Links of interest:
of Western Kentucky
of Eastern Kentucky
About Wildflowers
Nature Online Herbal
The Law and Photography -
Can you take that photo?
Photography and art law
The photographer's right
Photography is not a crime
Can the cops demand to take your photo?

Is your government or civilian employer blocking certain websites?
How to beat the censors:
For those concerned about the
Immigration by the Numbers
linger, loiter, dawdle and fumble and see what happens
Freedom 21
Sovereignty International
Minnesotans for global warming
The Nature of Sustainable Development
Stop the North American Union
The blonde who returned the scarf - a must read
The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel 4
The Great Global Warming Swindle
- actual video
Warming scaremongers lap up the cash
The deceit behind global warming
The great global warming debate
Inhofe slams DiCaprio and Laurie David
Global warming and gun control
Weather Channel founder: Warming 'greatest scam in history'
Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths'(British judge rules Gore's a
liar. If a Brit judge can see it why can't millions of stupid Amerikans?)
Global Warming propaganda is really about the money
Gore trying to ignore ruling by British judge(While his lackeys attack
the parents who brought the suit)
Brits call algore 'precious' and it's not a compliment(And he gets
£3,300-per-minute to be that way)
Skeptical Climate Scientists Shunned At UN Bali Meeting
Now the Pope gets it on GW propaganda
Over 100 Prominent Scientists Challenge UN Move For Global Carbon Tax
Hundreds of scientists reject global warming
Has global warming stopped?
'Polars bears on the brink? Don't you believe it'
Eco commies consider turning to violence to further their goals
Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age
Cold - a death blow to empire
Global warming blizzards strike Britain
Gore's stranded bears not stranded after all
Shysters making mega bucks from 'carbon credits' trading
Discovery backs theory oil not 'fossil fuel'
Skeptical Global Warming
Scientists To Challenge "Consensus"
Nuclear waste: not a problem
Environmentalism Is Recycled Communism and Nazism
"Ecopsychology" latest nutbar gimmick
Too much ice around Greenland leads to starving bears
Global Cooling: Amazing pictures of countries joining Britain in the big
Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x
NY Climate Conference: Journey to the Center of Warming Sanity
Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
One in three Alberta earth scientists and engineers believe the culprit
behind climate change has been identified
Researcher: Basic Greenhouse Equations "Totally Wrong"
Where our oil comes from?
Southern Baptists fall for GW propaganda
Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud
Weather channel founder's comments on global warming
Who gets rich off $3 gas - who doesn't
How winter 07-08 rated

Big Corn and Ethanol Hoax
NASA's Hansen Calls for No Coal by 2030
Anything that grows 'can convert into oil'
Shell exec says world not running out of oil
ABC Smears Scientist For Questioning Global Warming "Consensus"
Cuba invites bids to develop oil reserves 45 miles off the coast of South
Massive volcano beneath Antarctic ice
Perhaps the climate change models are wrong
The Real Reason for High Gas Prices
Brit nutbars want 15 mph speed limits in 'eco towns'
Climate facts to warm to
Independent truckers planning shutdown
Wal-Mart cancels 45 superstore projects
Geologist: Sun’s shift could mean global chill
Scientist: Forget Global Warming, Prepare for New Ice Age
Propaganda-driven kids attack think tank
development': Freedom's foe
Commiefornia's fuel taxes roadblock alternatives to gas
Aussie nutbar wants to change the color of the sky
31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
Global warming petition project
How agriprocessors help illegal immigrants sneak in
Alaskans to sue to block polar bear listing
George Soros: rocketing oil price is a bubble
Energy fears looming, new survivalists prepare
Next oil war coming: Oil crisis triggers fevered scramble for the world's
Mexico running out of oil
Germany in call for ban on oil speculation
Brit eco-commie wants to ban domestic flights through taxation
Local weatherman rips 'global warming'
Carbon Chastity - The First Commandment of the Church of the Environment
May's global temperatures plummet
Warming bureaucrats fly to climate summit
$45 trillion needed to combat warming
Beach bonfires may be banned by GW nutbars
Scientists Seek Vaccine for Livestock Flatulence
Oil reserves will last decades
Oil shortage a myth, says industry insider
Biggest oil find in U.S. history
Obamacommie doesn't mind us paying $4 a gallon for gas
The eco-commie war on the automobile
Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol
Iran's Ahmadinejad says oil price artificial
algore 'greened' his home and energy use went up 10%
Weatherman says GW alarmists getting rich while he can find only one
weatherman who agrees with GW propagandists
Reducing cow burping 'is key to tackling climate change'
Glaciers on California's Mt. Shasta keep growing
Now nutbars say less pollution is causing warming
Say Good-Bye To Global Warming And Hello To Global Cooling!
Inhofe: EPA too powerful, could damage economy
Glass Particles in the Sky Studied As 'Global Warming' Fix
Global Warming Led to ‘Black Hawk Down,’ nutnar Congressman Says
Global warming may increase kidney stones: nutbar researchers
Proved: There is no climate crisis
The sunspot cycle
Global Warming Enforcement: The New Segregation
Greens are the enemies of liberty
Scientist: Move Species to Save Them From Climate Change
Get ready for the EPA Nazis to barge into your life
Climate propagandists calling kettle black
Green Issues a Tough Sale at the Newsstand
Hey kids! Be a “Climate Cop” - rat on your family, friends, and classmates
Critical Mass riders injure driver in Capitol Hill altercation
Old British Captains’ logs yield climate clues
Penn and Teller on 'being green'
Pelosi: Save the planet, let someone else drill
Sun Makes History: First Spotless Month in a Century
The Depopulation of Planet Earth
The great pacific garbage patch(And so many eco-commies with so little
to do)
Eco-commie wants to energy tax you off the net
Brit Jury lets ecocommies destroy property in the name of GW
Spotless sun will mean a cooling Earth