This page is large, and designed to scroll
down, but it has over time gained so much content that I added
a table of contents. Most photos
courtesy of
Blacksburg - articles, video and reality.

Blacksburg page contents:
Months have passed since Blacksburg
Blacksburg, A very appropriate name
Columns and editorials -
People who aren't sheeple seek to make sense
Alternative coverage - what you won't see on the evening
Mainstream 'coverage' -
It’s all propaganda, and if it bleeds it leads
From the stupid and the evil
The evil "Liberals" want
Good News - A
very rare thing, thanks to "Liberal" influence in our society
Educational links -
Things our masters don't want us to think about
Quotes - Musings
by friend and foe alike
British insanity(now
moved to its own page) -
They deserve what they're doing to themselves
Enemies of Liberty in America -
They should be arrested, tried for treason...
Answers to their most common lies
Final messages -
For our not-so "Liberal" enemies
The decadence of a civilization
Stupid(evil) is as Liberals do
them take arms
This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty
Before Adolph Hitler came to power
If a "Liberal" wants to know...

Dec. 14, 2007. Months have passed
since Blacksburg, but the war on our Liberty continues, fought by the traitors
and enemies within who call themselves "Liberals," progressives and other cute
names. Other shootings have occurred in places the stupid and the evil have
declared to be 'gun free zones.' They may as well declare the planet to be a
'violence free zone' for all the good it would do.
Those who pay attention know our enemies' only
real goal is a dumbed-down pacified disarmed populace who can't or won't fight
back against their authoritarian policies.
Unfortunately this page will continue to
grow over time, unless or until the powers who want to always be come up with
their next big excuse for us to 'turn them in,' at which time this web author
will no longer be available to post. He will be at war. Until that time, live in
peace and Liberty, such as is available to us, and prepare for the inevitable.
For 'positive' suggestions
email: bbright"at" (insert @ in
place of "at") "Liberals" and other control freaks need not bother. I do not
pretend nor do I entertain the idea that you are anything but the servants of
evil and that you will do all in your power to shove your evil down my throat at
the point of a government gun.

Blacksburg, A very appropriate name, not because people died there but
because the "Liberal" mindset rules there, and helped a very disturbed young
man commit murder.
ranked according to relevance to reality.
But first my first
I want to feel bad for you, I really do, but how many of you ever put any
effort into thinking about what your reaction to such an event would be? How
many of you were smart enough to buy a gun, learn to use it, and keep it
with you in case of such an event, when you have only seconds or less to
decide if you will have the dignity to fight back or the cowardice to act
like a domesticated animal waiting your turn at the butcher shop?
- Which of course caused me to be removed from this
"progressive" i.e. communist website and
shows how uninterested "Liberals" are in 'free speech.' It's only 'free
speech' if it supports their authoritarian agenda. See -
Berating what should be
the obvious
page is not a memorial to the 'victims.' There are plenty of those. This is
a memorial to the Liberty and common sense that has been lost to decades of
"Liberal" indoctrination.
Founders(some of them) insisted on a Bill of Rights to include a Right to
Bear Arms against government tyranny because in their wisdom they knew we
would some day be infested with "Liberals" or some evil creatures like them.

Columns and editorials - People who
aren't sheeple seek to make sense:
No will to fight - "Their actions were tragic, shameful and cowardly."
"No Guns" Policy Ignored by Virginia Tech Shooter
SAF Observes 232nd Anniversary of Lexington, Concord Battles
Let's make America a 'sad-free zone'!
Why We Cannot Just Be Quiet and Mourn
Patriots, Politicians And Guns
Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine and Virginia Tech
Aftermath Of Tragedy: GOA Defending Freedom
Virginia Tech Slaughter Raises Many Questions
Foreign Viewpoints and Misunderstandings
Lockdowns and 'No Guns Allowed' Signs Increase Murder
Media Subterfuge and School Shootings: All of the Media's Lies are Connected
The grave danger of 'gun-free zones'
The Scam of Gun Control
What Al Sharpton doesn't know about Waco
Gun Control? How About Teacher Control?
This namby-pamby, let's-squeeze-a-teddy-bear mentality
Brit says: "Don't be smug about V-tech killings"
Bring back the posse(and a list of the drugs shooters have been on)
Will Cho become the new poster child for gun control?
Ted Nugent says "Study the methodology of evil"
an academic environment, we believe you should be free from fear"
Cho's erototoxic addiction
It begins with renewing a culture of self-defense -
mind, spirit and body
Bloodbath in a 'Gun-Free Zone'
Fish in a barrel
He was a loner - Oh, that explains it
NRA set to 'compromise' our rights away again
The vast majority of nuts don't kill people
There is no research or statistics that show that gun control actually works
"Liberal" scum in Senate want gun 'law' passed without a vote
Downplaying stalkers and nuts is political correctness gone suicidal
Rights can never be allowed and anything that is allowed is not a right
When they follow this evil creature's suggestions - kill all they send
Criminals don't register their guns; why should we?(Answer: We won't!!!!)
Guns keep us safe
Did Dateline push Cho too far?
You cannot persuade a willing idiot with facts
Picking a fight with pacifism
Automatic? Know your guns, people!
New Yawk Nazis want to know if your neighbor has a gun
Cho lapped up our sadosexual culture
Shoot first, ask questions never(The responses are better than the
Campus killer thinks guns should be eliminated
Waco Rules Vs. Romanian Rules(How many will actually fight when they
come for our guns?)
High Schooler:
We shouldn't overreact with more gun control
Did Virginia Tech shooter get treatment?
Gun ownership = mental illness
suspends grad student because he dared to question the "Liberal" freaks who
run it.)
Now is the time to repeal all gun laws
Official response to V-Tech will put military responses on campus
Time for the sun to set on the Culture of Sheep
says blame urban culture not guns
Months after massacre, Virginia Tech has learned nothing
Guns and the Virginia Tech Massacre: The Review Panel Report
Clueless at VA. Tech
When mass killers meet armed resistance
Push for gun control stems from boomers' urge to avoid personal
Preacher says "Buy a gun."
Praise the Lord . . . and the armed security guard
Liberals actually love guns
Colleges have no right to disarm students
The failure of the Second Amendment
Guns are in our blood?

Alternative coverage -
what you won't see on the evening
Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind Controlled Assassin
Campus Gun Ban Disarmed Virginia Victims
A signal of deadly violence to come
Seung-Hui May Be 9th School Shooter Under Influence of Psychiatric Drugs
Are antidepressant drugs an accomplice?
As We
Predicted: Killer Was On Anti-Depressants
BBC Links Violence to American Culture
Prof warned officials about Cho Seung-Hui
South Korean ID'd as killer
Rosie says
there's "No hope" for gun control(Let's hope she's right for once)
State quashed bill allowing handguns on campuses
Student Group Wants Campus Gun Ban Lifted(After the last shooting)
5 years ago, shooter subdued by armed students
Are meds to blame for Cho's rampage?
World Net Daily forum on the Virginia Tech Massacre
Unofficially, today a lot of people look at these murders as justified
Experts say psychiatric drugs linked to long list of school shooting sprees
Polls show people want Congress to reject gun control as a response to
Virginia Tech
Baptist Leader Doesn't Regret Telling Students to Rush Gunmen
Expert offers teachers free weapons training
ABC's Sam Donaldson to Host Brady Campaign Gun Control Fundraiser
SAF Wants Donaldson Barred From Gun Stories After Hosting Brady Fete
Gun Control Bill Seeks to Close 'Terror Gap'(Will this ban all "Liberal"
freaks from buying guns?)
Cleveland Mayor: Armed robber is a 'victim'
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
First interview: Hero in 2002 shooting dislikes gun bans
VA Tech panel report blames everyone but the shooter
Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use
The High-Tech Police State Begins at the Mall During Christmas
Matthew Murray boasted of following 'wickedest man in the world'
Psychotropic Drugs & Gun Free Zones Again The Cocktail For A Killer

Mainstream 'coverage' -
It’s all propaganda, and if it bleeds
it leads:
Campus shootings raise gun safety questions: US press
Gunman Kills 32 in Va. Tech Shooting
Campus killings may restart gun violence debate
Virginia Tech Shooting Leaves 33 Dead
Campus becomes a killing field in Blacksburg, Virginia
Va. Tech Gunman Was Student From S.Korea
Few imagined what Cho Seung Hui would do
Americans Speak on Gun Control(This page has a poll)
The NRA is dancing with the Devil
Washington Post's collection of stories on the "Liberal" fostered shootings
Professor axed for VT stunt: Re-enacted tragedy to tout pro-gun perspective
American psycho(Brit writer analyzes Cho when she should be analyzing
U.S. Rules Made Killer Ineligible to Purchase Gun
Gunman Caused More Than 100 Wounds
US pro-gun lobby feels good
Limbaugh: Cho was a liberal
Cho idolized Columbine killers
Pro-gun lobby strengthened following US campus shooting
Memorial stone for gunman reappears
Cho Hired an Escort Before Rampage
Va. Tech Has Little Anger for Gunman
SeaWorld/Orlando employee fired after Va. Tech massacre threat
Gun Control Lawyer To Carry Gun After Threats(What's good me isn't good
for thee)
The "Liberal" mindset ruled as they cowered and played dead, waiting
to die
Study: School Culture Affects Student Violence
Video Games Not to Blame for Violence
Public Farce: Pundits Clueless About School Shootings
U.S. Proposal Could Block Gun Buyers Tied to Terror(To a "Liberal"
freak, a 'terrorist' is anyone who opposes their evil policies)
Parliaments around the world urged to act on gun control
Texas Governor says CCW license holders should be able to carry anywhere
VA Gov. changes law concerning "someone is mentally ill and so dangerous to
himself or others as to warrant involuntary treatment"
Texans want to repeal campus gun ban
Role of antidepressants in killings needs review
Gonzales: More Campus Guns Aren't Answer
Gun Group Presses for Firearms on Campus, Center Says
"...nine months in jail and a $10,000 fine if convicted." - of concealed
carry.(How evil our country has become. In some states the penalties are far
worse, simply for choosing to defend oneself.) page on shootings
So-called 'drill' plans for a high rate of death
A lot of modern feel-good mumbo jumbo uttered as 'victims'
are remembered at Virginia Tech commencement
Va. Tech shooting victims' family members demand representation
After Cho, Outpatient Orders For Mentally Dangerous Increase
State Police Scour Pond in Virginia Tech Probe
Cho's Problems Date to Early Childhood
Head of Virginia Tech panel: "...perfect system would have everyone undergo
a mental health screening before being able to get a gun."
Police Release Suicide Note, Images of Omaha Mall Shooter
Congress Approves First Gun Control Bill Since 1993(Thanks to the NRA.
We should repeal the Brady Law, not amend it.)
Once again cops arrive too late to stop campus killings
Schools Struggle With Dark Writings
Judge OKs $11M settlement in Va Tech shootings
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who
own one" -- A. J. Liebling

Online video:
Cho Seung-Hui New Videos and Pictures
My YouTube page
Arrogant "Liberal" DC Rep. tells her constituents to "Pipe Down"
ABC's 20/20 - Does gun control reduce crime?
Penn and Teller on 'gun control'
Gun control witch doesn't know what she's banning
This Nazi thinks he's in a Mel Gibson movie
In Search of the Second Amendment
Rudy Giuliani announces lawsuit against gun companies
Julieannie wants you registered and licensed
Archie Bunker on Gun Control(some old network propaganda from the 70s)
Should we all pack heat?
NRA: To See Where Gun Licensing Leads, Look To England
Ron Paul on the Second Amendment
Second Amendment "The More You Know" Conan O'Brien
DC residents too stupid to breathe on their own, except one(Where's the
wonderful all-powerful NRA? Why aren't they educating these citiots?)

From the stupid and the
Ensley's solution: Get rid of the guns
What’s Right to Bear? Let’s get a grip on firearms situation in U.S.
Another gun tragedy - repeal the Second Amendment
The obvious solution—to ban firearms altogether—is universally held to be
"Liberal" lowlife celebrates lawmakers cowardice
Guns here, guns there, guns everywhere
Guns don't do anything for me
Massacre shows it's time to get guns off the streets
A Deadly Misreading
Macho depravity reigns supreme
Guns don't kill, bullets do(This freak wants to control ammo and force a
National I.D. on us)
Brady President Urges Changes In Gun Laws Post-Virginia Tech
Emory's Campus No Place For Guns(From the so-called 'educated')
In a shoot-out, the Feds always win(Maybe that's why the Iraq war was over
in 2001)
Helmke offers voice of reason(A reason why we need "Liberal" season now)
Gun violence: What is happening to us?
Brady Bunch wants schools to remain sanctuaries for killers(These
creatures are evil beyond description. If you agree with them you don't
deserve to live in this country. They and their supporters should be tried
for treason and expelled or executed. Most of their money comes from super
rich elitists who want us all to be compliant little sheeple.
For the benefit of the ignorant, stupid, and indoctrinated, when I was in
college lots of people had guns on campus. I wasn't stupid enough to be
there without a means to defend myself, their damned rules be damned. My
life is more important than their damned politically correct policy. Sheeple
who are stupid enough to mindlessly follow orders deserve the consequences.)
Gundamentalists: Talk to the armed law students
Guns Everywhere? There's Got To Be A Better Way
This "Liberal" freak wants to pry open your cold dead hands(And we
didn't think any Ameri-commie could be
uglier than Whoopi Goldberg)
Values-centered talk about guns needed(And don't miss the comments,
they're far better than the "Liberal" propaganda in the column)
Brit in Amerikan rag says 'It's a torrid time for the NRA'
Closing the gun show loophole in Kentucky? Not likely
The Supreme Court Is NOT Going To Abolish the Second Amendment
This raging over educated idiot wants your kids to be as stupid as him(See
a column in response to this
Scottish govt. caught up in endless gun law 'reform,' while crime rate rises
Tom Eblen: NRA's slippery slope full of holes("If
Second Amendment absolutists keep standing up and daring others to pry their
guns from their "cold, dead fingers," eventually somebody's going to do it." )
A free people ought not only to be
armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition
to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse
them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

The evil(insanity) "Liberals" want -
Mom: police told daughter to stop calling about abusive boyfriend - now's she's
New Yawk City shopper knocked out over small isle space in market
DC cops seeking permission to search homes for guns(The parents, educated by
the "Liberal" schools and news media have apparently become too pacified to
search their own children's bedrooms)
Freedom for mass murderers
Nutter defiantly signs five gun laws(What an appropriate name)
U.S. Pastor Given More Than 3 Years in Prison for Bringing Rifle Shells Into
Los Angeles Council woman funds gang members with tax dollars
Get ready for 'plant rights'
School asked to make allowance for 'Transgender' 9-year-old
BATF Nazis railroading another gun owner into prison
"Liberal" lowlife editors want National Park visitors to be defenseless
30 months in jail for a broken gun(All the law enforcement goons involved in
this case should be arrested, tried for treason, and executed.)
Toronto mayor wants to follow in Britain's evil footsteps
Unarmed victims beaten, burned to death
Kansas Tornado victims ran from their homes, guns stolen and never returned
Only criminals and the politicians(but I repeat myself) have guns in Chicago
"Don't get involved if you see trouble," says London(England) mayor as they make
another leap toward "Liberal" hell on Earth where no one should fight back
against criminals(govt. or common) but let them have their way with their
Mindless idiots say 71 year-old man should have let young punks have their way
with him
Can't have a gun in your car if you work for Disney?
New Yawk Nazis say disabled vet doesn't need his most basic right
Fed Nazis punishing gun expert who testified against their arrogance
Dad beaten by thugs for protecting his daughter
New Yawk just as bad as England - former Marines beaten by mob in 'the hood'
Child labor laws trump common sense in the land of the no-longer free
Demoncrats still telling the same old lies on 'gun control'
"Liberals"(communists, socialists, progressives, authoritarians) will soon force
us to fall back on the Second Amendment, after they destroy the First with their
"Fairness Doctrine"
BATF Nazis refuse to return gun to man who testified against their tyranny
Marxist Mexicans decide death penalty OK for kidnappers who kill(We need the
death penalty for "Liberal" politicians who let criminals get away with such
evil here.)
Nature Conservancy eco-commies prefer that monitor lizards eat kids rather than
Eco-commie wants to energy tax you off the net
School Shooting Drill Terrifies Unknowing Teachers
Control freak wants to put a speed governor on all cars, track drivers' time
from tollbooth to tollbooth
Brit Jury lets ecocommies destroy property in the name of GW
Clueless cops crush Constitution
miss the 'British Insanity' page which shows what happens when "Liberal" freaks
get control of a whole nation

Good News -
A very rare thing, thanks to "Liberal"
influence in our society:
Tennessee House vote permits guns in more places
Restoring the Second Amendment in Parker v. Columbia
‘The one right that protects all the others’
Women take up arms
One mainstream newswhore who actually got a clue
N.C. prof says tragic event turned around his outlook on guns
Tenn. Guns in parks bill moves forward
Wisconsin Circuit Court Sides With Gun Owners!
Teacher goes public in fight to pack pistol
Oh no, govt. school issues guns and ammo to innocent children!!!
Self-defense 'Castle' laws gain ground
An armed hero
Kentucky gets a great 2007 score from the slobbering Brady Bunch
Montana gets it right on 2nd Amendment
State high court shoots down S.F. handgun ban
Many Canadians obviously ignoring gun registry
In Israel, armed teachers and bus drivers stop killings
Doctors: Ted Kennedy has malignant brain
S.C. 18-year-olds granted gun rights
Brit anti-gun activist stabbed to death
for lack of a weapon or the will to use
Montana claims right to secession if
SCOTUS rules against individual RTKBA
Jolie owns Tomb Raider guns for
Angelina Jolie: 'I'd Kill to Protect My
Supreme Court declares gun ownership to
be an individual right
The American school where teachers carry
a pen, a ruler and ... a gun

Educational links -
Things our masters don't want us to
think about:
Top Notch Gun Training from Front Sight
Police Have No Duty To Protect Individuals
The Firing Line
Law Enforcement
Alliance of America
Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Gun Owners
of America - The best 'no compromise' pro-Liberty group going.
NRAWOL - The NRA is not what the mainstream liars present it to be. It's not
even what it presents itself to be.

Quotes -
Musings by friend and foe alike:
Willowtown Photography favorite quotes page

Enemies of Liberty in America -
They should be arrested, tried for treason,
and executed. If we're told to turn in our guns, they'll wish they got off
that easy.
so-called 'gun guys'
million moron march
brady bunch - slobbering and slandering their way to tyranny
The violence
policy commies(making violence against the sheeple safe for common and
govt. criminals)

Answers to their most common lies -
What if:
What if Guns were treated like cars
What if we
treated guns like most consumer products?

Final messages - For our not-so
"Liberal" enemies.
What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an Army.....?
A handgun against an army - 10 years after
You Can't Repeal the Law of Unintended Consequences
Kill all they send
Let them take arms

The decadence of a civilization by loss of faith and vigor
can be observed more than once in history. What is extraordinary about the
American situation is the stupidity. The Romans, such is my impression, did
not become stupid and incompetent with their decadence. Americans have not
lost faith in their cultural inheritance---they have been entirely separated
from it. How this happened is one of the few topics still worth exploring in
this Twilight. - Clyde Wilson
In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They
wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all - security, comfort, and
freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for
society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom
from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.
- EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]
Common sense 'gun control' is keeping
a weapon handy after familiarizing yourself with its use. Reasonable 'gun control' is hitting 8
out of 10 "Liberals" you shoot at. Good 'gun control' is
hitting the "Liberal" you target without having to get close
enough to smell it.
Excellent 'gun control' is
dropping it
with only one shot.
The kind of 'gun control' Amerika needs: "No child shall be
allowed to graduate high school until he/she has demonstrated the ability to
control a gun well enough to hit a running "Liberal" at 300 meters."
When my gun is pried from my cold, or hot, dead hands, I intend it to be
by a younger, stouter, abler fighter who will continue to use it against
those whose every breath is consumed by the relentless effort to destroy
human Liberty.
You can lead a jackass to the library but you can't make him
The first law of human nature is
stupidity. What I fear is we are approaching the time when reason will no
longer matter at all. I have concluded that
Locke was right

Stupid(evil) is as Liberals do.
The PC pacified
"Liberal" mindset is as responsible for those deaths as the Nazis whose
bullets shot Jews into ditches. I will not apologize for standing up against
"Liberal" evil. - BB
(Don't know what a
"Liberal" is? Start here.
But know that modern "Liberals" are not what they say they are. They are
When some liberal says "We just
don't agree." It shows how little they understand, or the hugeness of their
lie. Because most of what they do is not disagreement, but acts of war.
Definitions of a modern
An evil cowardly creature who will
elect someone to hire someone with a badge and a gun to force their evil
down their neighbors’ throats.
An evil cowardly creature who will
sometimes claim to be ‘Christian’ when Jesus Christ never said: “Force thy
neighbor to be a good Samaritan.”
An evil cowardly creature who
would teach its offspring a corrupted form of pacifism that says it’s better
to allow a criminal, murderer, rapist, tyrannical government to have his/its
way with you or your children than to fight back.
An evil cowardly creature who
would elect someone to hire someone to disarm its neighbors so they cannot
fight back against common criminals or against government criminals who come
to force “Liberal” evil down their throats.
Definition of “Liberals”: Evil
cowardly creatures who elect demagogues to hire thugs with badges to stick
their guns in their neighbors’ faces and steal what they’ve worked for
because they claim they feel sorry for parasites whose votes the demagogues
need to stay in power.
A “Liberal” Christian? Impossible.
Jesus Christ never said “Force they neighbor to be a good Samaritan.”
And the Ten Commandments reads thusly:
“Thou shalt not steal.”
"Liberals" are the traitors
within. Treat them as such -
is of special interest to read the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero regarding
the danger of internal subversion. In a speech to the Roman Senate, as
recorded by Sallust, Cicero said: "A nation can survive its fools and even
the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the
gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly
against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely,
his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of
government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the
accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments
and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He
rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can
no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the
How the Amerikan Communist Insurgency infiltrated, everything
Two simple rules to avoid ultimate
If they're asking for or demanding your
weapons, they're the enemy. It's time to get in their face and demand to
know what they plan to take next.
If they tell the common folk they don't
have the right to fight back, the time is probably coming soon when the
common folk will have no choice but to fight back. In other words, when they
tell you that you don't have a right to fight them, soon you'll probably
have to fight them.
Wikipedia on

U.S. Code on the unorganized militia:
Section 311. Militia: composition and
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are -
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.
Kentucky Revised Statutes on the militia:
37.170 Kentucky State Defense Force -- Organization -- Reorganization.
The Governor is hereby authorized to enlist, organize, maintain, equip,
discipline and pay when called into active field service a volunteer state
defense force other than the National Guard, which shall constitute the
active militia and shall be known as the Kentucky State Defense Force, which
shall consist of able-bodied citizens who are residents of the State of
Kentucky between the ages of eighteen
and sixty-four (64) who are not active members of a reserve component of the
Armed Forces of the United States.
Whenever the President of the United States shall call any part of the
National Guard of this state into active federal service, the Governor is
hereby authorized to organize the Kentucky State Defense Force under such
regulations as may be promulgated by the Governor or adjutant general.
The Governor shall have the power to alter, divide, annex, disband or
reorganize any organization of the Kentucky State Defense Force whenever in
his judgment the efficiency of the state forces will thereby be increased,
and he shall have power to change the organization so as to conform to the
regulations now or hereafter prescribed by the laws of the United States for
the organization of the National Guard or militia.
History: Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 414, sec. 47, effective July 13,
1984. -- Amended 1974 Ky. Acts ch. 108, sec. 10; and ch. 386, sec. 9. --
Amended 1962 Ky. Acts ch. 48, sec. 3. -- Created 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 4, secs.
1, 4, and 8.
What the
'militia' meant to the Founding Fathers
Is the Militia Obsolete?

may be considered as the true palladium of liberty .... The right of self
defence is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the
study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible.
Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep
and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited,
liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. In
England, the people have been disarmed, generally, under the specious
pretext of preserving the game: a never failing lure to bring over the
landed aristocracy to support any measure, under that mask, though
calculated for very different purposes. True it is, their bill of rights
seems at first view to counteract this policy: but the right of bearing arms
is confined to protestants, and the words suitable to their condition and
degree, have been interpreted to authorize the prohibition of keeping a gun
or other engine for the destruction of game, to any farmer, or inferior
tradesman, or other person not qualified to kill game. So that not one man
in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject to a
penalty." -
George Tucker (1752-1828)

Adolph Hitler came to power, there was a black market in firearms, but the
German people had been so conditioned to be law abiding, that they would
never consider buying an unregistered gun. The German people really believed
that only hoodlums own such guns. What fools we were. It truly frightens me
to see how the government, media, and some police groups in America are
pushing for the same mindset. In my opinion, the people of America had
better start asking and demanding answers to some hard questions about
firearms ownership, especially if the government does not trust me to own
firearms, why or how can the people be expected to trust the government?
There is no doubt in my mind that millions of lives could have been
saved if the people were not "brainwashed" about gun ownership and had been
well armed. Hitler's thugs and goons were not very brave when confronted by
a gun. Gun haters always want to forget the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which is
a perfect example of how a ragtag, half-starved group of Jews took up 10
handguns and made asses out of the Nazis. -
Theodore Haas, a Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership member and
a former prisoner of the infamous Dachau concentration camp
"Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded." - Karl
"Men occasionally stumble over truth, but most of them
pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Winston
If a "Liberal"(communist, socialist, fascist, demoncrat,
republicrat) wants
to know why its neighbors need their weapons all it needs to do is look in a

What do the Greek letters on his cap mean? - Molon Labe
The purpose
of fighting is to win.
(The stupid witch at the bottom of this page should have
been told
we have our weapons for people like her... and the lowlifes they elect.)
The reason for being
I own weapons because
there are stupid and evil creatures who don’t think I should, and I might have
to kill them someday. There’s nothing ‘lawful’ about it. End of discussion.
Real Americans(not
"Liberal" freaks) have our weapons because we have "Liberals"(modern
authoritarians) and we know we're going to have to kill a lot of them to restore
our Liberty.