"Ideas are more powerful than guns.
We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
- Josef
Until a real force is in place to
deal with these black-suited Nazis nothing will change. Their own doors
should be broken down...
Don't understand? Go to Willowtowndotcom and scroll right and start with my
quotes page.
I'll be armed until death(and the
deaths of many “Liberals” if it’s necessary) regardless of what the
scientists or "progressives"(communists) claim. But let me suggest a program
to prepare for the salvation of humanity.
We need to re-start the space
program and colonize other planets as soon as possible. Only this time
divide up the solar system according to political convictions so as to avoid
future wars. Those who wish to live in peace and Liberty with their
neighbors get Mars. "Liberals," 'progressives,' and other authoritarian
garbage get Mercury. Very appropriate I think.
We need to have the tools and
resolve at hand to 'enforce' this because the enemies of Liberty, some of
whom have posted here, obviously have no problem shoving their evil systems
down our throats at the points of their govt. guns.
Don't understand? Start with my
quotes page. Visit willowtowndotcom and scroll right.
March 30, 2009
Both sides are right, i.e. there
will/won't be a 'civil war.' It’s already started, in 1787 or so and has
been raging since with most remaining oblivious to its causalities.
Yes most amerikans are cattle, as
are most humans. Watch that old movie from the 80s “Revolution” where the
colonial officer was beating the retreating Militia with a horse whip. Most
will be wondering what happened after the dust settles, on our graves or on
our new republic or whatever we end up with.
I sincerely hope all my neighbors
and relatives who would rather die than think suffer horribly in this world
for their cowardice and apathy. But the truth is ‘the meek inherit the
earth,’ and the slavery and the despotism and the numbing ignorance that
keeps them happily grazing and breeding generation after generation.
What the military and it's leaders
will do is best examined in what happens in most 'civil wars,' miss-named or
not. I get the ‘feeling,’ and that’s what it is, that many military
personnel past and present may well have the courage to shoot their
officers. But many to most of them will do whatever it takes to keep getting
that govt. check and will have to be killed.
I wish I could get 3 million to
march on D.C. tomorrow and hang the bastards but our enemies have been too
successful at fracturing us. We built organizations in the 90s with snakes
heads that were too easy to cut off.
Maybe enough are angry now. From
my understanding of history the straw that broke the colonist’s back was the
British parliament’s banning of colonial currency which created a depression
with taverns and pubs full of unemployed men who were willing to listen to
the ‘patriots.’
We don’t have a real news media.
The mainstream is clearly our biggest enemy and should be destroyed,
literally, not figuratively. Sorry, Faux News doesn’t cut it. And the
internet is too fractured as well, which may be a good thing. So the general
public is not likely to soon get our message or any desire to listen unless
Glenn Beck, if he’s not another actor, and a few others have the guts to say
what would certainly get them fired the next day.
Whatever percentage says “No” will
have to fight a protracted war, probably underground, for a long time. I can
only suggest watching the movie “Michael Collins” for what will be
necessary. The foundation of the NWO will have to be chipped away before it
Someone, or preferably many small
groups, please prove me wrong by setting a date for us to arrive in D.C. and
shut down the airports and train stations and roads so the rats can’t
escape. Even with such a scenario, we would still have to fight a protracted
‘civil war’ with millions of mindless citiots who’ve spent their lives with
a govt. tit in their mouths and would surrender their own mothers or first
born children to keep it there.
For those who think this country
can be turned around politically, remember the Founders had diplomats over
seas negotiating for assistance during the war. They used the ‘system’ up to
and during the time “Liberty or death” meant killing their enemies. For
every little political victory, and there have been many, there are many
more absurdities, and atrocities, to come.
So. No one has a crystal ball, not
even those who have contingency plans for invading our bathrooms. As Plato
said, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
And at this point I think that’s
really the best anyone can do, or hope for.
Those who don't understand, need
to start here:
March 30, 2009
Our ancestors told the British
"Liberty or death!" and the effete elite "Liberal" and republicrat garbage
of today huff and puff and whine about 'non-violence' whenever someone with
backbone stands up to them. This country was born and sustained with
violence. It will likely have to be restored with blood conflict.
Those who profess to love Liberty
cannot know the heart nor mind of Glenn Beck but the reality is that if he
said what should be said he'd be off the weaponvision in a day.
We all need to stiffen our
backbones and scream to our enemies at the top of our lungs: "Liberty or
"Liberal" season! It's your choice!”
Those who don't understand can
start here:
Of course the new yawk slimes
'moderates' these comments and mine, especially a URL that links to reality,
will not be allowed. Don't worry. You will be remembered when "Liberal"
season begins.(Well glory be, they actually posted this. I suppose they
wanted to show how 'dangerous' we are.)
March 28, 2009
Morris Sleeze et al has been doing
this kind of garbage for years. Nothing new about that.
What I cannot understand is why
the so-called 'good people' of the patriot/conservative movement aren’t
leading/forming/training/preparing the militias for what most assuredly will
have to be done.
The answer is they are really
still a bunch of cowards who think we can take the country back politically.
Think about this for a moment, many small victories such as this one can be
and have been achieved, but does anyone seriously think our enemies are just
going to throw up their hands and say "Oh sorry we bothered you. We're going
home now?"
Give me a break. If the so-called
'good people' would step up to the plate we could have a real militia force
not one that is constantly fodder for the propagandists.
Don’t understand? Start here:
When enough of their green suited Nazis are found
dead along the trail they’ll begin to get the message.
Don’t understand? Follow my links. Read the quotes
page first.
Then share and prepare.
I salute Mr. Franchi for trying to
make a difference however I must ask a few questions:
Please define 'militant.'
Were the Founders who killed their
enemies 'militant?'
Is it 'militant' to recognize that
we may soon have no choice but to begin killing our modern enemies? Is it
'militant' to realize that they want us to sit home, with or without our
guns, shaking in our shoes waiting for that 3am no-knock?
Would it be 'militant' to act as
Alexander Solzhenitsyn recommended?:
"How we burned in the
prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every
police operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been
uncertain whether he would return alive? If during periods of mass arrests
people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every
bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had
understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs
hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or
whatever was at hand? The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage
of officers and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine
would have ground to a halt." -
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago.
Would it be militant to do as
Michael Collins did when he sent his men out to do what they knew had to be
done to free their republic from British tyranny?
How much more of this apologizing
and shuffling and jiving are we to do before we tell them "NO MORE!"?
Those who don't understand need to
start here:
March 13, 2009
To those who claim the military
won't fire on Americans we can now show this:
"In July 2007, the Kuhns, a North
Carolina couple (pictured above) were terrorized by sheriff’s deputy Brian
Scarborough, who broke into their house, assaulted them and then arrested
the couple for the crime of flying an upside down U.S. flag.
Buncombe County Sheriff’s deputy
Brian Scarborough had just returned from Iraq and according to the Deborah
Kuhn, was sent by his staff Sergeant from the local National Guard to “deal
with” the Kuhns after a local resident complained about the flag, a fact
that was later admitted on TV news. A National Guard soldier in military
fatigues had also previously visited the Kuhn’s to harass them about the
We will have to kill many of the
dumb-downed idiots who will blindly and stupidly follow orders to disarm us.
Don't understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare.
March 12, 2009
Hundreds of millions exist in the
'western countries' and there are 6 billion on the planet and the sheeple
stupidly think no one's gonna go off the deep end once in a while? The real
miracle is there aren't many more.
There probably will be and our
biggest DOMESTIC ENEMIES, elitist white "Liberals" and republicrats, will
use them all as an excuse to further erode our Liberty.
We must be ready to stand in their
faces and have available the force and resolve necessary to tell them "NO,
Don't understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare.
The same response was posted to
To see what has happened to the Brits since this was
passed go here:
To understand what we must do begin here:
March 7, 2009
Some decent advice here but some
things to consider:
If enough people in most areas,
especially east of the Mississippi, begin subsistence hunting country boys
will find they have to eat wandering citiots or each other to survive
because the game won't last more than a few weeks at best. Here in central
Kentucky the deer and squirrel populations are down because of poor mast
crops and disease issues. Skunks, possums and coons still seem to be
plentiful though.
Most farmers in my area are
clueless about all this and probably don't have more than a shotgun or two
to protect their livestock. I have braindead relatives who farm who may not
even own guns. If they do it’s grandpa’s old single shot 12 gauge that
hasn’t been fired in 30 years. At best most of them own a deer rifle or duck
Don’t tell me I need to be
recruiting them. I gave up on them years ago and am looking forward to
seeing them suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.
After all, their god is going to burn me alive in fire forever because I
don’t want to be little dumbed-down pacified sheeple like them.
IMHO you only need the amount of
ammo that you can transport or easily carry, at most between you and a
couple new ‘buddies’ who happen to show up when tshtf. If you don’t survive
the first firefight you’ll only be supplying your enemies or rioters. Unless
of course you’re rich and plan on starting your own regiment of butter
knifers. An untrained undisciplined unfit fighter is useless whether he has
a pitchfork or a five thousand dollar sniper rifle.
There are so many scenarios that
can play out here. It looks like the demonical creatures in the Congress and
the now Red House may be backing off any new ‘gun control’ for the near
future but of course that’s a fool’s bet either way.
If it comes down to what MUST BE
DONE, i.e. the tiny number of real patriots who are mentally willing and
physically able to not sit on their asses and wait for the black-suited
Nazis to come and ‘take them from their dead hands’ which they will happily
do then I can only continue to suggest all ‘patriots’ however loosely
defined rent and watch the movie “Michael Collins” to see what action will
be necessary. In this case most will only need enough ammo to survive the
fire fight that gains the possession of the enemy’s weapons in whatever
number are reasonable or possible according to the situation.
And all things are situational. An
old and standard rule is don’t keep it all in one place and don’t bury it on
your own place. That’s the first place the Nazis are going to look. And be
ready as you can be to go where you need to go to get what you need next.
There may not be some place to
‘sit this one out.’ The NWO has eyes and ears everywhere, electronic and
human. There may not be anyplace to hide. Once they get the cities under
their thumb they’ll start looking at everyone else.
Don't understand? Start here:
I was really proud of military.com
for running this story then I saw their little 'notice' that reads "no
outside URLs allowed."
That's as disgusting and
un-American as an online publication can get. Reminds me of the corner the
mainstream news media had on the information flow before the internet.
Outside links are what the
internet is about: learning things that we're not supposed to know,
broadening our horizons and fighting for Liberty, online and where ever how
ever else it becomes necessary, like real Americans.
So in that spirit I finish with
We need to bring our troops home
and let them hunt our real DOMESTIC enemies, most of whom are white elitist
"Liberals"(communists) including the traitors in the White House and the u.S.
Congress. Not because any of them are a particular race but because they are
You older veterans who went to
schools and read the newspapers when they represented something resembling
reality will know what that means.
Don't understand? Start here:
Then share and prepare. And don't
miss the page which shows what happens to a country when creatures like the
Marxist mutt(his word not mine) run it:
apparently removed all comments from this article and banned me from
posting, possibly for violating their 'no URLs' rule. They are owned by
Monster.com and apparently serve as a recruitment tool for the armed
services. So they obviously can't afford to have any future recruits, active
personnel, or former military visitors or civilians thinking for themselves.
That would be 'un-american' wouldn't it?)

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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.