I was right, and I'll damned well say so. Before the Marxist mutt got elected the first time I claimed the creature would wake more sheeple up, piss more people off and sell more weapons and ammo than the klintons did and if we're lucky it's arrogance will provide us with the reason for "Liberal"(commie) season. All but the last has come true and we're dangerously close, see below...
President Barack Obama is, arguably, the best gun salesman ever. Over 65 million defensive guns have been purchased since the President took office in 2009. FBI background check statistics indicate that, over the last twelve months, Americans purchased a new gun every 1.5 seconds, a figure which suggests there is much more to the recent panic buying than people just stocking up to go hunting or sports shooting.
- I wanted to see the Marxist mutt win the now red house again because as I wrote above it's sold more guns and ammo than the klintons ever thought about. It's woken lots of sheeple up and pissed many people off and kept lots of idiot republicrats off the golf course. Its arrogance may yet take us to the crucible we must face before another generation or two is indoctrinated by the government schools and universities in false mindless pacifism.
- And this was a year before Sandy Hook. Click on the headline to see their graphic...
"Big Bad Gun Lobby" Turns Out to Be Big and Bad, After All
Now, here we are in 2013 -- and the anti-gunners are
hysterical. They are worried that their attempts to get stricter gun laws
this year are about to slip through their fingers.
For us, this is all good news. But let us make this perfectly clear: THE
Zapata lawsuit charges government conspiracy and cover-up
A comprehensive lawsuit charging government conspiracy
and cover-up was filed Tuesday in the United States District Court Southern
District of Texas Brownsville Division by the parents of murdered
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata and Special Agent
Victor Avila, Jr., against the government, straw purchasers, individual
government officials, gun dealers and others deemed to share in
responsibility per the complaint.
Stewart Rhodes Speaks at Albany New York Gun Rights Rally on February 12
Weapons without the resolve to use them
are just toys.
Revitalization of the State Militias: A Review of Edwin Vieira’s The Sword and Sovereignty
For the first 125 years of our history, the “Militia of the several States” was a highly honored institution that played a vital role in preserving the concept of federalism upon which our system of freedom depends. This ended with the Militia Act of 1903, which shifted the “Militia of the several States” into National Guard units under the auspices of the national military. State and local control was eliminated.
“The struggle that has been thrust upon Americans,” writes Vieira, “is not one to preserve the uniquely American way of life, but to restore it.” The plague of factions and collectivist usurpers has decimated the republic. “Today, the true America exists only as fleeting, dissipating shadows of her former self.”
- How would these state militias be funded I must ask. Of course the first response of the "Liberal"(commie) trash would be "They can keep their weapons in government lockers on government property and no one else needs any."
In most guerrilla wars, which is where we are headed, local partisans are
the ones who fight and pay the price.
More of the same rally Rhodes attended above:
Will the next 'civil war' start up north?
And where will 'the troops' really stand?
Huffington Post Reports on John Birch Society's Work to Stop Agenda 21
Already two decades old, Agenda 21 is a United Nations
plan for “sustainable development” that was backed by George H.W. Bush and
177 other world leaders. Though Agenda 21 was hatched in 1992, Bill Clinton
signed an Executive Order in 1995 establishing a Presidential Council on
“Sustainable Development,” which essentially provided a permanent platform
for the UN plan by circumventing the approval of both Congress and the
American people.
Despite Agenda 21's seemingly innocuous intentions, critics have noted that
several components of Americans' way of life are at risk under the plan:
private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership,
individual travel choices, and privately-owned farms.
Kentucky Communities saying NO to Federal Gun Restrictions
Boone County has taken a bold stand against any new
restrictions on firearm ownership by the federal government. On Tuesday, the
fiscal court approved a resolution by a vote of 4 to 0 which blocks the
enforcement of any federal mandate on firearms within the county.
County Judge-Executive Gary Moore told The Kentucky Enquirer that officials
had a duty to show support for the Second Amendment and to Boone County
Sheriff Mike Helmig, who has said he won’t enforce any mandates.
According to an open letter from the Central Kentucky Tea Party Patriots,
many other counties are expected to consider the resolution as well.
Cumberland County and Metcalfe County Fiscal Courts will take up the issue
on the 12th as well.
We obviously need more LEOs like this one.
...and this one:
The line was crossed long ago. It's behind our blood domestic enemies. We
must advance through them and re-take it.
Time to block all of Obama's proposals
President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday proved one thing
and one thing only -- it is time for Congressional Republicans to block all
of the proposals he sends to Congress.
Why is such a bold and brazen approach needed? When a president exhibits
brazenness to the point that a). he cannot be trusted to tell the truth, and
b). his proposals are so extremist as to be far outside the mainstream of
middle America, then the loyal opposition must use every single tactic in
its power to address it.
Who is Harrison J. Bounel? According to the 2009 tax return submitted by President Barack Obama, he’s the President of the United States. All nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to discuss this anomaly today.
- A tyrant by any other name...
Assuming we still get to vote...
I've had almost 20 years of
sheeple not listening. Welcome to the party...
Will Obama Take Control of the Internet This Week?
As early as Wednesday, President Obama could issue an executive order
granting the federal government expansive and unprecedented power over one
of the few remaining outposts of uncensored information — the Internet.
Various news agencies are reporting that a cybersecurity executive order has
been drafted and will be issued by the president this week. A story on
NextWeb indicates that the president will address the issue (and announce
the executive order) in Tuesday’s State of the Union address.
- Killing what's left of the First Amendment will mean falling back to the
Second. That's how it was intended.
Where have you guys been?
We've been trying to build a militia force for years. And they're at war with us...
Heavy hitters support SAF motion to Supreme Court on carry case
The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation is getting some heavyweight
support in its petition to the Supreme Court for a Writ of Certiorari in a
case challenging the gun permitting statute in the State of New York; a case
that will have national impact because it could affect every concealed carry
statute in the nation.
Supporting the motion are 20 state attorneys general, and gun owners in the
other 30 states are wondering why their attorney general has not signed on.
Washington’s new Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s name is not on the
Magpul threatens to leave Colorado if gun law passes legislature
The bill limits magazines to 15 rounds, with a more restrictive eight-round
limit for shotguns. The bill makes an exception for magazines that people
already have in their possession.
The legislation would require manufacturers to engrave magazines with serial
numbers and dates -- a requirement Smith believes is "burdensome and
unnecessary," The Post reported.
- Magpul and other gun makers should use part of their profits to organize,
arm and train the force that will soon be needed to do what will be
This guy is smarter...
Than most of the idiots who were born here.
How is MoveOn.org gun owner ‘a proud defender of the Second Amendment’?
The “progressive” activist group MoveOn.org posted a television commercial
to You Tube yesterday featuring a self-proclaimed gun rights proponent
warning politicians of electoral consequences if they don’t support more
“gun control” laws.
“The six-figure ad buy is running for a week on national cable and will air
during the Sunday morning political talk shows,” The Hill reported.
- It's funny how the commies don't mind when the 'one percent' donate to
their evil. The tool in the vid is probably an actor.
Is the NRA working up to getting a clue?
Establishment Desperate as GOP Civil War turns in favor of the Grassroots
(The Subsidiarity Times) The GOP Civil War has begun to unravel the Republican Party as many strategists now begin to fear that the party will soon split in two. The war, which officially began with the purge of the four fiscally responsible U.S. representatives from their committees by Speaker of the House John Boehner in late 2012, has grown and expanded as the first two months of the year 2013 have progressed. Across the nation, members of the three major grassroots groups (Ron Paul’s Liberty Movement, the grassroots-oriented Tea Party and the religiously-oriented Social Conservatives) have made determined efforts to reject pushes by Establishment Republicans and RINOs (Republicans-in-name-only) to regain control of the local Republican Parties, which they have slowly been losing control of since 2010. The war is only beginning to heat up and looks to become more nasty as the year 2013 continues. What shall be presented now is a summary of the civil war since December.
- Linked from above: Republican Leaders Worry Their Party Could Divide in Two
Inside the cozy enclaves of GOP bonhomie—hunkered at the tables of
see-and-be-seen Washington restaurants—Republican leaders are sourly
predicting a party-busting independent presidential bid by a tea-party
challenger, like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in 2016.
To them, the GOP apocalypse looms larger than most realize. Dueling State of
the Union rebuttals and Karl Rove’s assault on right-wing candidates are
mere symptoms of an existential crisis that is giving the sturdiest
Republicans heartburn.
- And we've heard all this before.
“It is a question of the loyalty of government officials and an assessment
of their patriotism,” the source said in an article published Friday.
A bill co-drafted by State Duma Deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov of United Russia
would ban foreign assets from being held by officials, their wives and their
children under 18 years old. The law would cover people in government
service from the municipal to the federal level, Lysakov told Vesti FM
earlier this month, such as officials in the security services, the
Prosecutor General’s Office, the customs service and the Investigative
Didn't know he originated the list we've seen so often, or says he did...
"If you're worried about getting a scratch on your gun..." you are suffering
from a severe reality deficit.
Events, alerts, actions and groups you should be involved with:
- Support Kentucky's Pro Second Amendment House Bill 233
- Stop the Confirmation of Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary
- 2013 Southern Readiness Conference
- Constitutional Speaker KrisAnne Hall is coming to Kentucky
- Gun Owners of America Alerts page
- Tell the NRA it's time to stop playing games and demand a repeal of all gun laws.
- Take Back Kentucky monthly meetings
- The John Birch Society says "Stop Agenda 21"
- The John Birch Society stop a Con-Con(Constitutional Convention)
- Do you know who your Kentucky legislator is?
Do you know what your enemies are up to?
Candidates worth voting for:
Know any?
Email bbright(at)willowtown.com
Latest commie/NWO site I've ran across: GonzoTimes
Latest Patriot site I've ran across: AlinskyDefeaters Blog
Word(or phrase) for the times: Apparatchik
Quote for the times:
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
Older Blogs:
Willowtown Blog Front Page
It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.