Rules for the militia
Barry Bright
Feb. 6, 2011
I am no one and I am everyone. I am the militia.
If someone is trying to be your general, ask him if he’s ever been a
private. Ask her if she’s willing to be a private. Ask them if they’re
willing to scrub a floor or do the dishes or dig a trench or a fighting
If someone asks you to do something stupid, ask them if you can visit
their home and their family. Most infiltrators won’t have either. Ask
them how they make a living and what government agency employs them.
Don’t hang around stupid people. Don’t do stupid things. Don’t discuss
stupid things with sheeple, or people you don’t trust with your life.
Don’t be like a Jew running down the street in 1943 Berlin screaming
“I’m a Jew and I have a right to be a Jew.” Our modern black-suited
Nazis have proven time and again they don’t care what your rights are.
They have proven time and again they will confiscate, forfeit, imprison
and kill in the service of the New World Order.
They have proven they will kill your dog and your children on their way
through your door.
The time will come when we will gather against them. We must not allow
the mindset of ‘They’ll have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands’ or
“Molen labe’ to continue. They will be more than happy to oblige you.
They are conscienceless whores who are trained to kill those who resist.
They want us to cower in our homes awaiting our turn when we should be
going to their homes after they have raided another patriot. Above all,
they must learn the inevitability of that occurrence before a real
change can be made here.
Watch the movie
“Michael Collins” if you doubt me.
Don’t allow your organization to have a head that can be cut off the
snake, thus killing your organization.
Don’t allow your organization to have so much ‘leadership’ or
bureaucracy that nothing can be accomplished.
Don’t waste time on trifles. Do build an organization that can and will
work with others when the time comes.
Do work on physical fitness, mental awareness, in-depth understanding of
the kind of government we’re supposed to have: one that on all levels
recognizes and daily acknowledges our most basic right, the right to
self defense against tyranny in government and the natural born right to
kill those who would enslave us or enslave us further when all other
options consistently fail. For we know not who among us will survive the
storm and have to lead after the dust settles, or who will escape into
the hinterlands to teach the next generation of fighters.
Know that our greatest enemies are domestic and have white skin and were
born here. They call themselves “Liberals,” and ‘progressives’ and
sometimes ‘republicans.’ If you doubt me ask them what they think of
ridding ourselves of the IRS, the Federal Reserve, all the ‘gun laws,’
and the effort to create a one-world socialist government.
Just because you're "Liberal" so-called 'friends'
are nice to you doesn't mean they won't be happy to see your property
confiscated, you imprisoned, or killed for standing up for your Liberty.
Don’t allow yourselves to be drafted into a war against religious
ragheads thousands of miles away. Focus on those who write the laws that
we are forced to live under at the point of a government gun and on the
people and organizations who put our domestic enemies into positions of
power over us all.
Don’t expect your brethren to be perfect or to conform to your religion
or version of reality. No army has ever been such. The only reality that
matters is that we are all supposed to be free. Our real enemies hide
behind a cloak of “Liberalism” when they are the opposite of liberal. We
must stop choosing between two or more versions of authoritarianism if
we are to re-establish Liberty.
Those who say "Liberty or Death" need to understand what that meant in actuality. It didn't mean the Founders would blow their own brains out if the English King didn't grant them indepenence. It meant they were going to blow English brains out.
Folk music records what Vermonters responded to British soldiers who would impose their will upon them:
"Why come ye hither, Redcoats? Your mind what madness fills? For there’s danger in our valleys and there’s danger on our hills. Why hear ye not the singing of the bugle wild and free? Full soon you’ll hear the ringing of the rifle from the tree! For the rifle, for the rifle: in our hands shall prove no trifle."
Pertinent quotes:
"We're not trying to overthrow the government. The government's already
been overthrown." - Charlie Puckett, KSM Commander
"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the
people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms." —
Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Framer (1788) at
p. 169
"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." --Col. Jeff Cooper
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country". -- George S. Patton
"Molon Labe!" (mo-lone lah-veh) - meaning "Come and get them" - King Leonidas, leader of the 300 Spartans in answer to the King of Persia's request for them to lay down their arms. (This ancient dare is often mis-interpreted in modern times. Leonidas had gone out to meet his enemies in battle, a battle he knew he would probably lose. Too many modern gun owners and others who claim to love Liberty use it as an excuse to sit home and wait for the black-suited Nazis to "...come and take my guns from my cold dead hands." This our enemies will be all too happy to do, one family at a time, dying alone, with no real chance to fight back. We should be organizing real fighting forces so when the time comes we can go to our enemies and kill them in place, whether that place is the their offices or their homes or the gun turn-in point. Anything less is just another act of cowardice.)
Don't understand? Start with my Favorite Quotes page.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
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