The "Great Commonwealth of Kentucky" Ron Paul 2008
Zogby: Ron Paul Will Surprise You
We're all eccentric bordering on
bonkers(And how the hookers got to the press conference)
Ron Paul will win by a landslide
Ron Paul on Meet the Press part 1
Ron Paul on Meet the Press part 2
Ron Paul on Meet the Press part 3
Ron Paul on Meet the Press part 4
Ron Paul after Meet the Press, meeting
with supporters
Are the globalists out to get Ron Paul?
John Stossel Interviews Ron Paul - Part
1 (ABC News)
John Stossel Interviews Ron Paul - Part
2(ABC News)
John Stossel Interviews Ron Paul - Part
3 (ABC News)
John Stossel Interviews Ron Paul - Part
4 (ABC News)
Ron Paul Moves Up Six Points in Iowa
Commies argue over supporting Ron Paul(Read
this for the comments, particularly the one concerning what Tim Russert has
to lose, and don't miss the one for the 'hard corps democrats')
Now Ron Paul's a 'spoiler'(Funny how
someone with his intelligence and integrity can't be just another candidate
isn't it?)
Ron Paul: $20 million shows 'starvation' for his
Video: Ron Paul - Bring on the
Ron Paul on 'democracy'
Ron Beats Rudy? -
New Hampshire could surprise a lot of people.
Help keep the vote count honest in Iowa
Will vote fraud play a part in the
Ron Paul Reveres
Why the Counterculture Should Support
Ron Paul
In Defense of Ron Paul, Part Two: Why
Left-Libertarians Need Not Worry
Ron Paul Revolution - The Rebellion Of The Intelligent
Ron Paul indeed out-Foxed (for now)
Ron Paul not invited to Fox News forum
Ron Paul TV Special for Iowa - pt. 1
Ron Paul TV Special for Iowa - pt. 2
Iowa: The perfect outcome for Ron Paul
The Secret of Ron Paul's Success
Ron Paul kept off Larry King – perplexing?
Analysis Of The Iowa Caucus
Paul Finishes in Iowa Top Five, But No Room for Him on
the “Debate Bus”
ABC Cuts 3 From Presidential Debate - not Ron Paul
Ron Paul shocker: No more 'anchor babies' (How
can anyone in their right mind be against stopping 'anchor babies?')
Huckabee Described As 'Christian Socialist'
Ron Paul TV ad on immigration
Ron Paul dominated ABC debates
Exposure Of Fox Pollster Betrays Media Slant Against
Ron Paul
Old time communist rag begins attack on Ron Paul
Ron Paul - Vote Fraud Victim
Why Does The Establishment Hate Ron Paul?
Huckster takes heat for having CFR adviser
Huckster admits his affiliation with the CFR
McCain the "Animal House" Candidate
Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from
the horse's mouth
Ron Paul Beats Fred and Rudy in Michigan
Ron Paul, McCain tied for 2nd
in Nevada
Ron Paul wins Florida Republican Debate, McCain
stumbles on Economy
Gun Owners of America on John
How the Rockefellers created Hitlery
Ron Paul supporters say change, not
winning, is the point
Why does the US need more than 725
overseas bases?
Our economy's plunge protection team
Why Are Ron Paul's Supporters So Angry?
John McCain, the admiral's son, got
special treatment in 'Nam
John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate
Republican Party: Red from the start
Ron Paul biggest GOP
fundraiser last quarter
Ron Paul gets more military donations
than the republicrat candidates
How the newswhores ignore Ron Paul and
pick the candidates
McCommie to be 'swiftboated?'
From the Right, Both Acceptance and Distrust of McCain
Why Has Ron Paul All But
Suspended His Presidential Campaign?
Neo-Cons Admit Ron Paul Has
"Changed GOP Forever"
What's with all these clueless
Hitlery ordered the final massacre at
What the revolution should do now
Young black rapper with a clue
U.S. kingmakers triumph no matter who
Decline Hitlerycare? Suffer an
Republican Tea Party
ABC's John Stossel Interviews Ron Paul(seems
to be a different version of the same interview above, but on ABC's website)
Who is Barack Obamacommie?
Video: Hacking Democracy
Is the handwriting on the wall for
Is your preacher a member of
The "Black Regiment"
Che Guevara and the Obama Campaign
Obama’s Communist Mentor
Video: the Obamacommie cult and the NWO
A McCommie presidency would be far
worse than Obamacommie
Ron Paul's idiot neo-con opponent
Conservatives should be careful what
they wish for
Obamacommie supports the North
American Union agenda
Ron Paul on the Second Amendment battle
in DC
Will they chip your monkey?
Is Obamacommie the messiah?
Vote fraud and the GOP convention
Ron Paul's March 6 message to
Spokesman: Ron Paul will end presidential run
"Dangerous and
Exciting Times" - Ron Paul
Ron Paul on CNN - campaign not over
Ron Paul's Bowling Green Son Gives
Campaign Update
Ron Paul Channel on Free Media Networks
You are the homegrown terrorist threat
America and Rome : Compare
Is Obamacommie a marxist mole?(Mole or
no mole, he's a marxist)
Obamacommie's Church: Gospel of Hate
Are you smart enough to be 'bitter?'
Obamacommie's wife wants a piece of
your pie
Marxist billionaire says world economy
is screwed
Obama linked to gun control efforts
No messiah need apply
Which terrorists support which
Democratic presidential candidate?

Report: Obama mentored by Communist
Party figure
Why Progressives Won the Presidency –
They Had Better Slogans
Dear Barack Obama
McCommie wants to pay illegals'
hospital bills
McCommie willing to consider 'assault
weapons' ban
Spooks Promise Terror Attack
For New President
Talking head obviously knows
how evil Obamacommie is
Puppets of war - Hitlery,
Obamacommie, McCommie - 3 stooges
A brief for whitey - Pat
Buchanan questions Obamacommie
Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama
The Obama File(Obamacommie's marxist
upbringing, training and associations)
Jib Jab: Time for some campaignin'

These nutbars at the DNC in Denver must
have missed the broadcast when Dan Rather reported that communism is dead
Poll: Convention lifts McCain over Obama
Devvy Kidd reports on the RNC, protests
and Ron Paul event
Ron Paul turns down request to endorse
Sarah Palin's Answers: Very Troubling
Uniting the Third Party Movement
Idols and crowds
Win Causes Obsessive Supporters
Hilarious: Obamazombies wander the
streets after the election
The Marxist mutt revealed his
intentions with 1998 survey answers
And the Marxist mutt revealed its evil
again in 2003
Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor
- just another tool of the elites
Yep, the Marxist mutt is owned by the
Why emulate Abe Lincoln?
What all "Liberals" truly desire:
<<Selection in Document>>
Some artwork just
leaves you speechless.

Commie Che dead as
all commies("Liberals") should be.

Commie Che poster in
the Marxist mutt's Houston
campaign office.
Can our situation be any more clear?

And we got a commie

It can't be the
Marxist mutt.
It doesn't have a hammer and sickle on its chest.

Must see video on YouTube
Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

"A human group transforms itself
into a crowd when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to
reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than
to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to
prestige rather than to competence." -
Jean-Francois Revel
"The authoritarian sets up
some book, or man, or tradition to establish the truth. The freethinker sets
up reason and private judgment to discover the truth... It takes the highest
courage to utter unpopular truths." --
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) British author,
economist, philosopher Source: Freedom and Its Fundamentals
For more of my favorite
quotes go to my quotes page
You may not agree with Dr. Paul on every
point. I don’t. But we must get the federal monster under control or it will
devour us. History shows this again, and again and again…
Paul is the only candidate with the
courage and integrity to attempt and to begin what must be done.
politiks in amerika: the art of the manipulation of the

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