- Here's
another list
of good and bad bills now in the Kentucky legislature. Read these then get
on the horn to your elected public servants. Be nice to them, some of them
are rather simple minded.
page tells you how to do that.
Maybe more of them have a clue...
DEM Politician/Scumbag Blumenthal Begs Gun Companies Not To Leave CT While He BANS Their Products!
U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., has responded to letters sent to
three Connecticut gun manufacturers by Mississippi state Speaker of the
House Philip Gunn, urging them to relocate to Mississippi
Firearms-makers to politicians on gun rights: You balk, we walk
Vowing to close what they're calling "the police loophole," at least 50 US companies, ranging from gun machinists to gun shops, are now saying publicly they'll refuse to sell weapons and gear to police in places where governments have banned the use of the same gear by civilians.
- We need to invite them to Kentucky. We need the weapons, the jobs and the patriots. The only problem with this is all the states 'infringe,' whether trough a permitting process for our most basic right or through allowing the BATF Nazis to enforce their evil laws within their borders.
We do need to find out which weapons makers are still dealing with the devil
and boycott them and shut down their phone lines until they stop.
Only in Texas
Yet, the Brits just don't get it...
We welcome micro-chipping proposals
At least they are teaching their children to shoot what guns they are 'allowed' access to:
Half term fun for Surrey young guns
It ain't about huntin' little furry critters, it's about hunting men...
Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans
The federal government is targeting veterans because it
realizes that when martial law is declared and people are rounded up for
political reasons – REX 84 and other military contingency plans demonstrate
that the government has long planned for such an inevitability – the
military experience of veterans will be crucial to any effective resistance.
To protect and serve them...
...not us.
Today in New York, an ordinary citizen is only worth
seven-thirtieths of an elite government employee (who is, ironically, still
referred to as “a servant of the people”). That is .233 if you do the
division. Less than one-quarter; and one-quarter, if your math is rusty, is
less than half of three-fifths. How did I arrive at the 7/30 ratio? Because
today in New York, the proles are only permitted by their masters to own
ammunition magazines with a maximum capacity of seven cartridges. This scant
number, while the government elites are guarded by phalanxes of armed
bodyguards carrying standard-capacity thirty-round magazines in their own
semi-automatic “assault rifles.” Clearly, these elites consider their own
lives to be worth four times more than ours.
Retail Apocalypse: Why Are Major Retail Chains All Over America Collapsing?
If the economy is improving, then why are many of the
largest retail chains in America closing hundreds of stores? When I was
growing up, Sears, J.C. Penney, Best Buy and RadioShack were all considered
to be unstoppable retail powerhouses. But now it is being projected that all
of them will close hundreds of stores before the end of 2013. Even Wal-Mart
is running into problems. A recent internal Wal-Mart memo that was leaked to
Bloombergdescribed February sales as a “total disaster”. So why is this
happening? Why are major retail chains all over America collapsing? Is the
“retail apocalypse” upon us?
They will be very willing...
...to come and take them, one household at a time. We
must be ready to meet then at the county or state line and repel them. An
article on this here:
The Pro Second Amendment Commercial Banned By Major Media Conglomerates
- And Mr. Vaus, it's very 'thinkable.' We are at war.
Hey, Mr. President! Why aren't you going after THEIR guns? You know, the
ones shooting up NYC, Chicago, LA, DC and most other medium to large
American cities. Do something about their ILLEGAL possession of firearms,
then you can talk about the legal ones. Dumbass! And yeah, some of us have
bled for this country, so we have the right to judge.
Here are some of the photos of thugs with their guns we have posted over the
past year. And the idiot in the White House says your AR-15 and our thirteen
round Model 21's are the problem.
...and a different flavor...
These people may not be 'thugs.' But seriously, if they were all we had to
worry about I wouldn't be that worried. The NWO empire beast system is the
enemy and they train their goons well, or at least pretend do.
American Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside
In a typical leftist projection, Ayers, one of
America's foremost living experts on the methods of destroying a democracy,
argues that only by following his prescription may democracy be saved. And,
in a perfect parallel of the modern progressive ratchet, in which government
causes a problem through regulation and then advocates more regulation as
the solution to the problem, Ayers responds to the death of education under
the hundred-year influence of Dewey ("the father of modern education") by
proposing to salvage the public schools by infesting them with even more
And make no mistake about one point: Ayers is invoking Dewey not merely as a
respectable cover for his subversive agenda. Deweyism is his subversive
agenda. Ayers and his fellow "reformers" are to Dewey what Lenin was to
Marx. Marx was an intellectual who wished to undermine Western civilization.
Lenin was a thug who sought to bring Marxist principles into full practice
through propaganda, armed revolution, and sophisticated lies. Likewise,
Dewey hated American liberty and individualism and wished to undermine them
through socialist education. Ayers is Dewey's less civilized, more
"practically minded" disciple.
Had enough?
Then organize, train and be ready for what WILL be required.
Russia targets Americans amid Obama’s gun-control battle
President Obama helped spur a run on firearms and ammunition by people
looking to stock up before proposed gun controls take effect — and the
impact is being felt even in unlikely places. Like Russia.
“In order to take care of as many customers as possible, starting Thursday,
Jan. 24, all ammunition sales were limited to three boxes per customer, per
day as supply is limited at this time,” Wal-Mart spokeswoman Ashley Hardie
Further, the number of criminal checks for gun purchases run through the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System reached an all-time high
of 2.78 million in December, with January a close second at 2.5 million,
according to the FBI. Nine of the 10 all-time single-day highs and the top
10 single-week highs came after Mr. Obama’s re-election in November.
Though there is certainly an exponential spike in checks confined to time periods in the past several months, the increase should not be attributed solely to Mr. Obama’s election and re-election. The numbers have increased every year from 2002, when there were 8.5 million, to 2012, when there were 19.6 million. Still, if January numbers are extrapolated for the rest of this year, there will be approximately 30 million this year — a greater percentage increase in one year than for the entire period from 1999 to 2012.
- Heard a similar tale from an employee of the local redneck mecca. I was
told people show up early in the AM to buy ammo, about half to keep and half
to sell online. Was also told one customer related how he and his buddies
have reloading parties on the weekends when they put together several
thousand rounds at a time. Hope they're on our side.
Another work-around...
Court again slaps down Ill. handgun ban
Chris W. Cox, the National Rifle Association’s chief lobbyist, said the
decision is a major victory for the Second Amendment.
“It is now clear that no state can deny law-abiding residents the right to
carry a firearm for self-defense outside the home,” he said
- Another tiny step in a long war, which doesn't relieve the NRA of the
responsibility of doing what will be required...
Kill the resisters...
Articles about this issue:
DHS Supplier Provides Shooting Targets of American Gun Owners
Company Behind Shooting Targets of Children Received $2 Million From DHS
Maryland Governor's gun bill, death penalty repeal advance to Senate floor
The Democratic governor’s bill would most notably require residents to
obtain a license before buying a handgun, and would also ban assault weapons
and lower the limit on magazine capacities.
The bill would have forced applicants to pay $100 for a purchasing license
and $100 to renew it every five years, but the Senate committee lowered the
license fee to $50 and renewal fees to $20 every 10 years.
- Well, how considerate of the trash to lower the cost of infringement...
They'll deserve to be hanged with a higher grade of rope.
Are you training for what will be required?
Events, alerts, actions and groups you should be involved with:
- Support Kentucky's Pro Second Amendment House Bill 233
- Stop the Confirmation of Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary
- 2013 Southern Readiness Conference
- Constitutional Speaker KrisAnne Hall is coming to Kentucky
- Gun Owners of America Alerts page
- Tell the NRA it's time to stop playing games and demand a repeal of all gun laws.
- Take Back Kentucky monthly meetings
- The John Birch Society says "Stop Agenda 21"
- The John Birch Society stop a Con-Con(Constitutional Convention)
- Do you know who your Kentucky legislator is?
Do you know what your enemies are up to?
Some patriot movement history:
Candidates worth voting for:
Know any?
Email bbright(at)willowtown.com
Not for the faint of heart...
Commie/NWO site of the week: Bill Ayers
Patriot site of the week: New York City Guns
Word(or phrase) for the times: minion
Quote for the times:
"The mania for giving the Government power to meddle with the private affairs of cities or citizens is likely to cause endless trouble, through the rivalry of schools and creeds that are anxious to obtain official recognition, and there is great danger that our people will lose our independence of thought and action which is the cause of much of our greatness, and sink into the helplessness of the Frenchman or German who expects his government to feed him when hungry, clothe him when naked, to prescribe when his child may be born and when he may die, and, in time, to regulate every act of humanity from the cradle to the tomb, including the manner in which he may seek future admission to paradise." - Mark Twain
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.