The NRA rides the camel
Barry Bright
Feb. 19, 2013
The last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. We've witnessed
the biggest propaganda storm since 9/11. For a few days it seemed the
Marxist mutt might simply swing his magical pen and bring the wrath of the
Federal government down on any and all who dared to say the Second Amendment
was about anything but killing ducks and clay pigeons.
Along with all this we've witnessed countless references to 'lines in the
sand' that our blood domestic enemies had better not cross or there's gonna'
be, well, blood. I even told one grossly ignorant woman in a restaurant that
if they move to disarm us, they will find out what blood is. This shut her
But this imaginary line in the sand was crossed long ago by our domestic
blood enemies. It's way behind them. To access it we are going to have to
advance through them.
Pretending to ride to the rescue is possibly the biggest straw man ever
created. The NRA was founded by Yankee generals, who after helping
kill 600,000 men and tens of thousands of civilians so he could
taxing the southern states, felt many of the recruits who were
forced into
that war or taken off immigrant boats hadn't had
enough firearms training in their youth.
Now I'm all for training the youth. When I was five my grandfather took me
squirrel hunting so I learned his 36 inch barrel 12 gauge wasn't a toy. When
I was around 10 he let me bruise my shoulder with it while peppering a
plastic bottle. Before that I had carried an old BB gun around before I was old enough
for school and nearly shot my eye out with my new Daisy when I bounced a BB
off a cedar fence post in the back yard on Christmas day when I was eight.
Actually I was far enough away from the post that the BB simply
bounced off my cheek with no pain at all. But it taught me a lesson about
shooting at hard objects. Even if I had lost an eye, and our blood domestic
enemies would use such as a propaganda tool, it wouldn't change the meaning
and purpose of the Bill of Rights one iota.
We need to get guns, weapons training, back into the government schools and
get the pacified mindless mal educated to indoctrinated idiots and knowing
Marxists out of them. This won't be an easy task because the Amerikan
Communist Insurgency has spent a lot of time and resources infiltrating
our so-called educational systems.
Today I got an email from the NRA. No I'm not a member, haven't been since I
was told how they give money to people they earlier opposed; and then later
learned they often support candidates that locals know to avoid.
The email led me to a
by NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox, in which he admits the NRA supports a gun law,
a law that should never have been
passed because it wasn't the camel's nose in the tent, it was his tail. The
nose came in long ago. Now
the camel is crapping and spitting all over the
tent and we stand around ringing our hands over what to do about it and talk
about sandy lines when the solution is simple: shoot the camel.
That will seem hard for many 'gun rights activists' to do when the allegedly
biggest defender of the Second Amendment sits atop it.
The crux of this issue, which is really propaganda and has little to nothing
to do with why some of the Founders insisted on a Bill of Rights and Second
Amendment, is how dangerous are the dangerous and how do we determine that?
Of course the "Liberal"(commie) trash would like to put any and all
'reactionaries' on the list which would include the entire membership rolls
of any and all 'pro-gun' groups in the country no matter how loosely
defined. Soon after that they would add all who have ever bought a hunting
license because after all they have proven themselves capable of violence
just because they bought one.
Yes, that's how these sick evil creatures 'think.' Not realizing how far
they will take their evil is one of the major malfunctions of the 'Liberty'
movement that contains many activists who seem to truly believe if they
shower our domestic blood enemies with 'peace and love' and keep turning the
other cheek long enough they'll turn from their evil ways and sin no more.
The balance of the question is this: If we have a known violent felon in
prison, who's been convicted of a crime, who cannot be trusted to own a
'weapon' of any kind, why would any sane society consider letting such out
of prison?
And this: If a qualified mental 'professional,' who is 'unbiased' by
political beliefs, if that's possible, truly feels a patient is dangerous to
society, i.e. can't be trusted with a weapon, then do we want to wait till
their patient is turned down at a gun shop or gun show or by a friend or
relative how knows them well enough to know better?
And this: If friends and family members, who of course aren't
'professionals' and not always objective, and sometimes vindictive or even
malevolent or malicious, feel the subject can't be trusted with a weapon
where do they turn for help? Do most know?
Of course none of this has anything to do with our domestic blood enemies'
real ultimate goals, which the NRA and other 'gun groups' like to dance
around, the complete disarmament of the American public so we can't kill
them when enough finally figure out just how necessary it is and has been
for a long time.
We won't be able to do what will be required as well if we have to first
manufacture our weapons from scratch or steal them from government armories
or lift them off dead storm troopers and federal agents.
For the sake of those with still much indoctrination to overcome I'm not
disavowing political action. Some, or many differences have been and could
be made in this arena, which is why the NRA needs to climb down off the
camel, lead or push or drag it outside and put a bullet in its head so it
can get along with what should be its real and ultimate business: repealing
all gun laws everywhere and getting back to the 'un-infringed' part of the
Second Amendment. Tell
them so.
While they're at it they need to address the 'm' word so many are so
frightened of to the point of hysteria, the militia. We should as a matter
of course after lobbying our elected public servants through the week be
spending weekends training for what will be required when our blood domestic
enemies despair of their false pacifism and turn to the violence that is in
their, and our, nature to enforce their will upon us.
The Second Amendment, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is an
acknowledgement of our natural born rights, not a granting. The entire Bill
of Rights is about keeping the governments in their place as our servants,
not our masters. The Second Amendment is
about the common person's right to own weapons of war so that we can keep
the governments in their places by keeping the 'monopoly on force' in the hands of
the people where it belongs, as in 'We the People.' Remember that? It will
not be infringed any further and the 'gun laws' in existence will be
repealed. End of discussion.
In a free country Liberty of the whole is not surrendered because of the
actions of a few. In a free country there's no such thing as a group whose
motives cannot be questioned.
And don't miss the following entertainment...
Human society is insane of course because most humans are so. I write this
after nearly 20 years as a patriot activist who grows more disgusted by the
year over behavior that would
shame a chimpanzee.
Click here for my columns contents page.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should
not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while
evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms
to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their
duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their
future security." -
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America,
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776
(To the Founders, 'state' meant independent sovereign nation state,
that was voluntarily entering into the union and could theoretically
un-volunteer later.)
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It's time to bring back the old
saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.