Rectify, or why Kokesh is right
Barry Bright
May 25, 2013
(In the process of posting this I learned Kokesh was released from jail yesterday.)
This vid was posted today:
I've been putting off writing this for a long time. My procrastination is
partly due to my own personality, my tendency to worry and hand wringing
when I should be acting. But my hand wringing has a source other than just
me, my 15 or so years disgust and heartbreak over the willful ignorance of
the 'Amerikan' sheeple.
Another source of disgust and dismay is people who are awake and aware, but
still in deep denial of the real situation we face and what will be required
to rectify it.
I've spent(wasted?) a lot of time on the net over the past several years
trying to wake up/educate/gauge/warn those I encounter there. But this isn't
about me is it? I could drop dead tomorrow and it won't change what's
coming, or I could exist to be 120 years old and see the same slow motion
conflict I've witnessed most of my adult life.
Or, enough real people, patriots, like
Adam Kokesh, assuming he isn't a
faker or a plant as is possible in all wars, steps out front and does
something that shakes the Earth under our feet.
Because of past experiences with the Militia and simply looking at the history
of alternative movements I'm hesitant to promote any single 'leader' because
they too easily become the head that can be cut off the snake, setting
forward momentum back by months or years. Our domestic and global blood
enemies are experts at manipulating such situations, through murder,
imprisonment and false flag actions.
When I first started occasionally watching Kokesh on YouTube his Libertarian
pacifism was a turn off to me. Yes, I know most Libertarians aren't really
pacifists, but they push their
NAP(Non Aggression Principle) so hard
sometimes that it can seem that way.
It's all a moot point to me anyway. When Lincoln moved to re-enforce
Sumter, which should have been abandoned as soon as South Carolina
seceded, he
knew that sovereign
nation state would be forced to fire upon it. Who do most
historically ignorant sheeple nowadays think started that war, those who
fired the first shot or those who made it necessary? Similarly our domestic
blood enemies will eventually push us back into a corner, or us them, and
someone will start shooting, in enough numbers that it won't be just 'civil
disobedience' anymore.
To this day, to my knowledge, no one knows who fired the 'shot heard
the world.' If the British had won that war, they might have very well hung
someone for that terrorist act, guilty or not.
As I've written many times before our blood domestic enemies will call us
every name in their arsenal, while setting us up for the kill, while killing
us, while imprisoning us: terrorists, murderers, extremists, racists, and on
and on. After the blood war begins this will only intensify, along with the
confusion and government sponsored terror.
Most name tags assigned to enemies in war seek to de-personalize, just as they de-personalize drone targets
and the accompanying collateral damage. Only people like
Timothy McVeigh, who was
government employee before he allegedly became a patriot or attended a
militia meeting, and was likely still a government employee when OK City was
carried out, aren't 'allowed' to use such terms, much less criticize or
actually fight back against our Earthly god, government.
No, I'm not hoping Kokesh's event(that now may never happen) in the district
of commie criminals turns into a firefight. But if it does it will only be
something many have known was coming for a long time and many more need to
wake up to the reality of being necessary, required, to rectify our
situation here.
Kokesh has said he only intends to step across the imaginary line that
separates the state of Virginia form a 'district' that holds our nation's
capital, with a weapon and be arrested, unless he decides to turn around,
simply proving that Liberty is not allowed there. He calls this an in an act
of 'civil
If things turn out well the whole thing will have seemed to have been blown
out of proportion. If not, it won't matter. The 'pro-gun' and 'pro-Liberty'
movement is full of cowards and shirkers and fakers and they're all whining
that "this isn't the time." For many of them the 'time' will be when they
refuse to dig the ditch they'll soon be shot into. Many of them will dig it
anyway, hoping to gain a few more pathetic moments of their cowardly lives.
I told some activists at a meeting the other day that Kokesh's event could,
or likely would, end up being a major propaganda coup. Our domestic blood
enemies are obviously concerned, if not downright petrified, that their evil
agenda is being slowed if not dissolved before their eyes, hence the massive
propaganda storm we witnessed last winter.
The sad thing is so many 'pro-gun' people don't grasp that it's about the
communism, or the globalism, stupid, not just about sitting at a keyboard
and imagining charging the British or shooting ducks. So many 'pro-Liberty'
activists think they'll win this war with peace and love and treat the
Second Amendment as some kind of ornament.
It's not an ornament, it's
a mace, a missile, a crater producing warhead
that our domestic blood enemies know they
must wrench from our hands and our
Ultimately the only ornament in any war is the blood on the grass that soaks
into the ground and water to be consumed by whatever future generations
exist there. We exist on blood-stained ground. We draw our food and water
from it. Our ancestors conquered this continent and lying about that won't
keep our domestic and global enemies from taking it from those who claim to
love Liberty.
So much whining has been occurring among the so-called patriots,
Libertarians, 'pro-gunners' et al about how 'illegal' Kokesh's planned march
will be without seeming to grasp that that's the point.
It was illegal to dump tea in Boston Harbor.
It was illegal to resist the Brit troops who came to seize powder, cannon
and shot.
It was illegal to run away from a slave owner and
illegal in
several northern states to assist runaways and like now
not all slaves even understood they should try.
It was illegal to try to escape a gulag.
It was illegal to resist getting on the train.
We will soon be at a time of choosing.
Somebody's gonna have to step off one of these days.
If you don't support this guy now you're nothing. Just keep buying your
canned beans and
digging your hidey hole a little deeper and pretend the
bunker busters can't reach it.
Click here for my columns contents page.
Don't understand my attitude? Start here.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.