"Ideas are more powerful than guns.
We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
- Josef
May 31, 2009
Where is the militia? We should
have been demanding the NRA and other 'pro-gun' groups answer this question
years ago. Instead they cower in their expensive homes fearful of losing all
their luxuries. What will they do when we are told to ‘turn them in?’ Will
they tell us to comply or lead us in doing what is required?
The so-called 'good people' who
could and should be running the militias are too cowardly to do so. So in
the past there have been many who didn’t know what to do or how. But at
least they were making an effort.
Don't give them a head to cut off.
Don't operate with people you don't know, at least at first. Demand security
and confirmation. Vet thoroughly all members, especially right before
missions to be sure it's not a 'set-up' or a sting.
There are only four rules: Don't
be stupid. Don't do stupid things. Don't hang around idiots who do stupid
things and don't expect others to rescue you when you do stupid things.
It will take many expensive suits
hanging along Pennsylvania Ave to end their arrogance.
Don’t understand? Start here:
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 31, 2009
My only direct statement to Pelosi
and her fellow creatures:
It will take many expensive suits
hanging along Pennsylvania Ave to end this arrogance.
Don't understand? Start here:
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 30, 2009
"The 20.2 per 100,000 suicide rate
among US soldiers is above the national record of 19.5 per 100,000 in 2005
in the United States."
Pardon me but that's less than one
point difference. Of course there's going to be some affected by their
experiences. Sounds more like politically correct PR than 'concern' for the
Let's bring the troops home and
let them kill our real enemies: white elitist "Liberals" and republicrats.
Don't understand? Start here:
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 30, 2009
Rob, you're a pathetic sick puppy,
for several reasons:
1. Your 'god' created all, knowing
when it did it what would happen.
2. You plan to stand around in
heaven forever with a minority of the human population that ever lived
singing praises to a sadistic 'god' that feels some sick need to torture the
vast majority of humans who ever lived alive in fire forever. BTW, does that
make you feel superior somehow?
3. You're using your 'religion' as
an excuse to sit on your ass and do nothing, taking no responsibility for
what's happening in the world around you.
4. You're trying to scare people/sheeple
into your fear-based religion so they too will become little mindless
inactive slaves like you.
One final note: You ain't gonna
get beamed up. You're gonna be here along with your descendants who will
have to exist in the hell on earth your elite-created/manipulated religion
helped to foster. You have already taken the ‘mark’ if you have a socialist
security number for you cannot buy nor sell in the mainstream society
without it and as soon as you see you ain’t gonna get beamed up you’ll kneel
down and kiss the anti-christ’s feet or whatever else he sticks in your face
because that’s the kind of creature you are.
If I’m wrong Rob prove it to me…
and I don't mean about your version, sub-version or subversion. I mean about
your courage level.
May 29, 2009
The American communist insurgency
infiltrated the mainstream newspapers decades ago and the TV and radio
networks, according to their plan. They have National Propaganda Radio for
all the effete "I'm so educated" set to listen to. There are thousands of
left-wing(commie) websites on the net, who by the way discovered this new
invention way after the patriot movement.
Of course they want to keep their
major commie/NWO rags flying off the presses so they can continue the myth
of the 'unbiased' reporter, a creature that has never existed on this planet
and never will.
It will take lots of expensive
suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. to fix this mess if it can be fixed.
Don’t understand? Start here:
It will take that small minority doing what is
required, blood revolution, and lots of expensive suits hanging along
Pennsylvania Ave. to fix this mess if it can be fixed.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read
the quotes page first. Then share and prepare.
Think globally, fight locally. Aim small, miss
small. One shot, one dead “Liberal”(communist/fascist).
The witch is essentially saying
"we do what we damn well please and lie about it."
George the first, klinton, george
the 2nd, now the marxist mutt, NWO hacks all.
This country needs blood
revolution now. The only thing that will fix this mess is lots of expensive
suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave.
Don't understand? Follow my links.
Read the quotes page first. Then share and prepare.
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 25, 2009
Darpa’s Simple Plan to Track Targets Everywhere
No where to run, nowhere to hide.
How can anyone be stupid enough to think this is ‘cool’ and to pretend it
could never be used against them. Well, if they are nothing but willing
slaves for whom no govt. order could be too odious or degrading.
Wake up sheeple. It will take lots
of expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. to fix this mess, if it
can be fixed. The only limit to their arrogance is the limit we the people
force upon it.
Don’t understand? Start here:
May 24, 2009
Saying all these Marines are our
enemies just because they participated in this exercise is absurd.
When they blindly follow their
orders to help round up or disarm 'extremists' and 'domestic terrorists,'
then they will be our enemies.
Sadly there will ultimately be
only one way out of this mess, down that long dark tunnel where one will
never be sure who one's real enemies are.
Don't understand? Start here:
May 21, 2009
“The object lesson here could not
be more clear--we exist at the convenience and pleasure of the state. What
we do, what we may possess, all are subject to permission and revocation
that can, at any moment, be violently wrested from us. Nothing is ours. Not
our bodies, not our lives. And this no doubt foreshadows some of that
"change" and sets the tone we can expect now that the Bureau gets its
marching orders from a new administration.”
It’s that way because we tolerate
it. Nothing will change until we start killing them in their homes and
Don’t understand? Go to
willowtowndotcom and read my quotes page first.
May 21, 2009
Funny I seem to remember george
the first clamoring for a 'line item veto' or maybe my brain is fogged by
the war.
The only 'fix' for this mess if there is one is lots of expensive suits
hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. Until enough see that we will stay on the
dance floor with you know who.
Don't understand? Go to willowtowndotcom and read my
quotes page.
May 20, 2009
Gee, I wonder what the military
censors would think about this page:
and this one:
and this one:
and especially this one:
I'm a veteran and I do everything
I can to make sure all active duty and vets know how evil our govt. has
become and what must be done about it. Any questions?
May 20, 2009
I'm a veteran and a 'right-wing
extremist' according to the garbage(ADL et al) who originates these reports.
I 'recruited' myself and I make every effort to make all active duty
military and veterans aware of how evil our govt. has become and what must
be done about it:
Any questions?
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 20, 2009
Another example of what happens when “Liberal”
season doesn’t accompany gun confiscation:
Don’t understand? Start here:
May 12, 2009
Funny how Patrick Henry basically
said it was time to go to war, blood conflict, as in it's time to kill our
enemies. Mention this to the average 'conservative' or 'libertarian' and
you'll get ignored, called a nut, whatever.
Blood conflict is the only thing
that will fix the national govt. now. It's too far gone and their arrogance
will only be limited by those who are willing to do what is required. In
short if this country can be saved it will take many expensive suits hanging
along Pennsylvania Ave.
Don't understand? Start here:
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
(This also posted
The solution is easy, feed them “Liberals” and
wildlife Nazis. We’re obviously going to have to reduce those numbers
Don’t understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare. Think
globally, fight locally. Aim small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
We need to condemn Washington D.C.
and build a memorial to the liberty they have stolen from us all, on top of
their graves.
Don’t understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare. Think
globally, fight locally. Aim small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
May 11, 2009
I applaud these people for doing
something. But the sad truth is the courts will never allow them to get far.
The only fix for the national govt. is for 'we the people' to show up there
in enough force to leave lots of expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania
Don't understand? Start here:
On the surface I think this would be a pointless
exercise. We will soon be in the business of disarming those who choose to
fight for the NWO, first killing them, then using their weapons against
their compatriots.
Don’t understand? Start here:
This silly bastard wouldn't know a
'bazooka gun' if his little buddies ran one up his tailpipe.
Let's hope the militias do
experience a resurgence, only this time underground, with real fighters who
The only thing that will
ultimately fix this mess is many expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania
And I hope I have the pleasure of
seeing this stupid bastard during "Liberal" season.
Don't understand? Start here:
Think globally, fight locally. Aim
small, miss small. One shot, one dead "Liberal"(communist/fascist).
(And here's the little red-headed(how
appropriate) commie on
Sir I'm glad you're fighting
'terrorists' but please realize our biggest enemies are white elitist
"Liberals," Republicrats and the NWO.
Don't understand? Start here:
When the civil war comes will you
follow orders or do what MUST BE DONE?
May 2, 2009
I despise the insurance companies
but what this witch is advocating is far worse.
If we don't open "Liberal"(commie)
season soon we have no future.
Don't understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare. Think
globally fight locally. Aim small miss small.
(This also posted on
May 1, 2009
The 'far left,' the amerikan
communist insurgency, instigated all this.
Don't understand? Start here:
Post 2, a reply:
Hey John, "Liberal" season is
coming. Hope to see ya' then.
We must develop a 'NO TOLERANCE'
policy for the "Liberal" garbage, for make no mistake, they already have one
for us.
Don't understand? Start here:

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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.