Pray for slavery
Barry Bright
Jan. 20, 2009
Farah of World Net Daily seems to have stirred up a small hornet’s nest
by asking his readers to pray for the newly sworn in Marxist mutt to
fail in his attempts to finish turning our country into a police state.
I don’t always agree with Mr. Farah but this time he nailed it.
What’s surprised me is how many WND readers obviously don’t have the clue
their god gave a church mouse.
My complaint with the Marxist mutt is slightly different than
Farah’s though. I’ve long given up on sorting out all the various versions,
sub-versions and subversions of what ‘god’s will’ is supposed to be.
The Marxist mutt shows through his voting record his interest lies
in overthrowing human Liberty here and abroad and thus deserves a quick
treason trial and a short rope. It’s highly likely his reign will take us to
civil war.
For the sake of the stupid I didn’t vote for Dubya and wouldn’t. He
did enough damage to our nearly dead republic but at least some of his
administration had some respect for human Liberty. The Marxist mutt’s will
likely have none.
Both the past election year and the comments on Farah’s column
prove we don’t have much of a chance in the future. It’s horrifying the
number of sheeple in this country who are incapable of abstract thought and
yet are allowed to vote.
If someone believes Josef Stalin's murder of millions through
starvation, war and sentences to the gulags was ‘god’s will’ that someone is
a religious nut and probably historically ignorant to boot. End of story.
With or without religion most sheeple would go through their
existences with blinders on, stupidly grazing and breeding.
Some want to pray for the Marxist mutt’s salvation. That’s fine and
dandy. But if it’s god’s will we have a communist dictator I don’t expect to
see the creature go on network TV dressed in sackcloth and ashes crying for
forgiveness, unless it’s another act.
Whether born here or born in darkest Afrika(spelled with a ‘k’
because of all the commie governments there) the Marxist mutt isn’t an
American. He’s a secular Marxist and New World Order hack first, last and
always. Socialism isn’t
American. Democracy isn’t American.
It’s my understanding that Jefferson Davis said he hoped god would
be on the Confederacy’s side while the tyrant Lincoln claimed he wished to
be on god’s side. We know what the outcome of that contest was, the
destruction of the republic and the beginning of the empire. Who’s on first?
None are perfect, no not one. So all of us will miss our targets on
occasion but if there were enough of us with enough brains and backbones to
know we should be shooting we could take our country back and execute for
treason all those who so sorely deserve it.
These idiots can waste time quoting various scriptures to prove and
disprove various theories for another two thousand years but for my temporal
lifetime on this planet I choose Liberty and I’m willing to kill whatever
lowlife scum I must to maintain and restore it.
The rest can lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.
Below are some
examples of the
comments left on WND. Not all of them bad:
RE: We
Should Pray For God
Posted by UpNorth on Jan 19, 2009 09:20
I totally agree with you! This Nation needs a good cleansing... more
appropriately a good power washing! There is a saying that 'a person does
not know love until it is lost'. It is a great understanding of the heart as
an adult reflects back on earlier years, and honestly comes to grip with the
mistakes and foolishness that he/she embraced which contributed to the
demise of that relationship.
Just as in most separations and divorces, a SUCCESSFUL remarriage is a gift
that is truly cherished. Let us all pray that the remarriage of our Country
is a true and genuine lasting gift and that we don't simply fail as many
remarriages do, based on human natures refusal to do our very best the
second time around!
Let us all be humbled by our human errors.
Pray for us all. We need it!
(A good cleansing is
right. With any luck the ragheads are about to nuke several major cities.
That may be this country’s only salvation. – BB)
Don't obey evil laws, or evil
Posted by Linwood on Jan 19, 2009 10:22
Mayhew preached a sermon 25 years before the Revolutionary War which said we
have a moral obligation NOT to obey an immoral government. It was widely
read for years and years.
(Finally someone
with some historical sense of what is happening to us. – BB)
Posted by barneyboy on Jan 19, 2009 09:52
I believe we should pray for his personal failure,in a way that doesn't harm
the nation or our freedoms and constitution.
If he succeds with his liberal agenda,it will harm the nation as a whole and
the freedoms we currently enjoy, because it will move the nation ever closer
to a socialistic system, with too much power vested in the central
government. The liberals seem to want exactly what the founding fathers
moved here and fought against, in order to establish this country,
reestablished here. In my opinion their agenda is nothing short of
(Someone else with a
bit of a clue but without understanding of what it’s going to take to fix
this mess. – BB)
This one has to be second best:
RE: Who Read it?
Posted by leonard_oregon on Jan 19, 2009 09:37
My earlier message was submitted about
last night. So it is buried way down there. I think a bunch of people should
actually read Farah's article.
I see a bunch of stock answers, both from the religious and secular sides,
right out of their "education" and "training". Obviously, they did not read
Farah's article.
Consider the mass murderers and tyrants of history. I will bet a bunch of
Christians in Germany
said the same things about Hitler in the '30's. A bunch of religious people
here could have accepted his assent to power with complete resignation that
Hitler WAS the anti-Christ and pointless to fight.
Why did we have any business stomping Hitler into the mud if "God put him in
A long time ago, I heard it said in church "What business did our Founders
have in rebelling against the King of England?"
Now, between the Secular Humanists training the nation to be a bunch of
sheep, and religion training a bunch of people to be sheep, not surprisingly
we are a nation of sheep bleating out what's been planted in our heads.
"The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing
which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable
creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the
exertions of better men than himself." --John Stuart Mills
(Is this guy
kidding? A religious nut or a “Liberal” freak actually learn to think
abstractly and for themselves? He must be dreaming. – BB)
This one has to be the worst:
Pray for
God's Will to be done
Posted by Tinka82 on Jan 19, 2009 08:48
I'm taking the path of ignorance here. Before you laugh or scoff, hear me
out. Ignorance in that God has a plan for this nation, and He didn't ask my
opinion. (thankfully! :) Evidently somehow, Obama falls into this plan.
Whether it is going to be a failure of the
US in it's current status (which, BTW
isn't that great at following God's laws) and a restructuring, or whether
it's the end times are upon us. We Americans will end up shocked and
betrayed to learn the level of corruption, greed, and to what extent evil
runs our government. I firmly believe that there is far more of satan
involved with our current government than our beloved God. Power and money
corrupt, and congress has both. What's worse is congress really has no
accountability for what they do with the power and money. The blind masses
keep voting them back in.
Corruption is rampant from the city/county levels of government, our local
judicial officials, portions of the law's everywhere.
Obama is just one part of the system. It is my personal opinion that we
Christians need to first get strong on our Biblical and ethical stance, and
then demand these standards be upheld. Start from your local level where you
have the most control and influence, because believe it or not, that local
level has far more direct influence on you and your family's daily lives.
(Hey tinka, there’s
always been good old fashioned corruption. Always will be. If these are the
‘end times’ let god come, kill ‘em all and he can sort ‘em out. I personally
have no desire to be anyone’s slave, in this life or any other. – BB)
And then here’s one
that starts off well but then goes off the deep end:
Prayer won't
make any difference
Posted by Heath Angel on Jan 19, 2009 08:37
Not one tyrant in history was ever defeated because of prayer. You don't
have to go that far in history either. Many victims of the NAZI
concentration camps will tell you right to your face, 'God abandoned us'. It
was Man's brute force that saved us , Not God !
Praying for Obama to fail is LAME ! You might as well say that you want
America to suffer intentional harm
to prove your worthless point. In the mean time it's always innocent people
who get harmed, the meek, the defenseless. Praying for someone in power to
fail, will prove that you've all given up on humanity and are resorting to
witchcraft and pure stupidity to supposedly save yourselves. LAME !
If your that afraid of what's going on in the USA, then it's time that you
consider other options. Maybe God has room in his overcrowded dungeon for
you and your kind.
(Uh, huhhh. – BB)
Posted by GoGOP2012 on Jan 19, 2009 08:02
If Obama succeeds, our country will be a socialist mess with overwhelming
debt and less reliance on our Creator. If Obama fails, we will have a chance
to return to core values. If he is "chosen" by God, we can have no
opposition to the end times. If he is "allowed" by God, we have no
opposition to God's plans. If he changes his plans to reflect God's will,
the country wins. The worst thing that can happen for the nation is he
expands the federal government with the trillion dollar blank check instead
of infusing it into the economy so that the free market system can work.
(The problem is that
the Marxist mutt’s opposition, ‘conservatives, Libertarians and other
assorted ‘right wingers’ can’t agree on what their core values are while our
enemies have no such problems. They don’t need them, they just have to keep
passing laws until we have to get permission to breathe and pay a tax on it
and have someone inspect it to make sure we did it right. – BB)
This one has to be
the best:
Praying for
Posted by Mad Jack on Jan 19, 2009 06:58
Dear Mr. Farah,
I think you took the right note on this issue, it should be obvious to any
Christian that the coming agenda is not of God's will, but of man's, and God
does not tell us to cleave to evil leaders.
As you quote, Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to
God that which is God's", our allegiance must be to God, even if it is
through a righteous leader, and our prayers must be consistent with God's
You rightly state that we in fact "have no Caesar", but that's not quite
correct, we established this Nation on the notion that we all would be
Caesar, collectively, as sovereign citizens, so we are not just supplicants
of our government, but we are the actuaries as well.
Our greatest failure right now is in having allowed a usurping ideology take
over our schools and teach that government is the source of power and
authority, in keeping with most of history, which is the exact antithesis of
what our Nation was established as, and in doing so, we have failed to be
"Caesar" when we are called upon to be sovereign citizens, in our personal
responsibility of ensuring a righteous government, we have failed to do what
a "righteous before God "Caesar" would do, and because of this, we have a
usurper preparing to assume the role we have abdicated.
As sovereign citizens, our elected officials are nothing but public
servants, as are appointed and hired government operatives. As such, it is
our moral duty to keep them in check, and ensure they fulfill the standards
and demands of both the Constitution they have sworn an oath to follow to
the letter, and to fulfill the rightful demands of a sovereign people.
If we have called upon them to do that which is far beyond their authority,
can we blame them for accepting the abdicated authority? Having done so, to
an extreme, we must also, not only not pray in support of this usurper's
policies, but pray for guidance in returning ourselves to sovereignty, and
bear in mind the road back to righteousness is strewn with blood and pain
for those who left, and we must bear what ever there is, to return to this
point in order to be legitimate as a Nation before God again.
More than anything else, we must pray for The People of this Nation to once
again, re-assume their place in this world among the free, self-reliant,
self-sustaining People who are the fruit of God's work, and only thus can we
return to the Republic which we were established as. We must pray un-ceasingly
that The People take back their sense of personal responsibility as
Citizens, so that their sense of personal authority is properly offset by
its reverse, as it was meant to be.
"The People" are responsible for our current state as a Nation, by
forgetting that responsibility is ever the other side of the coin of
"authority", and getting the government to give anything requires it take
it, meaning we are responsible for the wrong acts of government, as well as
any chance good it might do, and must take that responsibility.
John McClain
Vanceboro, NC
(All the commenters
and many others should take special note of Mr. McClain’s letter, especially
the ‘blood and pain’ part, because it’s probably going to require lots of
both to take this country back. – BB)
staff for some reason didn't have the courage to post my
comments. But then I have had my doubts about them in the past. Now they
are confirmed. They are in denial as is most of the rest of the
'conservative' and Libertarian movement. Or they are too cowardly to take
the stand we so desperately need to take at this point in history. May their
chains rest lightly upon them.
No. I
can't really mean that. I sincerely hope they and the majority of mainstream
'christians,' most of whom are oblivious to what is being done to us all, suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice. They fully
deserve it.

It's time to bring
back the old saying: "Better dead than red."
Only we need to apply it to Amerika's reds.
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