April 8, 2010
Some 'religions' to be exempt from commie care?
"Apparently, this exemption will apply similarly to believers in Islam, which considers health insurance – and, for that matter, any form of risk insurance – to be haraam (forbidden)."
My 'religion' is human Liberty. Commie care is against my religion. But do you think the Black-suited Nazis will care? ________________________________________________________
Faux first 'lady' admits Marxist mutt born in Kenya
"While giving a speech on AIDS and health care to a delegation of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Democrats, Michelle Obama described Kenya as Obama’s “home country.”
But that's OK, the u.S. Con-stitution was only meant
as a general guideline filled with loopholes that our masters could jump
through at will. It's only the Bill of Rights that's kept us out of
total tyranny and even that didn't help when the tyrant Lincoln killed
600,000 men and tens of thousands of civilians so his masters could keep
taxing, and controlling, the southern states.
Federal review of Arctic refuge could lead to more drilling limits
"For the first time in two decades, federal wildlife managers will take a look at how they administer the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, including the possibility of asking Congress to make 1.5 million acres of the long-disputed coastal plain off limits to oil and gas development by designating it as wilderness."
Good, let's send all the "Liberal"(communist) freaks
up there so they can 'get back to nature.'
read a while back the arctic Grizzlies are starting to get hungry
because of 'global warming.' This is the freaks' chance to help out the
The Marxist Mutt's fake opening of Oil reserves
"Enter reality. Mr. Obama did not open anything. In fact, he locked up vast amounts of energy reserves. In March, as it has been for nearly two years, almost all of the OCS was open. Now, in April, the entire West Coast, the North Atlantic and portions of Alaska are off-limits. "
It's obvious what the empire is doing, getting all the over seas oil it can before tapping its own. This only makes sense if there really will be an oil shortage in the future. There is not 'general' agreement on this despite all the propaganda that says so.
While I'm no economist it seems to me that our 'economy,' such as it is, cannot stand $4 a gallon gas. I know I can't. It makes me want to squeeze "Liberal" and eco-commie freaks and oil executives and the assholes who trade in oil futures or whatever for their 'leavings' to burn in my SUV. Perhaps that time is coming.
Here's one version of where our gas actually comes from.
Wikipedia on petroleum, who has it and where it goes.
The Empire's page on petroleum.
And the war to get oil takes a lot of it.
"In the May 2005 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, Robert Bryce gives another example; “The Third Army (of General Patton) had about 400,000 men and used about 400,000 gallons of gasoline a day. Today the Pentagon has about a third that number of troops in Iraq yet they use more than four times as much fuel.”
There's far more to this mess than most of us know.
Yet we cannot 'live' in our modern society without it. If you want to
call what most of us do 'living.'
Drought in Venezuela may affect our gas prices
"Now, if you are wondering why a falling water level in the Venezuelan highlands should be if interest to Americans, the answer is easy. Despite years of political tensions between the Chavez government and Washington, the U.S. is still importing some 800,000 barrels a day of crude from Venezuela. Should these imports go away, it is likely to come suddenly - shipping oil from Venezuela to Louisiana only takes two days -- we are going to see an instantaneous jump in gasoline prices. Given that the U.S. is at the top of President Chavez's least favorite countries list, it does not take much imagination to figure out who would be shut off first if exports have to be curtailed."
Note how well the Commie Chavez is running his
country into the ground. And don't miss the comments...
Wall Street 'speculators' driving up oil prices?
"Experts attribute much of the recent rise in prices to flows of speculative money into oil markets. These bets are fueled by investor expectations that the U.S. and global economies are poised to return to growth and thus spark increased use of oil. Strong growth in China supports the narrative of rising oil consumption and tightening supplies.
We need to send the 'speculators' up north to spend
some quality time with the eco-commies and the hungry grizzlies.
Can't be black, or any non-white race, and stand for Liberty say Commies
"They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement — and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president."
The Amerikan Communist Insurgency really fears losing
it's biggest parasite constituency and as always will tell any lie, and
eventually kill anyone, who threatens their grip on it.
"As a general rule, government is the most violent force on the planet. If one wants to get a true perspective on the historical record regarding who or what routinely produces the most violence and death, one should pick up a copy of R. J. Rummel’s book, “Death By Government.” Since the end of World War II, Communist China and Red Russia lead the pack when it comes to death and brutality; however, the US government has inflicted its share of carnage as well. For example, in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, the government in Washington, D.C., has killed over 800,000 civilians (and this figure is a conservative estimate noting the most credible resources possible)."
"Could Madison be any clearer? He (and the rest of America’s founders) emphatically expected the militia of the “several States” to be universally armed against the potential encroachment on liberty by the central government, meaning: the citizenry must at all times be prepared to use their arms against any aggressive nature of the federal government to trample their freedoms.
"This, of course, reinforces the founders’ intent, that the 2nd Amendment protected the right of the people to keep and bear arms for the express purpose of providing the citizenry with the capability to repel (with violence) any assault against their liberties by their own federal government.
"So, pray tell, would today’s FBI categorize James Madison’s statements in Federalist 46 as “seditious conspiracy”? If so, perhaps we are closer to tyranny than any of us wants to admit!"
Well let's see Chuck, many have been trying to get the 'good' people of the 'conservative' and 'libertarian' and 'patriot' movement to stiffen their backbones and grow some gonads for many years and recognize how evil the empire(and the traitors within) has become, or has been since 1865 or so and prepare for what will be required to repair it if it can be repaired. But they would rather entertain the fantasy that it can all be fixed through the political process.
Our domestic enemies' arrogance has not grown to it's ultimate limits yet but very well may soon. This is what we must be always prepared to deal with at a moment's notice. With commie care shoved down our throats and with only the courts to 'protect' us our futures don't look very rosy.
There's nothing wrong with trying to install real leaders in the govt. through the 'process' but we have reached the time when the leaders we need can also serve as generals, captains, sergeants and privates, killers, who will not shrink from saying and doing what will be required.
Our Liberty, all of it, which the Bill of Rights was intended to acknowledge, not grant, is based on the most basic right possessed by the smallest of creatures, to fight back and kill those who would abuse, enslave or kill it. That's what it's all about. The rest is rhetoric.
We are in that time,
the twilight, between light and darkness, when the vision can become a
little blurry and colors begin to fade. Be careful what you say and do,
but do not let them control what you say and do. For they will use any
excuse, they are evil and they serve evil. And we outnumber them.
Perhaps this is the question that matters
It will take many expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. to fix this mess if it can be fixed. End of discussion. ________________________________________________________
The CIA's 'strategic intent' 2007-2011
"Core Values
Oh, that's just too funny.... Reads like it was
written by a corporate idiot. Or someone who aspires to a career as a
corporate idiot, more highly paid no doubt, than a gig at the Central
Insurgency Agency.
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