And as much as I like Celente we can’t always look to other
people for guidance, we must make our own decisions and hope that what they
are is right.
My reply:
Amen. Think globally fight locally. Watch the movie
“Michael Collins” for what our future must hold.
Don’t understand? Start here:
April 21, 2009
Shiny New “Internal Security” Police Cars
The “Liberals”(Amerikan Communist
Insurgency) should feel threatened. We need to recognize them as the
national terminal cancer they are and begin, conduct and finish “Liberal”
season before they destroy human Liberty completely, as they have done in
Don’t understand? Start here:
And don’t miss my ‘British
Insanity’ page:
…to see what those creatures do to
and entire country when they control its government.
Then follow my other links and
share and prepare…
Yes, 10 years later and many
stupid sheeple still think they're 'safe' in a 'gun free zone.'
Most criminals and killers know
better but the stupid sheeple refuse to learn.
Don't understand? Start here:
And don't miss my quotes page:
nor my 'British Insanity' page:
April 17, 2009
Obama Gun Ban: Not If We Can Help It!
Of course there would still be
plenty of 'illegal' guns out there. That's not the point. Everyone keeps
missing the point. The point is there would be a lot of people, not sheeple,
put in prison or killed because they were randomly selected for
'enforcement' to keep the fear level up, just like the IRS operates now. And
after a couple generations grew up without open exposure to weapons the
elites would have the total sheep they desire.
A perfect example of this
mentality is here:
We will have to kill them. Wake up
to that fact.
Don't understand? Start here:
I made several other posts to this
article, including one in response to this:
"Μολών Λaβέ -!!!!
be sure to cut and paste this in every msg you send
to rendell and all your other law makers out there that stand aginst the
constitution! - let him know what you mean. he’ll get the message.
I'm sick of seeing this. It means
a minority of gun owners who don't run down and turn in/register their
weapons will stupidly sit at home and wait for the black-suited Nazis to
come break down their doors and kill them.
We need to hunt them in THEIR OWN
HOMES AND OFFICES after this begins.
Wake up to that fact!!!!
Don't understand? Start here:
...and another one just for kicks:
"I want that piece of shit Barry to PERSONALLY come
to collect mine. Gun confiscation will be the cause of TSHTF in America.
People will keep taking these groin kicks (bail-outs, tax increases, Barrys
bullshit in general, which is just a continuation of dumbass Bushs’) until
they call in for guns….that will be the final straw.
'Know this America, hand-over your guns, and you’re
enslaving yourselves and all future generations. Make a pact to stand for
this country, it’s Constitution, and all who have died for them, or pack
your bags & GTFO!'
He wouldn’t soil his hands with you. He’ll happily let the ‘just-us’ dept.
send their black-suited nazi whores to kill you and your family for not
happily ‘donating’ to his cause. Sorry, I’m talking about the IRS there.
They’ll send a diff. bunch of black-suited nazi whores to kill you and your
family for not complying with the new ‘gun laws’ right after your “Liberal”
neighbors/friends rat on you for disturbing their utopia.
That’s why “Liberal” season must begin right after
registration is required. We will have to kill millions of them. Wake up to
that fact.
Watch the movie “Micheal Collins” for what our
future must hold.
Don’t understand? Start here:
April 16, 2009
This is all standard for a time of
war. Before this is over, or half over, or began, few will be able to tell
who their real enemies are.
Someone once said "You shall know
them by their fruits." When they deviate from the Bill of Rights we know
what they are.
The problem with this 'movement'
is that too few are willing to acknowledge or understand what will be
necessary, or 'required' as Churchill put it, to win this WAR.
A tiny minority always fights. The
rest sit back and usually wonder what the hell happened, at best.
Don't understand? Start here:
April 14, 2009
Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions
So who's making the effort to
recruit LEOs and military members who actually believe in Liberty and who
won't kill fellow amerikans for a check and retirement plan?
We should be.
According to Ben Franklin the
first revolution started after the Brit parliament destroyed the colonies'
economies by forbidding the printing of local currencies.
Will we be smart enough to recruit
enough fighters for what must be done?
Don't understand? Start here:
April 13, 2009
“AKs [rifles] and
other firearms, once forbidden under the ban, now fill entire tables at gun
shows; you can buy them from private sellers without a background check.”
These creatures are
still lying after all this time. These propaganda pieces are written to
affect the stupid.
And the lowlifes keep
harping about the ‘gun lobby.’ What about the commie lobby who can always
count on the mainstream newswhores to further their propaganda?
This rag did get one
thing right. It is a ‘culture war’ between the culture of effete arrogance
based in ignorance of reality and those who understand Liberty and value it
enough to kill enough of their enemies to maintain and restore it.
Why didn’t this witch
mention the demoncrats’ involvement in the economic disaster via the housing
The background checks
and GCA 68 are defacto gun registration. It all needs to be repealed, all
the gun laws back to New Yawk City’s ‘Sullivan Law.’
Registration always precedes confiscation. That’s what it’s about, disarming
the civilian population. The ‘crime’ issue is just propaganda. All ‘gun
control’ is conditioning to prepare the ignorant sheeple for more ‘control’
thus all ‘gun control’ is an act of war.
Last year I wrote
“Let the Marxist mutt win. He’ll wake more sheeple up, piss more people off,
and sell more guns and ammo than the klintons did. He might even bring on
“Liberal” season.” So far I’ve been two thirds right. Let’s see if our luck
The idiot with the
turkey track on his suit is a prime example of the ignorance infecting many
‘conservatives.’ Let’s be clear, “It’s none of the damned government’s
business who owns guns! We own our weapons because the governments are
supposed to fear us not the other way ‘round!”
The chick with the
broken jaw was already brain damaged by the government schools and
mainstream newswhores before she was shot.
Apathetic cowardly
creatures like her deserve what happens to them when they refuse to take
responsibility for their own safety and depend on the government to ‘save’
them. She’s never been taught to think critically. The powers don’t want
They had emotion,
parents and idiots going for their effort to stop the ‘gun show loophole.’
Oh my. Let’s see what a well known authority figure had to say about that:
"The state must
declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people as long as
government is perceived as working for the benefit of children, the people
happily will endure almost any curtailment of liberty." -- Adolf Hitler
Frankenstein actually
told the truth for once. No one’s said a word to her about a ban because
they know it would be like talking to a brick. Many of her kind will have to
be killed if we keep what is left of our
It’s time to grow up
people and understand it will take more than ‘protest’ and political action
to take this country back. Let’s hope most of those buying weapons and ammo
understand that it will take blood sweat and tears. Nothing will really
change until we leave expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and
Wall Street.
This is about more
than guns. The guns are only tools. They want our Liberty, all of it. They
will eventually force us to give them lead.
If they move to
enforce full registration which will precede confiscation as proven by
England and Australia “Liberal” season must begin and their chief
propagandists, the mainstream newswhores, must die first.
Don’t understand?
Start here:
April 11, 2009
If we do not begin killing them soon we have no
future. Nothing will reverse this process but row after row of expensive
suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall Street.
Don’t understand? Start here:
April 3, 2009
Without Rule of Law: Don't Hasten the Day
Part 1: Made myself watch it all
before I posted.
"If the people were to ever find
out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." -
George HW Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter.
I would be happy to stay under ROL
that is accompanied by Liberty. We lost that long ago, at least as far back
as 1865.
He's in San fagcisco. What would
that cop have done if nutnfancy had been wearing a handgun openly on his
hip? nutnfancy would probably be in jail.
Part 2: We will not have to force
anything. It will be forced by the evil creatures who now control the u.S.
Congress and red house. The several shootings that have occurred lately may
well be used as an excuse. The evil creature Biden said today something will
have to done. We can well imagine what that lowlife piece of crap has in
Part 3: If the evil creatures pass
weapons registration or ban certain weapons we must not allow those laws to
be enforced. Law enforcement must be informed that they will enforce such
evil at the cost of their lives, in their own homes, as they will do to us.
If we don’t do this we are ‘doomed’ to be their slaves as are the stupid
cowardly sheeple of England, Australia and other countries.
Part 4: And if someone responds
with the mindless “Well what would nutnfancy need a gun in that park for?
There’s a cop there.”
This mindless idiot is part of the
problem not the solution.
It’s not our ‘need.’ It’s our
When they tell you we don’t the
right to fight them they are telling us we are slaves.
ARE YOU SLAVES!!!!??????
Part 5: The implications of ROL
without liberty are sitting in numerous jails and federal prisons right now,
victims whose oppressors have not been made to pay for their crimes and will
not as long as this evil unelected regime rules us. WAKE UP!
The Soviet Union had so many laws
that no one obeyed them anyway. Look at the nations south of our border,
full of ‘laws’ that only the cowardly obey and with corrupt police and
military forces that enforce what they choose or what they can.
Why am I shouting? BECAUSE IT'S
Part 6: During the second war of
independence, which the bad guys won, people in the south began again to
rely on local herbs for medicine and food and of course grew their own food.
This will happen again all over the ‘country.’ The citiots who have spent
their lives with a govt. tit in their mouths may be another story.
Part 7: If the so-called ‘good
people,’ like nuntfancy would get involved NOW and build the civilian
military force we so desperately need and must have we could be ready, or at
least not be completely off guard when it becomes necessary to begin killing
the police and military members who choose to serve the police state. Take
note I did not insert an ‘if’ in that sentence.
Part 8: Why am I reacting in this
way? Because I was thinking along these lines way before Jim Zumbo was still
mindlessly shooting coyotes with his bolt action and wondering why anyone
would ‘need’ a black rifle. I was part of the militia movement in the 90s
before most of them turned tail and went under, when the the so-called ‘good
people’ were snickering at the thought of what is being discussed here.
Part 9: But there is much more
involved than natural disasters. Man made disasters can and will prove to be
much more dangerous. Many say the economy is not going to get better, but
worse. Is it by design?
It took 70 years for the ‘apple to
fall’ on it’s own in the Soviet Union. Millions were imprisoned and
Part 10: Our ancestors stood at a
bridge and told the British “No further.” The Founders had diplomats in
foreign countries playing political games while they were killing British
soldiers. The political process never ends, it just switches to different
What will we do?
Don’t understand? Follow my links.
Read the quotes page first. Then share and prepare.
Part 11: Didn't mean to take over
your page but I'm sick of all the whining about giving up the 'good life.'
Most of the sheeple are oblivious as are most 'conservatives' and 'right
wingers,' etc.
Why do you push the NRA? They're
part of the problem. Read my quotes

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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.