The meaning of lifelong ignorance
Barry Bright
May 20, 2011
Long ago I decided, or learned, that this life is supposed to mean something
beyond the ignorant guilt trip I was raised in.
My Christian(rural Southern Baptist) grandmother taught me to be painfully
honest, which was why I could never understand nor stomach the white lies I
heard come from her lips, such as:
“She ain’t fat, she’s just fleshy” or “She’s a nice girl” and my favorite:
“Looks don’t matter.”
But then she, like many middle age and above females, had a weak
understanding of human, especially male, biology and a great indoctrination
in what
biblical housewife was supposed to be like.
My parents were the first of the blue collar generation in my family, who
were mostly subsistence farmers and part time bootleggers. A couple times I
went to the factory where my mother wasted her time in exchange for money
and saw how she sat on a stool sewing t-shirt sleeves 8 hours a day 40 hours
a week 50 weeks a year for 19 years of her life until cancer made it
Later my father took me to the G.E. plant in Louisville where my stepmother
spent a great portion of her time in this world and I watched varying
degrees of labor, putting screw ‘a’ in hole ‘b,’ some guy putting large
boxes on refrigerators while sweating like a horse, and a couple older
employees sitting on folding chairs playing cards. Near them ran an overhead
conveyer that held refrigerator moldings. When one got close enough the guy
with a stick that had a magic marker taped to the end of it would reach out
and make a black swipe on the molding with barely a glance and go back to
playing cards.
I wonder now how much his partner was paid to keep him from getting bored.
All this is building up to something, maybe a couple things. One is this
past Tuesday’s election. I spent about 7 hours Monday afternoon and evening
calling prospective Republican voters and experienced pretty much what I
expected, from the older blindly cynical folk who treated me as they would
any other telemarketer to a handful who told me cheerfully they planned to
vote for Phil Moffett.
But one probably elderly woman stands out.
This citizen told me she planned to vote and she was from Burkesville(David
William’s alleged residence) and that David William’s grandfather or
some such was her teacher and that knowing the family for so many years she
couldn’t vote against him. Now who am I to question such illogic?
A local politician told me a couple years back that people are capable of
being double minded. After years in the patriot movement and a couple of
watching the tea parties I have come to believe most have multiple
personalities that they show to whomever they please when it profits them,
kinda like politicians.
Most especially they show these different personalities to themselves
whenever it’s most comfortable. A
video I embedded on my
blog gets into the male psyche and examines how, contrary to popular
belief, humans don’t really like killing each other all that much. Don’t
worry, the world’s major militaries are spending billions trying to rectify
that situation.
The important question is, what are we as patriots who will have to fight
them doing about it? More importantly how much longer until enough see the
necessity of doing so and the insanity of clinging to blind pacifism?
I’ve wanted for a while now to write a column about how insane most humans
are. Maybe I can sum it up in a couple paragraphs:
Billions believe it’s perfectly OK that their god, that’s their god, is
going to burn the vast majority of humans who ever lived alive in fire
forever, and many of them believe human life is precious, to the point of
protecting the unborn, yet baptize a child at birth or pester a child into
getting ‘saved’ and baptized within a few years of birth so their god won’t
burn their own child alive in fire forever while they’re standing around
singing praises to said god while watching their child be burned alive.
This is all biblical, or at least cultural and shows humanity is still in
the dark ages, at least mentally. Don’t blindly believe me, I’m not a
preacher or an ‘official’ newswhore. Check it out for yourself.
The irreligious don’t worry so much about being burned alive forever. They
have plenty of other reasons to sit on their asses and choose ignorance
every day, not the least of which is the supposed need to waste so much time
in exchange for so little money and so much debt that they have to waste
their entire adult existences in this world helping some corporate whore or
CEO or modern robber baron get richer.
And many wonder why so many others prefer to be on welfare or a disability
check if they can get it. The work ethic is really a slave ethic and it
along with most religions were designed or manipulated to keep the
slaves/subjects/serfs happily enriching their masters.
To clarify the last few paragraphs for some: Liberty means liberty
everywhere. It means not being treated like a jackass at your
job(just over broke)
or like a slave by your banksters or by your governments.
Which gets us back to this recent election. Mindless ignorance is going to
be with us for a very long time. This older generation, sheeple in their
50s, 60s and above, will have to finish dying off before any real progress
toward Liberty may be made and then it’s gonna be iffy for every generation
has its share of committed lifelong ignoramuses.
So don’t get too flustered. That tiny percentage of each generation that
actually understands or values freedom will probably still be active in
three or four generations. The only question may be whether they are keeping
up with their quotas in the re-education/work camps, reloading, or beating
their heads against the wall talking to idiots who’ve spent decades in this
world and still haven’t caught on and don’t plan to.
Click here for my columns contents page.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
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Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.